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Author Topic: Sorry, me panicking re heart again...  (Read 3497 times)


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Sorry, me panicking re heart again...
« on: October 19, 2017, 01:55:58 PM »

Been again to GP this morning because of these 'funny turns' where I feel fainty, sometimes 'whoah' with a rush from tummy up through chest etc. Then need to rush to loo. Usually happens sometime from getting up to mid morning. Arms have been really aching/painful which freaked me out too. Both GPs this week have said anxiety (usual case) but I'm getting myself worked up because she said she wasn't concerned because of the symptoms I was telling her. Of course, get home, cross because I didn't say I've had a similar feeling on exertion so now I'm thinking she would have considered it heart related if I had. Needless to say, got home, mashing some potatoes got one of the 'waves'. I then decided to think stuff it, and decided to test it out and cleaned some windows, the nothing. Had lunch, relaxed a bit but then rubbed a mark off the carpet and got one then. I'm really panicking it's heart related now.  I was going to take myself off to A&E but I've got an Awards night for son that I need to attend tonight so can't.  I know nobody will know for sure but do you think it could be anxiety as well. I wish I'd been brave enough to tell GP  :'(  x


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Re: Sorry, me panicking re heart again...
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2017, 02:11:41 PM »

It's horrible feeling like you do but most of what you describe I'm sure is anxiety related,and of course the more you obsess the more anxious you get ! And so the vicious circle continues. Have you asked to go on CBT course ? Sometimes that can really help break the cycle. It really is amazing how anxiety can manifest itself in truly frightening physical symptoms. Do you walk,exercise regular ? Eat little and often so blood sugars don't drop ? Hope you start to manage your anxiety soon,I really understand from first hand experience how debilitating it can be !


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Re: Sorry, me panicking re heart again...
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2017, 02:23:01 PM »

Hi Julie

It's always difficult when we have anxiety to know if it is that causing symptoms - but -  from what I can see you pushed this faint feeling aside whilst cleaning windows and the bathrooms so it's obviously not all down to exertion bringing this feeling on.

Perhaps as you rubbed the mark off the carpet you was subconsciously expecting to get the feeling back?  This can make it happen as you are predicting it will and your brain will take notice of those thoughts. Sometimes we aren't aware of our thoughts but our brain is and it will react on it. 

If you have seen two doctors this week and they have both agreed it's down to anxiety I would tend to agree.

I think you did well telling yourself to do the windows etc That is basically telling your body 'Come on, do your worst'. And nothing happened!  It's easy to quickly go back to your pre mind set and experience those feelings again.

Sometimes when I get my panicky feelings (which often start with that horrible feeling or waves from the stomach upwards) I say -'come on then'. And when I do that horrid feeling stops. I do have to keep saying it as it attempts to rear its head again, but it can help.

Tell yourself, you have seen two doctors this week and they both said the same.  Try to take some deep breaths and look forward to the Award night for your son xx


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Re: Sorry, me panicking re heart again...
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2017, 02:36:07 PM »

The trouble with me is I Google too much still! Keep finding stuff that says ECGs on pick up arrhythmias or heart attacks or suchlike but not blockages! Then read that sounds like Angina, next it's stress and loads of stories of misdiagnosis!! This has gone on a bit long now and I'm frightened to walk anywhere as that gives me anxiety and chest aches and floaty feelings.  Have always had a phobia about heart stuff so I'm my own worst enemy!

I also haven't had the protection that HRT woukd have given me. x


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Re: Sorry, me panicking re heart again...
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2017, 04:33:14 PM »

Remember hundreds of thousands women don't use HRT and their hearts are fine! ::)
You need to explore ways to combat the anxiety before it completely takes over your whole life . Google mindful meditation and other positive answers. I appreciate that it is easier said than done having been there myself.


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Re: Sorry, me panicking re heart again...
« Reply #5 on: October 19, 2017, 08:23:41 PM »

Totally understand your health anxiety as am a sufferer myself - it has dominated the last three years of my life.  I feel absolutely that your symptoms are just stress related; I have funny feeling under left ribs that comes and goes then turns into back ache.  Obviously I am thinking the worst - instead of just recognising that I have been very stressed since early July and this has taken a big toll on my body.  I always say that if I don't notice symptoms when I'm busy or out, then it's anxiety.  You've proved that today so try and tell it next time ‘come on, do your worst'.  That often takes the wind out of its sails.

Good luck, sending you a hug.


