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Author Topic: New Member  (Read 1093 times)


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New Member
« on: November 15, 2017, 01:36:31 PM »


I am a new member here - I didn't know about this site until Occ Health told me about it.  Then realised that my mum (Cathy Pritchard) used to work beside Dr Heather Currie.     
I had my ovaries removed at the beginning of last year and have really struggled since then, back and forward to GP getting loads of blood tests etc.  I've now been off my work for the past 8 weeks with horrendous pains in my hands, wrists, elbow, knees, ankles and feet.  Started on HRT three weeks ago and not seeing a drastic difference yet...I am high risk for breast cancer so shouldn't be on it but was at the stage I would try anything. 
I also take omega oil, turmeric capsules and green lipped mussel capsules for inflammation and pain, and my joint inflammation has reduced slightly (still early days).
I've not really been diagnosed whether joint pain is down to menopause or not, so feel that everything is just trial and error.
Definitely feel that there is very little support for those having a surgical menopause  :'(


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Re: New Member
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2017, 09:18:56 PM »

Hi Anne, and welcome from me too.

Sorry to hear you are having such a hard time. Are any of the affected joints swollen? I wonder if you should be seeing a rheumatologist.

I had reactive arthritis a few years ago following a throat infection, and it involved all the joints you mention. Hands and knees especially would become swollen. A course of steroids eventually fixed things, but I had to have 3 months sick leave.

I'd had a hysterectomy and oophorectomy about 10 years before and took oestrogen for a few years, but this was eventually stopped because of the health scares surrounding it at the time, so I'd had no HRT for about 4 years. I now wonder if the lack of oestrogen contributed to this autoimmune response, but really don't know.

I do hope you get some relief from the joint pain soon, I remember so well what it was like!

JP x


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Re: New Member
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2017, 08:57:18 AM »

Hi AnneMartin

 :welcomemm: from me too.

You haven't said how old you are nor the HRT that you are taking - but as you have been plunged into surgical menopause your body will have experienced hormonal shock and I understand it can take a while to recover and stabilise. If you are under average menopausal age (51/52) then your body will benefit from replacing oestrogen at least until then and I presume you are being monitored re the breast cancer risk? Your testosterone levels will also have dropped so replacing this ( off-licence) should also be considered especially if you are also noticing loss of libido and fatigue/muscle weakness.

There are other women in your position (ovary removal or cessation of function but womb retained) on here - racjen is one so perhaps have a look at her posts?

Joint pain is a symptom of menopause but also other conditions too, so hopefully if so this will be diagnosed? In any case I do hope it eases soon.

Hurdity x


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Re: New Member
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2017, 01:58:01 PM »


Thanks to all for your helpful replies.
I was back at the doctors this morning and she is going to refer me to Rheumatology, as I don't really feel that I have been left with any sort of diagnosis or prognosis.
I am currently 48 but was 46 when I had my op.  I am currently on Evorel Conti twice weekly patches.  Definitely fee things dip on the 4 day patch stretch.
I've had a huge raft of blood tests and also seen a Haematologist but there's nothing really to see.  My white cells and platelets were low but they are back up now.  Iron level is fine, B12 was slightly raised but not majorly.  They haven't checked my vitamin D - didn't think it was necessary as apparently everyone's its more than likely to be low because I live in Scotland and never see sunshine ;D .  I've to start taking vitamins anyway.
Thanks again for the suggestions and welcome to the forum.
