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Author Topic: help new to menopause with multiple worries  (Read 2349 times)


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help new to menopause with multiple worries
« on: October 12, 2017, 12:05:12 PM »

Hi. As a very long story short. I am 45 years old. I was diagnosed with endometriomas x2, one on each ovary about 5 years ago. Subsequently, I had 2 operations, one drainage, 1 laser to treat them. This was because I was trying to conceive and had been unsuccessful. I underwent several IVF cycles before eventually being successful and had twins 3 years ago. I noticed before the last IVF that my cycle had become irregular (this was immediately overnight after the 2nd operation, prior to this I had a regular cycle). I was very concerned that the surgeon might have overdone the laser on my ovaries. Anyway, I put it to the back of my mind and proceeded with the last IVF cycle which worked. I had twins at the age of 42. Despite the absolute joy at becoming pregnant and having 2 babies I have found the 3 years since their birth extremely challenging. As you know, children are 24/7 work, the hardest job I have ever done. Much of this time I felt a little down, extremely moody, brain fog, tiredness beyond description, unable to sleep, even when children sleep, extreme anxiety, especially over the children's health/well-being, palpitations last Christmas, which ended in a reassuring visit to a cardiologist. I have had a frequent to constant feeling of being overwhelmed always tense, unable to relax. Occasional headaches and odd twinges here and there. Also, weight gain around the middle. Unable to exercise due to being so wrecked. In the last 4 weeks, I have developed definite hot flushes out of the blue, confirming what I suspected. I am sweating a lot at night and waking from sleep. My brain feels slow, sometimes I have difficulty finding words and expressing myself. My endless patience has evaporated. The symptoms have led me to despair and I ended up taking a week off work last week. My job is extremely stressful and busy. I eventually last week went and had my bloods done (after deferring it for ages). I had a feeling I was perimenopausal , but as I was still having the very odd cycle I had deferred getting the blood tests until the hot flushes arrived. Low and behold my FSH is 84. Anyway, yesterday I managed to get hold of some Femoston 1/10mg. My doctor wants me to see a gynae to make sure my lining is okay and asked me not to start HRT beforehand. However I felt so wretched that I had to go ahead and take a couple. I feel a little better already. The patient information leaflet has made me very wary of taking anything but I just feel that I cannot go on like this. I have so much on my plate with two small children and a very stressful job. I cannot be in the menopause right now (if that makes sense). I have a lot of financial commitments and have to work to pay my bills. I have to be together at work ie on the ball. I have to be in better form for the children. At times I was so tired and wretched I felt I was falling asunder, and could not go on. Please tell me that it is okay for someone like me with a history of endometriosis to take this low-dose HRT. There is no history of breast cancer or clots in my family. I counted back and I have had only 5 periods this year. I cannot go on juggling everything the way I have felt recently, it has been an uphill struggle. I need to take this HRT for at least 10 years until my children are reared. Please tell me that this is ok as I'm only 45 and I cannot function the way I have been feeling.

Kit cat 13

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Re: help new to menopause with multiple worries
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2017, 06:12:22 AM »

Hi there sorry to hear what yr going through. I've read that 5 yrs is perfectly safe for hrt and I find it brings you relief of symptoms then that's a win. I'm not on it as my doc told me to try black cohosh which I'm doing and am only on day 4 so too early to say . Good luck . We are both new to the forums so let's hope we can ride this out ! X


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Re: help new to menopause with multiple worries
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2017, 06:47:07 AM »

...and breathe marge1  :foryou:

You have come to the right place to air your worries and frustrations - there will be people here who identify with you and hopefully they will post replies.
Until then have a read through the threads, use the search bar at the top to bring up relevant topics eg Endometriosis/HRT


And  :welcomemm: to you too Kit cat 13


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Re: help new to menopause with multiple worries
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2017, 09:40:19 AM »

You poor thing.
Two things - one is that I think the five years advice has been superceded by recent research which has shifted the risk/benefit ratio a bit. So put that to the back of your mind for now and when you've got time read up a bit maybe?
The second is that I'm a good ten years older than you and have friends whose GPs have given them HRT to get them through the stress of the teenage years (like you, lots of us had kids a bit later in life and GPs are responding to that).
Hope the HRT helps you get back on an even keel.


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Re: help new to menopause with multiple worries
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2017, 03:17:11 PM »

Thank you. You mentioned five years being superseded. Does this mean it's ok to use longer ? Yes how awful it must be to be going through this with teenagers ! I did a little bit of reading on the endometriosis. It seems I should be on a product with continuous progesterone. Maybe femoston conti. I dread the idea of a mirena. My GP suggested it. I'm not sure I'd like the procedure or the fact that it's not readily reversible. I'm three days on oestrogen now. Head much better, thinking straighter. Less tense. Only two hot flushes yesterday and much shorter duration, one today again much shorter. I'm on top of things and getting things done which is where I need to be. Sleep much better first night not great last night as I got fixated in an anxiety attack about my kids having an accident at the crèche. Madness I know but it's a recurrent problem at night. Night sweats definitely reduced. This is a wonder drug. Can I ask how bad it is getting a mirena in ? Also should I relax about the product information re risk if clots etc. My legs are a little achy not bad went last night after I did a walk, yes I actually had the energy to do one...amazing. 1 mg is a low dose right ? Surely it's just mimicking normal hormones ?


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Re: help new to menopause with multiple worries
« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2017, 03:18:39 PM »

Ps meant to ask can I use black cohosh also or on its own ? Does it work ? I've been drinking a lot of soya prior to going on hurt but it didn't help me.


