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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Natural Remedy support  (Read 2152 times)


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Natural Remedy support
« on: January 25, 2018, 10:04:52 PM »

Hello there,

I am 47/48 years old and have menopausal symptoms for 18 months.I am new to the forum and have an intolerance to progesterone, and cannot have HRT etc. I was wondering if anyone can help with natural remedies regarding hot sweats, painful joints and varied emotions. I currently am on seven seas starflower oil and St. John's Wort, Sage, Vitamin C and D. My doctor is great but has no answers, as I am 47/48 years old I am worried about upping the quantities too soon as the menopause can take years. Has anyone got any suggestions. I have never had children if that makes any difference.

Thank you in advance


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Re: Natural Remedy support
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2018, 12:20:10 PM »

Hello l1zzi313

 I am pretty much in the same boat as you are, with exception that I did have children.

I also am very sensitive to any type of estrogen and a natural way to go about this would be a blessing to me also.

Hopefully someone can soon offer alternate ways of handling this mess.

Wishing you well :-)


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Re: Natural Remedy support
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2018, 01:02:24 PM »

Hi Joy55

 I feel sometimes like a flag flapping in the wind as no two days are the same, and feel I can't regulate symptoms. I also feel I let people down when I have to go with the flow of what my mind, body and spirit is deciding to do...

My doctor is good but having a positive resolution and some semblance of normal would be good. I am self employed or I would have been fired by now...

Wishing you well too...


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Re: Natural Remedy support
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2018, 01:30:48 PM »

Hi lizzi313

This menopause is far from funny some days, especially when hrt isnt an option.  Im surgically meno and on oestrogel which is ok.

Can i ask why /what you have tried as oestrogen?  Was is the contraceptive pill?  What about progesterone?  What have you tried?

If you are looking for natural remedies, search under women/menopause  on victoria health website,  there is sage complex etc and articles that Shabir Daya a qualifed pharmacist who specialises in natural products has written.

Linsey x

Mary G

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Re: Natural Remedy support
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2018, 06:46:27 PM »

l1zzi313, first of all, sorry to hear you are progesterone intolerant, I am severely progesterone intolerant myself.  This does not necessarily rule out HRT altogether but it does make it more challenging.

There are different levels of progesterone intolerance, mild, moderate and severe.  Do you know which category you fall into?

Like you, I have never had children but I don't think that makes any difference.  I didn't have any problems with my own progesterone, this only started when I reached menopause and stopped producing enough oestrogen.  I had a Mirena coil for contraception at the time and although I was never fantastic on it (I had breast pain for example) I only started getting silent migraines when my oestrogen levels took a nosedive. 

Have you always been progesterone intolerant?  Did it start at menopause?  I consulted Professor Studd who prescribed low dose progesterone and I can just about cope with that although he did recommend I have a hysterectomy.  Take a look at his website, he talks a lot about progesterone intolerance.

Progesterone intolerant women fall into a special category re HRT and really need to consult a menopause specialist.  You can use a very small amount of progesterone and have regular uterine scans to check your womb lining.  A good HRT regime to consider is Oestrogel (you rub it on your skin) and vaginal Utrogestan for the progesterone part - it has fewer side effects when used that way and it also works more effectively.

Please give us some more details and hopefully we can point you in the right direction.


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Re: Natural Remedy support
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2018, 03:58:01 PM »

Thank you for your responses,

It could be said that my relationship with my menstrual cycle has been stormy... from excruciating pain, heavy heavy periods and full week cycles sometimes more. My only hope was that I would one day produce a child...
I have been put on the Mirena Coil, I was a mess for 6 months, I was either some form of The Hulk, on an emotional rollercoaster or dealing with the effects of the coil.
Last May my husband spent all bank holiday making hot water bottles for me every 1/2 hour as the pain was diabolical, it took me back to my early days which was upsetting to say the least.
I cam off the HRT soon after and saw a nurse practitioner on another matter last November who convinced me to try another form of progesterone. Within three days I stopped it; yet again the pain in my abdomen was terrible, along with the emotional disaster.
I haven't tried anything else other than Seven Seas Starflower and Evening Primrose, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, and Complex Sage , I am only on the lowest dose right now as I could be doing this for some time.
For not July 2016 my periods stopped suddenly. When on the HRT my periods restarted and currently have not had a period since December.
My concern is I am early doors and could be doing this for years God Help Me.. I am a lot calmer since taking the natural remedies.


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Re: Natural Remedy support
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2018, 04:57:27 PM »


I am no expert in this at all but before I went on HRT I took Premtesse vitamins and a really good Omega oils vitamin too. I also tried Black cohosh. I think they both helped for a while.

There is an alternatives to HRT section on the forum I believe where there may be some gems.

I also like the Bach Rescue Remedies.

Good luck and welcome xx


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Re: Natural Remedy support
« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2018, 05:38:29 PM »

I take high dose Red Clover and I think it has reduced some of my symptoms.
Don't forget to add magnesium into your supplement mix - essential for absorbing vitamin mix. DG x


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Re: Natural Remedy support
« Reply #8 on: February 02, 2018, 09:04:01 AM »

           This ''Bach Rescue Remedies'' does it actually work?


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Re: Natural Remedy support
« Reply #9 on: February 02, 2018, 10:13:13 AM »

Cutting out caffeine, sugar and spicy foods (nooooo!) helped me with hot flushes and palpitations.

Epsom salt baths were the only thing that eased joint pain.  Someone told me they aren't any more effective than ordinary hot baths but I found that the pain came back within an hour of having an ordinary hot bath whereas it didn't come back till the next day with an Epsom salt bath.

Might be worth checking out the alternative therapies section for further help?