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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Heavy periods  (Read 4453 times)


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Heavy periods
« on: November 09, 2017, 04:31:20 PM »


Can someone please tell me that more clots and flow each period are ok ?
I have had so many this afternoon clots and maybe it's not a lot to other ladies but for me it's more than I have had before and the flow is dripping now. ( sorry for detail).

It's making me really anxious and my heart is racing and I'm feeling like my body won't cope.
If anyone has had this and coped please let me know.

If anyone has read my new member post from Tuesday it explains my issue of my periods and my iron and the anxiety , I don't know like now for instance if my heart is banging because I feel like I lost a lot in one go, or if  it's my anxiety as soon as I get that whooshing feeling and have to get to the bathroom
ASAP that I'm without knowing making myself anxious the link is so strong thAts where I get so anxious.

Any response would be appreciated at the moment.



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Re: Heavy periods
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2017, 05:08:15 PM »

Heavy periods with clots are quite common in the peri meno stage. The hysteoscopy will diagnose what is going on and hopefully this bleeding will be controlled with a Mirena. Try not to worry. DG x


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Re: Heavy periods
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2017, 05:29:06 PM »

Thank you DG x


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Re: Heavy periods
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2017, 12:12:30 AM »

Although passing clots feels horrible they are a sign that your clotting mechanism is working well. Heavy bleeding can often be due to fibroids. Have you been told if you have any?

Taz x


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Re: Heavy periods
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2017, 08:30:35 AM »

I did have heavy bleeding and clotting, and I did cope -the flow and clots disgusted me - I HATED it and the mess and self-loathing made me tearful every time - but physically, my body coped with it.

I suffered flooding (I soaked a super-plus tampon and night-time size towel in less than two hours) and clotting for several years and thought it was something I just had to put up with 'at my age'.  Then, after two episodes of the heavy flow lasting 10 days, both of which might have gone on longer had my GP not given me norethisterone to stop it, I was referred to a gynaecologist.  Unsurprisingly, ultrasound and hysteroscopy diagnosed fibroids - still I thought it was just something to live with.  But my lovely gynae told me otherwise and fitted a Mirena coil 2 years ago .... I bled on and off for 2 months after having it fitted and wondered if I'd made a mistake - then the bleeding stopped and I've not had a bleed at all in over a year!  It's wonderful - after years of never leaving the house without at least 4 tampons and 6 pads in my bag 'just in case', I now carry just a couple of liners for my own peace-of-mind.

Please talk to your GP and get a gynae referral - keep a note of how many items of sanitary protection you need a day, how often you have to alter your plans due to your bleed, how long the bleed lasts, etc.  Make sure the GP knows how this is affecting you - you really don't have to live with it.


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Re: Heavy periods
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2017, 12:12:19 PM »

Hello Taz,

Yes I have had 2 ultrasounds this year internal and external and yes I have multiple fibroids 2 that are quite big. Yet I read on one site that it's only a certain type of fibroids that make the bleeding worse, then I read something that contradicts that.🙄. So as they have got much heavier maybe it is that Taz. Thank you for responding.

Ginger x

Hello Scampi,

I am booked in next week for hysterscopy, I have cancelled it twice and as I have written since December last year have been having anxiety that makes me scared and worried of everything, I even couldn't go through with just an MRI as I couldn't keep still my body was just uncontrollably shaking!

I will try and have it done and my Gynocologist wants to fit the Mirena I was trying to not have anything at all as I don't do well with medicines but I don't think I can take any more of these heavy periods.

I'm glad it has worked for you, I was apprehensive as I read it can make the bleeding worse for up to 6 months and in my head I was thinking that will be me and it's aleady hard enough. I am wiped out today already and yesterday I have never had a period like it, it's changed again so many clots and then dripping on and off.
So writing this reply to you now, I know what I have to do and that's get brave and go next Wednesday he said he will knock me out, that's scares me also but I don't think I will cope with just a local.

My GP just shakes her head as she is now frustrated with me not wanting to go through any procedures now, it's not her fault I'm sure I would be the same. Has given me diazepam to take the night before and morning off next week, I have never taken drugs like that so I'm reluctant to pop one of those also but as I say this anxiety is now having a detrimental affect on my health so I need to get a grip.

Thank you for reply.




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Re: Heavy periods
« Reply #6 on: November 10, 2017, 12:29:39 PM »

Do go and I'm sure you will get some peace of mind. Take the diazepam it will help immensely,that's why your gp gave it to you  ;)
Do keep us posted how you get on. Wishing you well.


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Re: Heavy periods
« Reply #7 on: November 10, 2017, 01:52:30 PM »

Take the diazepam, and accept the sedation if that's what you need to get through (I only had a local, but I was very lucky to not be very nervous about the procedure).  The staff will look after you - you won't be the first extremely anxious/nervous patient they have seen.  Is there someone you can take with you (not into the treatment room, obviously) - someone to wait with you and to be there for you afterwards.  My husband took me for mine (as I was told not to drive home afterwards, even without sedation), but he's not good at emotional stuff ... when I had to go to the breast clinic for a lump checking out my best friend came with me - she knows just when and how to make me laugh and was just what I needed at a time when I WAS anxious.

DON'T read about the Mirena on the internet!  It wouldn't be the go-to for heavy periods that it is if it didn't work for the majority of women.  The trouble with the internet is most people who bother to write about their experiences of anything are those who want to moan - for those for whom something works, they often just forget about it and get on with living (I forget it's there until someone mentions Mirena, then the lightbulb goes on and I think - oh yes, I've got one of those!).  So, the 'answers' you get if you Google just about any treatment will be weighted towards the negative - it's human nature. 


