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Author Topic: Post meno 2 years, still a hormonal mess & seeing Menopause Consultant Evorel 50  (Read 2085 times)


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Hello all  :)
I was on this site, several months ago.
I already had and still have existing anxiety and depression, which I have had for most of my life since 13. I take medication for that. I am now 52.
I suffered hugely with very severe PMT and Post Natal Depression, so was not surprised when the peri menopause hit, that I became suicidal with how I felt. I was so ill. Apparently my hormones triggered a worsening of my existing mental health problems. and I have been told that I am extremely sensitive to hormonal fluctuations.
My GP tried me on different hormonal tablets, but they increased the depression.  I am post menopausal by 2 years. I truly thought that once the menopause had gone, after a year, that I would be much better, BUT, apparently, the symptoms can go on for years after!!!!!!!! :'(   Has this happened to anyone on this site?  Will I still be a hormonal mess at the age of 70??? When does it end?
A lady on here (Sorry but cannot remember her name, suggested menopause clinics, so I got my GP to refer me to my nearest. The Consultant is amazing, but time with him at appointments is very limited, and every 3 months. I cannot afford to see him privately.
I previously tried a different patch with and progesterone tablets. The tablets made my mood plummet within days of taking them. I was told to immediately stop.
I now have to just use the Evorel 50, patch,(Estradiol)  on its own, for 3 months and then the Consultant is adding some progesterone in small quantities after that in some form. I thought, Great, I will feel amazing, just taking Oestrogen for 3 months, but so far, I have felt no positive effects.
I feel so cr *ppy.  How can just taking Evorel 50 make me feel like this? I though Oestrogen was a good thing? I have only been on it for less than 2 weeks, but I am irritable, cannot sleep, emotional, and I give up. Is anyone else just using Evorel 50 patches?
I am 2 years without a period. I am 52.
When does all this hormonal mess end???  ::)

« Last Edit: October 18, 2017, 01:04:58 PM by misme7 »

Mary G

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misme7, sorry to hear you are struggling to find the right dose.  I had the same problem for years and didn't get my great breakthrough until I started Oestrogel and starting absorbing oestrogen properly.

I found the 50mcg didn't give me anything like enough oestrogen and this was confirmed by blood tests.  My first instinct would be to suggest you significantly increase the oestrogen dose if you are feeling very low.  Perhaps you could try Oestrogel rather than patches because it is very easy to quickly increase or decrease the dose as necessary - I also found the gel absorbs more easily.  You mentioned that you took gel before, what dose was it?  What type of progesterone did you take?

If the above doesn't work out for any reason, you could consider the new progesterone/bleed free HRT called Duavive which is for post menopausal women.  There are quite a few threads on Duavive now so it would be worth reading up on it.

I hope that helps.


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Thank you for replying  :)
I appreciate your helpfulness. My Consultant, will not increase the Evorel 50, (Estradiol patch) because I still have a womb.
I have to now use the patch alone for a trial period (changing it twice a week) for 3 months, stopping for 1 week a month.. When I next see the Consultant, then we are discussing how the this patch alone made me feel.
I was taking progestogen tablets before with another patch, but they made me so depressed and very quickly too.
It is progesterone/progestogen that makes me really unwell mentally. The Consultant said that if I am fine with the Evorel 50, then he will add progestogen in very small amounts, in some form.  He said if the Evorel 50 patch alone does not work well for me, then he will think of something else altogether.  He mentioned hysterectomy, or a coil too.
I find it all so confusing, however your post is very helpful because it has given me some new info that I did not know about. I will look into Duavive. I would prefer a gel. The patches make me itchy.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2017, 01:00:46 PM by misme7 »

Mary G

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misme7, we are in a very similar situation.  I am severely progesterone tolerant and have been limping along with a very small dose of Utrogestan and regular uterine scans.  I have literally been waiting for something else to come along like a womb disabler or similar.  Duavive/bazedoxifene is just what I have been waiting for and I am currently trialling bazedoxifene (the SERM part of Duavive/progesterone substitute) with 2 pumps of Oestrogel every day and I will then trial Duavive proper and decide which I prefer.

I was told to consider a hysterectomy too and that is what I will do if this trial or the Duavive doesn't work out.  To be honest, in your situation wouldn't risk a Mirena coil I would go straight for the Duavive or ask your consultant if you can do the same as me and take Oestrogel with bazedoxifene.