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Re: Sorry, me panicking re heart again...
« Reply #6 on: October 19, 2017, 10:15:27 PM »

Hi Jules

Sorry to read you've had more troubles with this but I do think it could be what Autumlady said that sometimes our brain pre-empts a feeling or in a situation and brings it on. I'm usually fine until I'm on my own at night but stupid thing is if I'm in a hotel I'm ok. I've come to the conclusion that in a hotel there will always be someone around whereas at home, no one!  I've had a couple of really bad panicky nights at home on my own, heart racing, shallow breathing, not chest pains exactly but I think the panic feels like you are having them, then it's do I call an ambulance but then my head says it's just a panic attack but then what if it wasn't arghhhhh....

I never thought about stuff like this until meno kicked in, I too have a bit of a heart obsession which is doesn't make sense as in theory I'm fairly low risk! However, every time I go to the docs now I get white coat syndrome with the blood pressure (which she is now concerned about) but then took it 3 times last week at home, different times of the day and all within normal limits.

I think maybe some of the problem is there has been a lot in the news recently about women's heart attacks being different to mens, which is good that we should be aware it's different but equally it makes us think that any "funniness" or "weird" feeling could be one. It keeps popping up on my Facebook feed and then I read the experiences and jeez it brings a panic on! 

I've done some pretty big work weeks, long hours, little sleep and I'm fine so I guess my body just pre-empts feeling anxious during the time I'm on my own at night...just in case something was to happen and there is no one to help. Not that himself would be much use because he would just go into panic mode as well!

How far have they taken your heart tests? A friend recently had deep investigations due to high blood pressure and found all was ok with arteries etc which gave her peace of mind. Can your docs do different tests so you know you're ok physically and then that might help your mind?

The funny turn, fainty rush and dashing to the loo certainly sounds like a hormone thing with a surge of adrenaline, maybe your oestrogen is higher at the moment as if I get something like that it's usually in the night or first thing in the morning I'm also a bit jittery but usually wears off by mid-morning.

Hope you're feeling better today...


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Re: Sorry, me panicking re heart again...
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2017, 08:20:33 PM »

Thanks ladies.

Well, went for my ECG today.  Tried to stay calm and not raise my heart rate too much as I usually do. Nurse did the first one, warned me that sometimes they ask to re-do it so not to worry, so waited for it to be sent down the telephone line to the person who reads them at the other end....they asked for another one....gulp....then nurse was scribbling down whatever they were saying and muttered something about it being improved from last one (last year) but something about flat T waves.....more gulping...then she said she would pass to Dr to decipher and come back. Once she left the room, I stupidly googled T wave etc. and it said isochaemic heart disease!! By that time, I was having a major panic. Upshot was that both Dr and advanced nurse practitioner looked at it and said it was absolutely fine and completely normal!! I needed a lot of convincing that it was as the reader person had said the T wave thing so now I'm stressing about it and trying to convince myself that they would have asked for further tests or wouldn't have let me go if there was any problem.  Why can't my stupid brain concentrate on the positive and not the negative!!!??  :(


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Re: Sorry, me panicking re heart again...
« Reply #8 on: October 20, 2017, 09:08:21 PM »

Hey, it could also be migraine related and/or adrenaline rushes from hormonal imbalance.

Particularly if it comes completely out of the blue when you know you're not thinking in an anxious way.


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Re: Sorry, me panicking re heart again...
« Reply #9 on: October 24, 2017, 07:13:53 PM »

I too have this awful health anxiety, especially involving my heart. Have had ecgs and holter monitor and was told although my heart is very fast and sometimes skips beats  but that this is fine and 'normal'. The thing is it doesn't feel very normal to me and it worries me so much, it really is exhausting. Had bloods done last week and doc is concerned my blood  sugar levels are too high ( I have type 2 diabetes ). She has given me 3 months to get levels down or I will have to start extra medication which she said has many side effects. I'm really struggling as I only weigh just over 8 stone and don't eat a lot as it is. But now I'm worried diabetes will effect my heart.


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Re: Sorry, me panicking re heart again...
« Reply #10 on: October 24, 2017, 07:41:19 PM »

Apart from localised atrophy for VA I haven't required treatment.  I do however take anti-depressant and anti-anxiety meds., if I alter the dosages at all I get weird feelings.  I have to remind myself that it's due to a different amount.  For example my thighs feel weak often, either because I am tired or due to the above - altering my medication.  Sometimes I go to put my feet down and they don't land where I intended them to  :o but it's been happening for 25+ years - and hasn't progressed.

So far these feelings have caused anxiety but they haven't caused you to keel over.  How is your diet over-all?  Are the symptoms related to specific times of day [sorry I can't remember from B4  :-\ ] it may be that your body is hungry.  Or dehydrated. 