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Author Topic: More confusion! help!  (Read 1336 times)


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More confusion! help!
« on: October 31, 2017, 05:24:40 PM »

Hello again,
I apologise this is long.  I am on what seems a never ending frustrating journey!  Still sniffling and sobbing whilst typing. 
Since my last post I was referred to a surgical gynaecologist who did another round of blood tests to check cyst/hormones.  He advised that he would not be doing a hysterectomy due to previous complicated surgery.  So back to Mr Mander who decided my ovaries needed switching off for 6 months as he didn't think I was peri and that I have premenstrual dysphoric disorder! He wrote to my GP to get the injections.
Out of frustration I went to see the GP (very young lovely, understanding and wants to help) she agreed that the injections were not a good idea as you can't stay on them for long and they have truly awful side effects.  She then referred me to an endocrinologist on NHS.  My job is under threat and the company is going through lots of redundancies so the private route is no longer an option. 
Again I have had the blood tests and been today to see him (using yet another half day holiday  >:().  This has resulted in him advising that I am definitely Peri (I Know…I have the symptoms arghh!) and has given me a note for my GP to prescribe 12 days of 200mg of utrogestan to be taken orally (was horrified when I tried to discuss the other route) with no oestrogen.  The thought of having this for two weeks each month without oestrogen fills me with horror and dread at the side effects (I am progesterone sensitive) he didn't want to discuss it as he had made his mind up.  I am utterly confused.  He says he wants to see if this sorts out my cycle before we discuss any oestrogen.   

I have to start looking for a new job now with all this going on…I just don't think I can cope any longer hence the crying.  I will take the dog for a walk to sort my mind out before collecting my son from school ready for trick or treating, I won't need a costume the way my face looks at the moment!! 
As ever I need your wonderful words of wisdom please.
Dolly x


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Re: More confusion! help!
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2017, 05:59:21 PM »

Poor you :-\.  I suppose you have to try the Utrogestan for 12 days so you can at least say you tried.  Have you used Utrogestan before - maybe it will be OK??!!
You could use them vaginally which might cause fewer problems?
Getting appropriate treatment is a nightmare, however, it is about trial and error.
Good luck. Dg x


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Re: More confusion! help!
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2017, 08:16:55 PM »

Hi Dancingirl

Thanks for the reply. I haven't used it yet and was willing to try as part of hrt option but wanted to use it vaginally but when I mentioned this he said I MUST use it orally.  I don't want to take pill forms as I do suffer with tummy and IBS symptoms due to previous surgery. I have been scanned due to dermoid cyst but told it's small/stable and a tiny polip again they are not worried about.  I am 48 single parent with very irregular periods and awful peri symptoms.  It's also the issue of not having the oestrogen part though too....I just don't understand that hence the confusion. 

I know they are the doctors/consultants and they are trained etc but I should have a say in what treatment I get. It's just the usual very rushed 15 minute appointments mainly taken up with them typing in their computers with no time for discussion.  We are told by them to do our own research but when you do and find options that appeal to you you can't get any support.  I printed a few sheets of info from here and other sites and highlighted a few points and he just wafted it away.
Dolly x


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Re: More confusion! help!
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2017, 08:39:14 AM »

Hi Dolly


Are your bleeds when they come very heavy and how many are you missing? Maybe you've been offered the progesterone because of heavy bleeding? I can understand that adding progesterone will help give you a regular cycle if your periods are very sporadic but if you've started missing quite a few then your oestrogen levels on average may have started to fall, and specifically you will be getting quite large fluctuations and a low dose oestrogen can help with that.

Yes you should get a say in your treatment. As Dancingirl says why not try the utrogestan for a month or two and if you don't feel better then ask for a low dose patch for example, to go with it?

Hurdity x