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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Hello to all you Ladies, new member.  (Read 1811 times)


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Hello to all you Ladies, new member.
« on: November 07, 2017, 03:12:47 PM »

I have been reading posts for a few months to try and reassure myself, but my problems have got more difficult to control so thought I would find the courage to share my journey. 
I think I have been peri menopausal for at least 2 years but in December last year things started to change, firstly with what now looking back was an anxiety attack whilst driving , out of nowhere I satarted to get this  feeling in my chest followed by a rapid heart rate. I managed to pull over and got my self together after a few minutes and made it home. I got checked out ECG etc all ok.
I tried to carry on but every time I got in the car I had one, after 3 more try's I gave up all over Christmas and just stayed at home, didn't get to see my family. I was annoyed at myself as I felt like I was giving in to the anxiety but I was to fearful to drive and leave my home I guess.

Then in January this year a few weeks after the anxiety attack my periods changed, got so heavy, so many clots and although I was always classed as having heavy periods I could cope and it didn't stop me going out. Well the one in January has changed all that. I have to stay near the bathroom and the first 2 days are awful, so heavy. I get so nauseous, weak and light headed. Once it slows down and stops it then takes me about a week to where I can walk around the block. I am on iron tablets now  and my ferritin and HB have gone up,it drops on a monthly basic, to be honest I have only managed 1  tablet  per day, but after my last period and speaking to my GP yesterday I'm going to double up.

I was given transexamic acid to try but after 2 days I had a headache like I had not had before and because of family history of strokes and myself at times since my early30's have had migraines and sometimes with Aura, my GP said don't take.
My GP has said a while back for the Mirena Coil, but through my adult life I have not needed contraception medication and also have fibroids so I'm reluctant to try.

I have had some scans this year a cyst was founding March but seems to have disappeared again,
Multiple fibroids 2 quite big.  My Gynocologist has tried twice to get me in got an endoscopy this year but I have such bad anxiety I have cancelled it. Blood tests this year I have a raised CA125
and recently HD4 Roma, one part was ok but risk pre menopausal and post menopausal came back high risk.  If anyone understands that test please explain as my GP asked me to ask my Gynocologist as that blood test I had to pay for, but my Gynocologist was not good at explaining that test to me, just said I need an Endoscopy!
I'm alone where I am living I moved here to be with my partner and we spilt up early this year and I don't have the strength at the moment to move back to where my family and old friends live
My Mom passed at 52 and I was 19 from we think it was Ovarian cancer, like me Mom did not like doctors etc and when they found the tumours it was too late.  So here is me 30 years later writing this never thinking my life would go this way and I would allow myself to be so scared off medical procedures.
I think I have now become fearful of my periods, did any of you ladies have bad periods and how many years did you manage to cope ? Did any of you get to the end of your periods the natural way.?

Also got told in May that I am no where near menopause as my hormones are all normal, yet I feel dreadful for at leasay 3 weeks of the month, brain fog, periods of being off balance, palpitations, a few night swats sporadically. So I'm thinking I am peri menopausal, anyone agree with me?

Sorry for the length of this post, it must be like reading "War and Peace "!!
I think I have reached a point where I have to maybe realise that I need a kind ear, or eyes as such.


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Re: Hello to all you Ladies, new member.
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2017, 04:03:17 PM »

Just to clarify its an Hysteroscopy, that's been suggested, not endoscopy as I wrote above,!!


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Re: Hello to all you Ladies, new member.
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2017, 08:56:55 AM »