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MaryG, Sorry to hear what you are going through. Yes it does sound like we have a similar experience.
It was the Utrogestan which sent my mood plummeting. The Consultant has  stopped that for now.
What would be the risks of a Mirena coil?
I appreciate all your info, as I find the subject of HRT so confusing in many ways.
I am scared of having a hysterectomy. I know people do not like hospitals, but I seriously would have to be sedated just to even get on to  a hospital ward these days. I would die under the anaesthetic. At least thats what my mad anxious brain tells me.  :o

Mary G

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misme7, a Mirena coil is not risky but not a great idea for someone who is severely progesterone intolerant.  If you have it fitted and don't get on with it, you then have the hassle of getting it removed which might take a while.  I can see why your consultant suggested it, he is probably running out of ideas on the progesterone side.

Frankly, with your history of progesterone intolerance, I think a better way for you to go is the Duavive route or the same regime as me. 

If it's any consolation, I am scared of a hospitals too, partly because I have never been in one and never had children so not used to any medical intervention apart from wisdom tooth removal and uterine/breast scans.  I am also terrified about the thought of anasethetic and don't know how I would react to it - I insisted on a local for my wisdom teeth.  I asked about having a hysterectomy using epidural but that sounded pretty scary too.  Apart from battling with contraception for years (I had similar challenges with that), the menopause is the first medical thing I have had to face.

So I'm sure you can understand why I have my fingers crossed for this trial!  In the meantime and while you are mulling things over, can you switch to Oestrogel?


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I had a hysterectomy mainly for progesterone intolerance (but also to prevent return of a borderline cyst) about 4 weeks ago. Whilst it is still early days, my mood since has been so improved. In the run up to my op I stopped taking utrogesten and instead was just using oestrogen patches for a few months and i still often felt low. So I'm assuming I was also intolerant to the progesterone my own body was producing. I had really expected to feel down after my hyst as I had always hoped to have more children - and also being stuck at home with nothing much to do - but my mood has been so even and calm. Recovery from the hyst has been pretty easy too, with very little pain. It seems a drastic thing to do but so far I'm glad I did it.


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Hi Misme7

I don't know if this will help but I'm on evorel 50 and feel that I need just a little bit of progesterone to keep me balanced.  It's the reason why I can't do long cycle.  After 21 days on the patches I start to feel a bit jittery and feel better as soon as I take utrogestan (vaginally).  Unfortunately for me after a few days of taking the progesterone that builds up and I feel awful for a couple of days as it leaves my system.  After that I feel good for the best part of a month until it all starts again. I don't know if this will get better as I get older and further into post (meno). Just thinking out loud but I wonder if you need (just a little bit) of progesterone.  Getting the balance right is the hardest thing I feel, but worth it if you can achieve it x

Mary G

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Waterdaggers, I'm glad your operation was successful and that you are feeling much better.  This is very encouraging for those of us who may yet have to face a hysterectomy for severe progesterone intolerance. 

I am hoping that my new regime effectively switches off the womb receptors and has the same calming influence that you getting from your hysterectomy but it is still early days and I don't know if that will be the outcome.  At the very least I am hoping that this new regime will mean I avoid the ups and downs of having to take progesterone and keep things on an even keel.

Wishing you a continued recovery. 


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Thought I would update:
I have stopped seeing the Menopause Consultant, because whatever treatment I was being given to try, I found myself feeling better in some ways and worse in others.
I decided to stop taking anything, except my anti depressants, which are Venlafaxine. These are sometimes given to women who have having issues going through the menopause. I have found these to be the best help.
As time has gone by, I am feeling soooooooooo much better. Maybe my hormones are not so unsettled anymore. It is about 3 years since my last period. I am a lot calmer, and I feel as though I am the happiest I have been for many many years.
I do still get hot flashes from time to time, and my skin is so dry and itchy, but I can live with this.
I do wish I had sought help much earlier on during my perimenopause, because I was so unwell back then.
It is very confusing in my opinion on what help can be given, when struggling a lot with perimenopausal and menopausal symptoms , and because I did not know back then what help I could have received, I went on suffering greatly. It was this amazing website which helped me hugely. I am so glad I found it. :)



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Read this the other day and I know it's the dailymail but actually made a lot of sense and could be how you are suffering. Let me know if you can't open it.