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Re: help new to menopause with multiple worries
« Reply #6 on: October 13, 2017, 03:32:13 PM »

Have a read of the alternative threads.  Black Cohash should be used for short term.  Maybe not use too many preparations or you won't know what is working/not  ::)

Some have problems with soya products .... which can apparently work on the bowels  ;)

Some ladies find that keeping a mood/symptom/food diary useful. 


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Re: help new to menopause with multiple worries
« Reply #7 on: October 15, 2017, 09:35:01 PM »

Thanks ladies for all the advice. I am now 5 days on femoston 1/10 and loving it. Getting the odd twinge in my right ovary which is slightly worrying but it's not there most of the time. I'm trying to reassure myself that surely 1 mg of oestrogen won't adversely effect me esp if I'm taking progesterone for half the cycle. From reading on here it seems like I should not yet take a conti version of femoston as I had a few periods this year around four or five. Gynaecologist says I should keep a symptom diary, said decapeptyl or a mirena might work if femoston causes problems. I don't want to face a TAH/ BSO just yet with the time off work, recovery etc. This website is amazing. Oestrogen treatment a revelation. I have been existing for so long, no joy out of life just barely functioning and had become a person I didn't like. I actually laughed  today at something with the kids and realised that I couldn't remember doing that before with them. How sad that the menopause sends you into such a bad place. I will keep reading more info here and try to learn as much as I can.


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Re: help new to menopause with multiple worries
« Reply #8 on: October 16, 2017, 07:52:38 AM »

Hi marge1

 :welcomemm: from me too. How wonderful to have had twins at that late stage but so difficult to being through the menopause with such young children as well as a demanding job.

Re endometriosis - I think it depends whether  or where any other deposits were besides your ovaries? Although the general advice is not to take conti HRT until post-menopausal,  really in your position you should be on continuous combined (no-bleed) HRT so that the progestogen is circulating all the time.This is to prevent these deposits growing, so it looks like your doc is right to check your lining and also presumably you know if there is any elsewhere?

Here is what it says on this website about endometriosis and HRT:

There is a small risk of reactivation of endometriosis with HRT use and any recurrence of symptoms should be reported. If a hysterectomy has been performed for endometriosis, the choice of HRT use thereafter should be influenced by the extent of endometriosis at the time of the operation. Since hysterectomy often causes a premature menopause, it is often advised to take HRT until the average age of the menopause; 51 years. HRT after hysterectomy usually consists of estrogen only. However, in the presence of endometriosis, estrogen may cause stimulation of residual deposits and consideration should be given to using continuous combined (estrogen plus daily progestogen) therapy, or tibolone, though little research has been done on the effect of different types and duration of therapy. Medical treatment of endometriosis often involves ovarian suppression which, along with ovarian removal, may increase the risk of osteoporosis.

Taking conti HRT before menoipause might lead to some random bleeding if you ovulate but better this I would have thought than risk the deposits growing? The equivalent Femoston preparation is Femoston conti at 1 mg. The disadvantage of this is you cannnot increase the oestrogen dose on this preparation so a different preparation might be needed in due course if your symptoms remain. All the different types are listed under the Treatments tab above. This is something you need to discuss with your doc and if necessary your specialist.

Hope things continue to improve for you and there is more laughter! :)

Hurdity x


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Re: help new to menopause with multiple worries
« Reply #9 on: October 16, 2017, 08:51:41 AM »

Hi Marge,

No real advice but sending a big hug!
I'm new to this site as well and found myself smiling and laughing more since joining too..and just generally feeling rather less helpless against everything assaulting my body and mind - it really does help to share and realise you're not alone out there doesn't it!

Good luck with getting help. And enjoy those children you lucky lady! It's so nice to hear of a successful IVF story xx


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Re: help new to menopause with multiple worries
« Reply #10 on: October 18, 2017, 01:59:00 PM »

Thank you Lizzy. I am doing so much better on HRT. Feel 90 percent better. Incredibly have had a couple of almost full nights sleep. It really is amazing. When I lie down in bed now I actually feel relaxed and ready for sleep. No more waking up with anxiety attacks about the children. No more sweating in the bed. Hot flashes entirely gone. Mind calmer not racing. Enjoying the children. I just hope I can continue on this as I don't want to go back to that state. I was frantic all the time and totally hyperactive a symptom I had not previously known could be peri menopausal. I simply could not relax...ever. Incredible how being peri can put you in a psychiatric mess. I bet a lot of women are undiagnosed with peri menopause. Can anyone tell me how does 1 mg of oestrogen in femoston 1/10 compare to what was in the equine oestrogen products ? Im reading a few of the older studies and am trying to get my head around the difference. I really want to stay on oestrogen at a low dose forever !!


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Re: help new to menopause with multiple worries
« Reply #11 on: October 18, 2017, 02:05:04 PM »

Thanks for the update.  I wouldn't worry too much about the ins and outs of what is in the oestrogen  ;).  Enjoy being relaxed.  Enjoy the children.  I would warn though, don't do too much too soon! or you will use up your new energy levels.



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Re: help new to menopause with multiple worries
« Reply #12 on: October 18, 2017, 04:44:48 PM »

Hi again marge1

Glad you are feeling better :). Re the doses and equivalence - it is difficult to compare exactly - but HRT doses are usually divided broadly into low medium and high. Femoston 1 mg is low dose but the lowest dose of Prempak (0.625 mg) is medium dose - therefore stronger.

Hurdity x