Hi and welcome ginger2004

You poor thing - you are struggling right now.
So many if your symptoms are very typical for the peri meno.
Your anxiety is getting in the way of finding a good way forward. Read up all the factual stuff on this site to get really clued up. Write down all your symptoms and questions so you are clear in your mind what it is you want - this really helps when seeing any doctor.
You need to have the  hysteroscopy done to diagnose what's going on and it probably would be a good idea to have a Mirena fitted as this will keep the womb lining thin, this will reduce bleeding and will help prevent fibroids and even shrink existing fibroids. It's awful that doctors don't explain things properly to their patients. Once the Mirena is in place, you will then only need some oestegen as pills, patch or gel alongside to control other menopause symptoms.
Blood tests for hormone levels (which will fluctuate in peri meno) and even FSH (if this is high it indicates menopause) are not always reliable so peri menopause should be diagnosed mostly from symptoms and your GP should know this. Are you over 45?  If so, it is highly likely that you are entering the peri meno stage.
If I were you, I'd see your GP again but this time write everthing down. Tell them you have done some research on this site ( this site is linked to the NHS Choices website, so is approved). You believe that you are showing typical peri menopause symptoms so you want advice about this. As anxiety is getting in the way of you having the hysteroscopy -perhaps an appointment at the hospital clinic doing the procedure to reassure about what will be done will reduce your anxiety - maybe you should have a general anaesthetic? If need be, some sort term medication which could help you through all this.
For many women, once they visit this site and get clued up on what the menopause is all about and the treatment available  this then empowers them to get the help they need. You've taken the first positive step by posting on the forum. We are here to support you.
It is very common to get problematic bleeding and erratic periods in the peri meno  stage so have the hysterectomy done and ask for the help you need. DG x


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Re: Hello to all you Ladies, new member.
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2017, 09:42:00 AM »

Hello Ginger 2004 and welcome to the forum.

I agree with the other ladies, all your symptoms seem typical for peri menopause and you will find lots of kindred spirits here!
Your comment about periods resonated with me as I had very heavy and regular periods throughout my  menopause  and was found to have one small fibroid that disappeared. I was given medication to reduce the flow that never really worked however my periods did stop suddenly never to return,  so the same may happen to you.

I'm sure more ladies will be along to reassure you that you are perfectly normal and certainly not alone!

Take care.



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Re: Hello to all you Ladies, new member.
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2017, 11:44:25 AM »

Dear Sparkle,
Thank you for the reply, I am 50 now, was 47 when I started to feel different, but at that point it was not that my periods were an awful lot different it was issue with my balance and aches at certain times of the month, then I satarted to get these sporadic feelings like I was on a North Sea ferry in rough seas, it didn't last long seconds really, or I could be washing up looking out of my window and it felt like the floor would drop! It was odd but looking back I think that's when I was getting fluctuations in my hormones, at times I felt/feel like I have to waddle like a duck to keep my balance ( not a good look when out in public), that's when I started to retreat to my home.  It's not all month long either which makes me even more sure it is hormones.  The issue that's changed me is the heaviness of my period and if this is normal as such, it scares me now, as I say I was anemic for years but now on iron and HB in moral range now (although on low side), my ferritin and all the storage parts of my iron all still below range, hence I doubled up on the ferrous gluconate yesterday.

I guess heavy periods range for each person but so far for me it's the worst part of this.

Dancing girl, thank you reading your reply Broughto tear Tommy eye, soppy I know but when you go through things alone even a stranger being kind to you can make you feel like someone cares, or that you are not alone as such.

My period came this morning so as long as by this time next week it's nearly over and I have some strength back, (they liberally make me feel,old I am running on empty, I shall go for the procedure, it's booked for next Wednesday.  Thank you for the information on the Mirena asi was confused about that as I thought they are the fibroids larger. I am 50 now.

Thank you for the reply.  When you say about the medication you were given for the flow, did you basically take nothing then until they just stopped and coped with the heavy periods naturally ?

Than you ladies for your responses.


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Re: Hello to all you Ladies, new member.
« Reply #5 on: November 08, 2017, 11:52:33 AM »

Ok so I just read what I wrote as I didn't check before I sent!

Big mistake the line was meant to say"brought a tear to my eye"
How I typed it as Brought to tear Tommy eye! I have no idea but it did make me laugh.

I shall check grammar in future before I post.


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Re: Hello to all you Ladies, new member.
« Reply #6 on: November 08, 2017, 01:35:45 PM »



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Re: Hello to all you Ladies, new member.
« Reply #7 on: November 08, 2017, 02:25:54 PM »

Hello again Ginger2004.

