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Author Topic: Newbie!  (Read 1424 times)


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« on: October 23, 2017, 09:39:26 AM »

Hello. Just wanted to introduce myself as new to the forum. Really hoping to find some suggestions to help with sleep that is so badly interrupted by hot flushes - they aren't much of a problem during the day. I'm keen to try something herbal but don't know what to try first (I've other health problems so don't want to go down the HRT route if I can help it). Hoping for some suggestions....


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Re: Newbie!
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2017, 01:38:34 PM »

Welcome. Do read the threads in the alternative room.  However, ladies often find that herbals etc. lose benefit once menopause kicks in  ::).


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Re: Newbie!
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2017, 04:58:31 PM »

Hi islaysmiler


Do tell us whereabouts in menopause you are (in terms of cycle - how often periods are and how long) as well as how old you are - and we can advise you better. Sorry to hear about your health problems. I don't want to pry but there are very few actual contra-indications to HRT and often some myths too! As CLKD says women who initially try herbal preparations (as I did - Black Cohosh and phyto-oestrogen cake  ::) ) find they don't really work once periods become few and far between and especially in mid-late peri-menopause. The only thing that really works is HRT. If you are in the very early stages and haven't really missed any periods then maybe give something like this a try.

However the best "alternative" treatments - although not really so - are lifestyle changes ie losing weight (if necessary), taking more exercise, more fresh air, reducing stress, changing to healthier diet if necessary, no smoking and reducing alcohol - all to get you ready for this next stage and the rest of your life so that you are as healthy as you can be and better placed to cope with the demands and stresses being thrown at you.

In terms of sleep - if it is hot flushes that are preventing you sleeping then if you can possibly take HRT I would strongly consider it if you are able to. If you are unable to take it there are some prescribed alternatives which will probably work better than the herbals - but lifestyle changes are good whatever you decide ( apologies if you are already doing everything I've listed!).

Hurdity x


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Re: Newbie!
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2017, 07:59:56 AM »

Hello Hurdity thanks for your reply,
I'm 54 and not having periods at the mo (fingers Xd) - I had 10 months without last year then 2 further ones and now 8 months and counting since. I'd thought I was getting away pretty lightly with all things menopausal, just a few mild flushes, then suddenly the hot flushes got really bad at night in the last month or so. I have cfs/me which gives lots of peculiar symptoms some of which are very similar to things I've seen posting on here, so difficult to know in my case which they are due to. In fact cfs has always adversely affected my sleep and it can affect temperature control too but this feels very different to anything I've had before. I will certainly discuss HRT with my GP if I don't find anything herbalish to try but generally with the cfs I try and avoid medication as much as possibly because it often 'muddies the water'  :-\
I'm doing most of the lifestyle things already so ought to be bloomin' healthy  ;D but feel absolutely rubbish!
Any advice greatfully received!


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Re: Newbie!
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2017, 01:50:18 PM »

How long have you had cfs/ME? The thing about these conditions is that they are a syndrome of symptoms which may have multiple causes - some unkown but others post-viral, low thyroid function, low oestrogen low testosterone - but most doctors do not recognise this eg my doc wanted to test me for fibromyalgia due to muscle aches and pains and I asked about testosterone. She poo-pooed this but I did go privately and now take it (T) and my problems were alleviated. Some docs refuse to give these diagnoses (CFS etc) and rather, investigate and treat with other hormones as above. There have been women on here who have been told they have CFS but then have been given hormones and the CFS has disappeared.

Therefore your idea of not taking anything because you want to avoid medication - may actually be the opposite thing that you need to do ie taking some sort of hormones, may well cure your symptoms - depending on the cause.

Firstly have you had thyroid testing - the whole lot - and have you seen your results? I am not a thyroid expert but I know some of the tests that are carried out may not give the whole picture. Also if you have had low oestrogen for that length of time this will most likely be exacerbating any symptoms due to other causes. Low oestrogen is associated with fatigue, low mood, muscle aches, joint aches etc as well as the obvious flushes and sweats. The hot flushes may well be worsening now because you are well into menopause and your oestrogen levels dropped considerably. Adding this in the form of HRT will help with this and temperature control ( also this going awry and often feeling cold is also a sign of underactive thyroid especially if you have a tendency to put on weight).

Sounds like you have the right attitude and trying to keep healthy!

In your position I would skip the herbal treatment - you need oestrogen! Please read all you can about HRT and the menopause on this website and if you decide you want to try it - then we can help you decide and it's best to be well informed before that doctor's visit.  Better to start sooner than later....Heavens - you don't want to be fatigued and not living life to the full for the next 30-40 years!! This could be a turning point for you.....

Hope this helps but do ask if you need any more advice :)

Hurdity x


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Re: Newbie!
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2017, 07:14:17 PM »

Hi and thanks for your reply,
I wasn't expecting you to reply about the cfs side of things - I've had it for 15 years & am well used to managing it and am also hypothyroid on thyroxine which I run fairly high so think I've got that side of things as well managed as they can be. The last month or two have been different though with the severity of the hot flushes being something completely new - as I think I'm fairly well down the road of jolly old menopause I was hoping to find something to target this specific symptom - though I realise I may well end up going down the hrt route, I'd like to try other options first if I can.
Cheers, Islaysmiler


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Re: Newbie!
« Reply #6 on: October 24, 2017, 07:37:10 PM »

Of course you may not require HRT.  I had vague menopausal symptoms for 2 years then they went away.  Without the necessity of treatment, other than localised HRT for vaginal atrophy in more recent years.  [we have threads about that too  :sigh:]. This really does require appropriate HRT and some ladies require Sylc or Yes products as well - threads about that too!

Any aches and pains which may be due to a lowering of oestrogen can be dealt with by over-the-counter meds.. 

Read round. Make notes.  Maybe visit your Practice Nurse soon to see how the Practice over-all treats menopause symptoms?  B4 it is required.  Because some GPs are not sympathetic!  That will give you time to consider and discuss until you know that if necessary, treatment will be available. 