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Re: Heavy periods
« Reply #8 on: November 10, 2017, 01:56:48 PM »

What a great post scampi  :clapping: -

Ginger - scampi is absolutely right, so keep reading her post as it's full of common sense. Think how relieved you'll be when it's all done.

Let us know how you get on.  DG x


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Re: Heavy periods
« Reply #9 on: November 10, 2017, 05:59:33 PM »

I agree with the others Ginger - take the diazepam and go for the hysteroscopy.

I think that the heavy bleeding is to do with your fibroids especially as you have multiple ones, including two large ones. The info on the NHS site might be helpful - although you've probably looked at it already

I can't remember how old you are? The good news is that fibroids usually shrink after menopause although HRT can cause them to keep growing. It can be very confusing!

Taz x


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Re: Heavy periods
« Reply #10 on: November 11, 2017, 12:18:20 PM »

Hello Taz,

I'm 50, yes I had heard about them shrinking after periods stop for good.
Regarding the HRT and other medication that's prescribed for heavy periods, I am not sure if you saw my first post but can't take some medications as I have a strong family link of strokes and migraines, both Grandmothers and my Father, my Mom passed at 52 not from a stroke.

I could take them but it's a risk I guess, I'm alone at the moment so all of this feels a lot harder anyhow. It's my choice to be alone as I got to a point where I couldn't make a diary and I kept letting my ex down with not be able to go out etc, I went from a very strong individual when we met, to within 4 years a completely different person and I guess it was hard to cope with me. Plus when the anxiety kicked in last year it made things even worse, so as I find myself hard to understand now, I feel it's better that I stay on my own for now. Someone said about taking someone with me to the hospital but I don't have my close friends near.

I am hoping to move back to where I came from and there will be a lot more support for me that way, it's just getting the strength up to do it all. I'm weak from the anemia.

Scampi wrote good advise to me and I know you are all correct that would be the best way forward but my anxious head it's very difficult to control. I need to just swallow that diazepam and see if it helps and take it all from there.

Both my parents didn't do well with doctors and hospitals and I think maybe subconsciously it's rubbed off on me and the last 12 months with actually having to go and have tests etc I can see each visit I have got worse!!🙄

I shall do my best and let you know if I make it on Wednesday.

Thank you for the link I think I have seen that one but shall go take a look now.

Ginger x


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Re: Heavy periods
« Reply #11 on: November 25, 2017, 08:13:08 PM »

How did it go Ginger ? Did you get to your appointment?


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Re: Heavy periods
« Reply #12 on: December 04, 2017, 12:03:02 PM »

Hi Charys,

Sorry for late reply, have not been on the site for a number of days.

I'm afraid to say I cancelled the procedure. I know it's pathetic and I am only affecting myself in all this anxiety. I have had contact with the consultant and he wants me to rebook. I did see him on the Friday before and I had an internal ultrasound so I know from that the biopsy for sure needs to be done.

My GP says I may need a bit of help trying to conquer all this anxiety, and is thinking of a plan of action and then will let me know.

Thank you for thinking of me, much appreciated .



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Re: Heavy periods
« Reply #13 on: December 04, 2017, 06:33:36 PM »

Hi Ginger

You sound a lot like me although I felt completely phobic about going into hospital for tests and really worked myself into a nervous breakdown last year being unable to cope with the fear.

I had increasingly heavy bleeding that went on every day for six months before I went to my (horrified) doctor.  I knew she would refer me and had just hoped the bleeding would stop but it didn't.

I postponed my urgent referral and the hospital was very understanding after I phoned (in tears) explaining my deep rooted fear.  I saw a hynotherapist ( it do didnt work well due to my anxiety about it) but the therapist talked a lot of sense and empowered me in a way saying I had control over what happened - even though I knew I still needed to get checked out. I also started seeing a psychologist but unravelling 45 years of fearful thoughts around medical issues was never going to be easy to fix quickly.

In the end I took the diazepam to get through the hospital doors and into the clinic.  I had tried a small doze (2mg) a few days before and it seemed to do nothing for me.  So with my doctors approval, the night before my appointment I took 5mg then another 5mg at 4am then another 5mg an hour or so before my morning appt.  this may be too much for you or anyone else so please check with your own doctor.  I got through the examination and biopsy in a way I couldn't have imagined without the sedative.  By the way I had no side effects to the diazepam except for having a fantastic sleep once I got home.  I didn't feel drunk - I just didn't care so much about anything but certainly didn't feel like a zombie.

It turned out for me that there was nothing structurally wrong, no sign of fibroids or anything else that explained my abnormal bleeding.  Stress and hormone chaos is the likely culprit.  My doctors don't seem to believe in HRT as I'm still bleeding and I'm not sure adding it into the mix would make life any easier.  I do take an antidepressant now and am coping a lot better with life in general.   Please take heart and believe you can deal with whatever you need to, maybe with a little help.   I thought a lot about courage and fear during some very dark days and I like this quote the best:

"Courage is not the absence of fear but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear."

Sending you hugs and healing vibes.

S xxx


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Re: Heavy periods
« Reply #14 on: December 07, 2017, 12:19:55 AM »

Sorry to hear what you are going through Ginger I had the same thing for years before having my hysterectomy. I had fibroids and cysts so lots of heavy bleeding too. I like the more natural approach so I tried tincture of Shepherds Purse few drops in a small glass of water stops heavy bleeding within an hour. You might want to check out the reviews on Amazon (you can buy it there) its a true blessing and a very safe gentle herb used by midwives to stop post partum bleeding. If I had not had this in the medicine cabinet I'm not sure I could have got through that time. Good Luck and hope you can get it sorted.
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