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Author Topic: Advice wanted please  (Read 1690 times)

Nanny Badge

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Advice wanted please
« on: October 03, 2017, 04:50:48 PM »

Hi, I am new to this site today. I am 57 years old. I became perimenopausal when I was 39 years old and was put on HRT patches. These immediately helped and I felt like a new woman, although I did get some night sweats in my 40's. I eventually came off of HRT aged 51, had my final period when I was 53 (June 2013) and everything was fine. Then it all started to change in January 2015. I had some spotting. I was happy to put it down to a 'last hurrah' by my ageing womb, but the internet advised seeing your doctor if you haven't had a period in 18 months. (It was, to the day!) >:( My doctor referred me to gynaecology, who suspected a polyp and performed a hysteroscopy. Unfortunately, I have a very tight cervix(apparently) and they had trouble investigating properly. I was told to go back if it happened again. Two months later it did. October 2015 I had another hysteroscopy and a small polyp removed.
Everything was fine until I had some more spotting and, the following October, another hysteroscopy to remove another small polyp. By this time my menopause symptoms were at full blast (they had been gradually getting worse for about 10 months). Awful hot flushes virtually none stop, at the most inconvenient times, like just as I was dropping off to sleep. The bed clothes would be on and off all night and sleep was virtually non existent. I also had severe vaginal dryness, making a sex life virtually impossible, obviously having a huge impact on my husband as well.Then the depression hit. By October 2016 I felt like my life wasn't worth living, even though I had so much to live for. In desperation I turned to the internet and discovered that natural HRT is considered safe enough to use for ever and can greatly reduce symptoms. Back at the doctors, she said she was happy for me to go back on HRT, as they now knew that the side effects were far less than thought.
Within days I was bouncing around like a spring chicken. No hot flushes or vaginal dryness. My libido was back! It was amazing. My husband said I was back to my old self. Unfortunately, it didn't last. In January this year I started bleeding... and bleeding ... and bleeding. I was bleeding more often than not. Back at gynaecologist they changed my HRT ..... and put me on one that gave withdrawal bleeding! My HRT was changed again. A few weeks later we went on a 2 week holiday and for 12 days out of 14 I was bleeding! (I had to go out and buy more sanitary wear and dark pants) Eventually, the bleeding gradually subsided a bit, to just a few days of spotting each month. Until last month, when I had spotting every single day and some stomach cramping. Yesterday, I saw the gynaecologist again. I have to have another hysteroscopy and they want to insert a Mirena coil at the same time. I really do not want a coil, but he said I should consider it, as I could then have as much oestrogen as I wanted and the coil should totally stop the bleeding. I have never wanted a coil, or liked the thought of them. Also, my husband and I are both very sensitive, in that when I am feeling sore, he can often feel where the soreness is too. We're worried he will be able to feel the cord. I'm also worried about them putting it in, as I have such a tight cervix and side effects. Eg: cramping, spotting, which will mean I am the same as now. I was told the alternative was trying alternative HRT, although earlier in the year a hysterectomy was mentioned, which I wouldn't be adverse to. Since my appointment yesterday, I am now bleeding full blown. I have had more bleeding since my menopause than I ever had before!
Is there anyone out there in my situation, who could offer me advice on the best way to proceed? I am feeling really stressed out and depressed about this and would appreciate an objective point of view.


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Re: Advice wanted please
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2017, 05:30:50 PM »

I had a Mirena coil fitted a year after my last period for the progesterone part of my HRT, I use oestrogel for oestrogen part.
I am really happy with my Mirena so far, had it fitted 18 months ago.
My partner has never complained about the strings, you can get them snipped shorter if they are a nuisance.

Nanny Badge

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Re: Advice wanted please
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2017, 06:15:42 PM »

Thank you.


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Re: Advice wanted please
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2017, 09:32:47 PM »

Hi Nanny Bridge
Problematic bleeding with HRT treatment is quite common.
The Mirena may well be the answer to your prayers. I had a Mirena for 4 years in post meno with Oestrogen daily and it was the best HRt regime I used. I was on and off HRT for over 25 years.
I had a premature meno which started in my mid 30s and I was post meno by my early 40s - I have tried just about every HRT there is to try - I'm 61 now and not using HRT anymore but still getting meno symptoms.

Your husband won't feel the cord. Once the Mirena is fitted, you may get a bit of bleeding at first but this should stop after the first few weeks.
Do use Sylk vaginal moisturiser or perhaps the YES products to help with vaginal dryness and I have used lots of extra lubrication for sex for many years - really essential. A hysterectomy should be the last resort - give the Mirena a go - it's the favourite among most gynaes as it often solves problematic bleeding and also shrinks fibroids and polyps - you may be pleasantly surprised. DG x