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Author Topic: Heart panic  (Read 2981 times)


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Heart panic
« on: October 08, 2017, 09:03:32 AM »

Hi. Not been on for a while due to juggling too many balls in the air etc. Job stress, which resulted in loss of job, ill Mum to worry about and try and help out, plus a litter of puppies (foisted on us, long story...). Needless to say, I know I, very stressed and struggling to be honest. I need to get another job shortly for financial reasons so that she putting loads of pressure on me. I really don't feel up to going back to work after being off for 3 months.

Anyway, I'm experiencing funny turns, mainly during the morning, where I'll go a bit dizzy, followed immediately by a wave running through me from tummy through to chest as if I will pass out but I don't, then I need to rush to the loo. Had something like this last year but passed off. I dashed off to Drs once when it happened walking to car park after work but ECG and checkmover were fine and she said anxiety (the usual). I had a horrible one after breakfast this morning which makes me then go into a panicking in case I'm going to conk out. I'm terrified it's my heart, as Google say it is of course!! Hubby wouldn't let me take myself off to A&E as I have cried wolf so many times he's fed up. But, this might just be the pre cursor to something awful! I'm fine again now but head is full of open heart surgery and valve replacements!! Something such as aortic stenosis for example (good old Google and matching symptoms...). Anybody else had something similar? I am trying to reassure that it's gone like this because of the stress I'm under but I could do without it to be honest at the moment.

Thanks. X


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Re: Heart panic
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2017, 12:19:56 PM »

Hi Justjules,

Are you sure it is not a hot flush? Sometimes hot flushes are not necessarily a sweating experience. It sounds like either a hot flush or an adrenalin rush to me!

I get these at night, now very frequently. Sudden wake up with a jolt, wide awake, doom and dread, racing thoughts, racing heart, weakness (cannot get out of bed), then heat going from bottom of torso up my back. But no sweating.  Then all this  kind of subsides and I am ok - thank God!

If you are doing ok the rest of the time, the likelihood that it is heart-related is very minimal. Try to say to yourself - which I do often - "Oh, another flush." It helps to not dwell on it too much and feed the bad dread feelings!

Hope you will feel better soon!

Milamam xxx


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Re: Heart panic
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2017, 07:34:31 PM »

Nope, definitely not a hot flush Miliam. More like a wave running from solar plexus up through chest. Used to just get the wave but now get a dizzy whoah feeling first. I know I got them last year too then they went. Also got them walking into a shop or rushing around  ???


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Re: Heart panic
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2017, 10:29:43 PM »

That could be me writing your post this morning Jules!

I went though episodes like that after my op last year especially when on my own at night, I went to a naturopath and all the herby stuff eventually worked, after having been checked out at the docs. Anyway, I've been pretty good since then but every now and again I think when the hormones are messing around or I'm stressed/tired I get the odd panicky feeling.

Anyway, I had a bit of a stressy weekend with a whole bunch of stuff going wrong last night! I think this caused a huge adrenalin surge and I felt weird, shaky, heart rate up for the rest of the evening and then at bedtime of course that's when it gets really bad! I too kept thinking this is it (doesn't help FB keeps posting things about heart health and everyone's stories, which of course I read!). So kept waking every two hours with heart thumping, feeling a bit sick (might be because I hadn't had enough to eat in the evening) and of course panicking which then made everything worse!

Tried distractions, deep breathing and then would nod off to repeat again 2 hours later. Feel a bit pale and washed out this morning but I think the shakiness is going off as I'm hydrating.

Hoping it was just an anxiety/adrenaline surge after yesterdays events. I've been walking up big hills much better recently and flying around at aerobic classes so I'm hoping there isn't too much to worry about, but in the night it just makes everything worse!

I was getting a hot flushes as well but I think that was down to the anxiety caused by the vicious circle plus dashes to the loo with upset stomach. I do find sometimes when I get the night flushes I feel really weird for a while until it comes out. I maybe little low on hormones as I've been trying to make my patch last a week as I can't get them at the moment due to shortages, I think I may have pushed my luck this week!

