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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Anyone Been for a Wellness Check?  (Read 2534 times)


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Anyone Been for a Wellness Check?
« on: December 08, 2017, 04:52:46 PM »

Hello ladies.

I was invited to a Wellness Check today at my GP's surgery. I saw one of the Practice Nurses and had a range of tests including blood work for glucose and cholesterol. They want to identify people at risk of heart disease, diabetes and stroke and the nurse said their motto was ' prevention is better than cure'.  The idea is to contact patients who are showing early signs of these conditions and advise them how to avoid developing the diseases. I hope it works and only time will tell but  given the ever increasing numbers of people suffering from these illnesses it would be deserving of the Nobel Prize for Medicine if this simple intervention actually succeeded!

BTW, according to the information collected today I am very well, pity I'm a flushing, panicking, hormonal wreck but there wasn't a form for that so I still need help lol!

Take care all.




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Re: Anyone Been for a Wellness Check?
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2017, 05:32:36 PM »

I'm afraid the people who should go for this check, won't go. They don't want to be told to loose weight, change their diet and take more exercise. One GP told me it's the ‘worried well' who attend these check ups!!! 
Now if this check actually addressed menopause symptoms and HRT was offered as a protection for bones, heart and urogenital atrophy, then this would save the nhs a fortune.
A friend if mine had this wellness check a few years ago and also had a routine mammogram around the same time and was told she was in remarkably good health for her age. She is slim and fit, highly intelligent and leads a very active life. 6 months later her nipple started to look odd and she had developed advanced stage breast cancer. Shortly after this, while awaiting her mastectomy, she tripped and fell, broke her sacrum and was then told she had advanced osteoporosis!!.
These wellness checks are not checking many of the things they should.
My friend is doing ok but if bone scans were routine she would be far better off - if picked up on much earlier, things would be better.
A menopause check at 50 or even 45 should be done.  DG x


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Re: Anyone Been for a Wellness Check?
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2017, 07:32:00 PM »

Hello again ladies.

I am also cynical about these 'innovations'. The first thing the nurse said to me was 'where did you hear about this service?' 

I would have preferred a well woman clinic where I had some influence and could discuss tests that were relevant.

 There is a huge problem with heart disease and diabetes in this country but for the drug companies the  profit  is in treatment, not in cure, which does make you question their motivation. Today's clinic would certainly be a good way for a statin manufacturer to gather data on future patients for example.

Take care all.



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Re: Anyone Been for a Wellness Check?
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2017, 08:05:53 PM »

It works!  as do cervical smear chests, pre-diabetic checks etc..  All free.  All part of on-going research.  Also, we have the opportunity in the UK whereas in parts of the World not even pain relief is available  :'(

Diabetes can be reversed with dietary care.  My friend in Oz has high levels in very hot weather with 95% humidity, during their winters her levels become normal.  Starting sooner rather than later with diet and exercise is important to reduce the risks of diabetes.  It's easy to 'put off until tomorrow'!

I wasn't going to take statins but my new GP was adamant: because the NHS know that they lessen the risks of stroke and because the NHS knows how lazy people across the UK are: and feeling ill, I started them.  Although clinically I have no risk of stroke.  Apart from intense shoulder pains occasionally I've had no problems.  I am due to go for another blood test but Life has got in the way.  I initially went due to tiredness and the blood test shows a low VitD level.

DH had his aorta scanned earlier this year.  Offered to men over 65.  As he has a family history of aerobic rupture it's best to know that his is fine. His cholesterol level is high, 7.5 as is mine: he's doing his by more exercise and a diet.  Different GP same Surgery  ::).

He's had his prostate felt .........  :o


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Re: Anyone Been for a Wellness Check?
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2017, 09:20:33 PM »

I've just had the 'over 55' Health Check - height, weight, BP, bloods and bowel scope  :o

Having had two friends diagnosed and treated for Stage 4 bowel cancer in the last year, I was keen to be part of this programme.
It was well organised and swiftly carried out

... now to persuade my husband  ::)


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Re: Anyone Been for a Wellness Check?
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2017, 10:37:44 AM »

 :o - that's a step too far .............

Did it hurt?


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Re: Anyone Been for a Wellness Check?
« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2017, 03:03:14 PM »

I sort of feel the same a Shadyglade, once you start one med they just want to prescribe everything- they treat old age as an illness imho.

However, saying all that  ;D I did attend a wellness clinic at the library about 3 years ago, I was slightly over the ideal BMI so i have worked on it & i am in the right range now 3 yrs later, my cholesterol was good then, my bp was slightly high (pre- blood pressure) and i have worked on that by reducing salt intake and eating beetroot (i was eating a small amount of dark chocolate each day to reduce bp, but have had to stop as i'm getting indigestion  ::) ) My bp is a little lower now, still not perfect but better. My waist has gone from 90cm to 89cm - yay result  ;D. I try to be sensible, i take advice but i'm not happy about being told 'you have xyz, so take this pill' approach.

I recently got a letter from my gp surgery inviting me for a 5 yearly check, but as it's only 3 years since i had my check then i'm not going to rush (last one was done at the library as a walk-in thing and i prefer that idea, rather than going to the gp's for it- i always feel ill when i go there lol & frankly i want some control so prefer the non-medical setting where i can think about how i want to deal with any issues, and not be badgered into taking drugs without having time to think ...& of course surgeries get extra payment for signing up patients).


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Re: Anyone Been for a Wellness Check?
« Reply #7 on: December 09, 2017, 04:25:23 PM »

I didn't bother - it is no different to the pill review checks I had for years other than a finger **** cholesterol test, and I had just had the full one done so rather pointless.  Just measuring your sex, ethnicity weight and height is no use to me either coz I know what they are and asking me if I smoke, yet again, is irritating (never smoked, not going to start  >:( )


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Re: Anyone Been for a Wellness Check?
« Reply #8 on: December 09, 2017, 11:00:11 PM »

:o - that's a step too far .............

Did it hurt?

I was surprised that it was carried out with no sedation.
 In people with no problems it shouldn't hurt as the bowel is mobile and adjusts to the scope as it moves along. However, as I have adhesions the likelihood was there would come a time when my bowel didn't adjust to the scope and when that happened it was painful. The scope was quickly removed at this point.
I'm all for the screening programme though and would do it again but I think the next 'over 60' health check involves sending off poop samples rather than having a scope.  ???


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Re: Anyone Been for a Wellness Check?
« Reply #9 on: December 10, 2017, 10:34:30 AM »

That's the easy one  ;D - done in one's home, no one watching ...... into the post and away.   ::).

I would baulk at having a sigmoidoscope up my rear end  :o - I've held the hands of patients having it done ..........  :-X