In answer to your question my heavy periods made me anaemic and I was prescribed iron tablets and Norethisterone to reduce the flow. When this didn't work I gave up and managed naturally until my periods just stopped.  I am 61 now and all that happened seven years ago. I managed the menopause for three years without help  but when the symptoms showed no sign of easing I went to my doctor and have been on HRT for four years now.

Hope this helps and wishing you well.



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Re: Hello to all you Ladies, new member.
« Reply #8 on: November 08, 2017, 03:52:47 PM »

Hello Kathleen,

Thank you again for reply, last question today for you please if you don't mind answering when you get time. They prescribed me that drug at the hospital the Norethisterone, but I sat in the consulting room and told the doctor that I had family history of strokes etc, but she  didn't seem to be bothered. I spoke to my GP when I got home and my GP said no you can't take that! I think after the headaches I got when I tried the Tranexamic acid.
So my question did you get anxious and weak physically on the days of heavy bleeding? ( if any other ladies can answer this question please do so), as the worse my periods get I'm finding that I'm starting to panic on the worst days and I'm sure that exacerbates my systems. I know that my Ferritin etc is still low and although my HB is in normal range it still drops after heavy period.
2 months ago it was 13.1 had 2 period since and bloods tested last week and HB is now 12.4. I'm not an expert at all but now on day 1 again and waiting in such anticipation for the next 48 hours, I know that obviously the loss of blood makes me weak on my feet but I just hope my body can cope until my periods stop. I know that if i can get to next week and have the Mirena fitted it may help, but as I wrote I have all the will in the world and then twice this year I have cancelled the appointment!

I wish I could wave a wand and make this fear go away of my periods and that the anxiety I now have to cope with also would disappear as quickly as it came, but that's not reality.

I guess I'm seeking reassurance that it's ok to bleed heavy and feel weak and not to panic as I do.😳



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Re: Hello to all you Ladies, new member.
« Reply #9 on: November 08, 2017, 05:12:36 PM »

Hi ginger
Try not to over think everything - its something we meno ladies tend to do too much :o
If you can just relax over this next week, get the hysterectomy done and have the Mirena fitted, this may well help things. So much of what you are experiencing could be down to a range of issues but you do need to get the heavy bleeding under control first. You will get some bleeding after the Mirena is fitted and this may take some weeks to settle but this will be the progesterone in the Mirena shedding and protecting your womb.
Can you do some Mindful Meditation? I find this really helpful when I'm tired and anxious. Concentrate in eating small amounts often and if you can get out for some brisk walks in the fresh air to get your circulation going, that should help the dizziness. Sometimes attention to posture, the right exercise and some small changes with diet can really help.
Keep us posted. DG x


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Re: Hello to all you Ladies, new member.
« Reply #10 on: November 08, 2017, 05:51:30 PM »

Hello DG

It's a hysterscopy next week,
I have tried mindfulness but in all honesty at moment I just can't concentrate or switch off for very long.

I wish I could walk a lot more, but in all honesty I'm only getting about 10 days per month at the moment where I even have the energy to go out.

My periods drain me and then when they stop it seems to take longer each month where I feel I'm not weak and unsteady if that makes sense.

You are right in what you wrote as I totally get the circulation issue, I'm sedentary now for way too many days of the month and even just standing up at times I feel so light headed. I know that if I could I would walk myself out of all this. I miss the miles I have walked most of my adult life until the last couple of years and so sure it has not helped me.

If any other ladies have suffered or are having heavy periods please tell me how it affected you, as in did it make you unsteady, weak, could you still work?

I have fears now of my periods so bad where they are so much worse the last 5 months the first 2 days, I get so many clots and the flow is more than it use to be, sometimes when I stand up I get a whoosh feeling and then my heart starts to race, then I feel light headed and I start to shake and I guess I want to know if anyone else gets this, or if my symptoms come on as it's panic/anxiety. ??

DG I shall also try regarding my posture, I'm sure I slouch more now and shall take that comment and try to work on that especially on my good days when I can go for a walk.

Thank you.

Ginger. 🤞