My naturopath explained it that there is a thing called GABA which calms our neurones in the brain, then when we are stressed, meno etc GABA sometimes can't get all the items it needs to be complete and this creates gaps and anxiety creeps in. The herbs and supplements she gave me was to repair the process.

One thing you could try taking is a herb called Indian Ginseng or Ashwagandha, it sometimes comes with a calming herb and B vitamins. It works as an adaptogen so your body only takes what it needs. I found out about it on a blog and gave it a go and pretty sure it helps. Sometimes when I feel a bit of anxiety creeping in I take a few tablets and it seems to fix it.

So, today you are not alone! 


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Re: Heart panic
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2017, 06:23:18 AM »

HI Jules, sounds like panic and adrenalin. I suffer with health anxiety especially my heart. It's been checked out I.e. Holter monitor, ecgs tracing and even though it's very fast and skips beats doctor said ite fine, this doesn't help when I'm in the throws of panic. I too Get  that 'rush' feeling right into my chest and have to run to the loo. It's awful and I really wish it would go away, I worry all the time, what if doc got it wrong and there really is something wrong with my heart, or i convince myself that all this worry and fast heartbeat is surly damaging, but I've been like this on and off for years and it hasn't killed me yet, so all I can say is I feel for you, but just know your not alone.


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Re: Heart panic
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2017, 07:53:58 AM »

I get a similiar spell it seems to go from my stomach up to my heart all quivery and a fleeting light head I  have read that its caused by the vagus nerve you will be fine just try and breathe through it if it ws anything serious it would have been picked up on the ECG.


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Re: Heart panic
« Reply #6 on: October 09, 2017, 08:13:16 AM »

Aww, thanks ladies for responding. It's always a bit more reassuring when you know someone else has experienced the same thing. I'm trying to do the old CBT approach as I know it's come on worse with googling, combined with the stressful situation I'm currently in again, plus, this time of year (love it but it doesn't like me!). I want to knock it on the head before it spirals into the awful anxiety state which can take over if I'm not careful.

Wombat, I've had the GABA thing explained to me as well by my therapist. It makes sense then goes out the window when you're panicking!




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Re: Heart panic
« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2017, 04:33:43 AM »

Hi Jules

Hope things have improved a bit over the last few days. It does help if you feel you're not alone but I know what you mean that rational thinking goes out the window when you're in the middle of a panic, you do this it, is this not just anxiety.

It is awful, after a good nights sleep the next night the jitters came back the next night but not quite so bad but then I've relaxed a bit and then was fine, just tired now after this awful week!

However, what I am startled by is the physical affect from a few hours of a different kind of stress I had, I've been busy over the last couple of months, short nights etc but I've been fine but phew that panicky type is really scary and of course it does just spiral and self fuels... :(


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Re: Heart panic
« Reply #8 on: October 15, 2017, 11:47:00 AM »

Hi Wombat. No, not better unfortunately.  I'm now getting really bad arm aches and pains. Went to GP but saw the emergency Nurse Practioner who says more than likely stress as no chest pain but I'm not convinced!! I've booked a routine ECG again for Friday. I know it could be psychosomatic as it only came on after googling heart stuff and a friend telling me her arms used to hurt at the bottom before she had stents so brain gone into overdrive  :( x


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Re: Heart panic
« Reply #9 on: October 16, 2017, 10:09:18 AM »

I agree. I think these symptoms are a version of hot flushes without the sweating. I have had a horrible return to these symptoms recently after having had a stable (ish) time for years.
Re: Heart panic
« Reply #10 on: October 16, 2017, 05:23:29 PM »

Yes yes I get exactly the same Lightheadeness,fast heart rate and have to dash to the loo, and quite Shakey afterwards it makes me feel of for a couple of days and pale looking had it of and on for quite qs few years. What a wonderful site this is that we can all share and hopefully make each other feel a bit better and not alone xxx  ;)


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Re: Heart panic
« Reply #11 on: October 16, 2017, 07:45:49 PM »

That's reassuring ladies, thanks. x