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Author Topic: What does anxiety do to your body/health??  (Read 9076 times)


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Re: What does anxiety do to your body/health??
« Reply #15 on: October 03, 2017, 04:19:57 PM »

Why is it mind over matter  :-\ ..........

Go on, do share ;-) Snooze

You have your own way of coping and I'll have mine. Have a read of this then...


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Re: What does anxiety do to your body/health??
« Reply #16 on: October 03, 2017, 04:23:17 PM »

I beg to differ CLKD, It has taken me many years but there have been times when I have overcome an anxiety attack with  'mind over matter'. It's not easy but with practice it can work. I'm not saying all the time but it's no harm to try. While it may not work for you please don't dismiss it if it works for others x

Thank you Yammy as I didn't like the tone of CLKD's question.

With HA, you must learn to rationalise it. So now hours later, I'm over my silly panic about what set my latest attack off but at the time it was very real to me but I had to keep telling my MIND to stop being stupid and that there was no way the stain remover I had soaked some clothes in had been digested into my system and that is why my tongue felt tingly and the roof of my mouth felt like it was burning!



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Re: What does anxiety do to your body/health??
« Reply #17 on: October 03, 2017, 04:23:38 PM »

Interesting read Snoooze, and I totally agree. I would never dismiss anyone's method of coping, if it works for them then that's all that matters


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Re: What does anxiety do to your body/health??
« Reply #18 on: October 03, 2017, 04:28:09 PM »

Thank you Yammy.

As you say, it's not easy and it doesn't always work but it's my way of coping.


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Re: What does anxiety do to your body/health??
« Reply #19 on: October 03, 2017, 04:33:21 PM »

Snoooze I'm sure I read somewhere that burning tongue can be a meno symptom? Worth doing a search and having a look. might put your mind at ease  :bighug:


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Re: What does anxiety do to your body/health??
« Reply #20 on: October 03, 2017, 04:38:34 PM »

Yes I've seen that mentioned. I've always suffered with geographical tongue but I do keep getting this burning feeling but when I look up the symptoms of burning tongue (naughty, naughty googling!) it says it can occur in meno or due to anxiety and depression. It also occurs alongside dry mouth which I also have.

Thing is, with my HA I can convince myself I have anything. I only have to read symptoms and I start experiencing them!


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Re: What does anxiety do to your body/health??
« Reply #21 on: October 03, 2017, 04:43:00 PM »

Ditto Snooze, I think I have diseases not even invented yet  :P. I see an article in the paper, on the news or on facebook about heart attack or stroke or any ailment really and convince myself 'oh I was meant to read this', it must be a warning, how sad is that  :'(


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Re: What does anxiety do to your body/health??
« Reply #22 on: October 03, 2017, 07:48:19 PM »

What's lovely about this thread as it shows we are all the same!   I think the mind over matter thing is massive - my mind creates physical symptoms that disappear when I manage to distract myself from them.

Although the best cure is unfortunately a different symptom taking over!!


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Re: What does anxiety do to your body/health??
« Reply #23 on: October 03, 2017, 08:33:33 PM »

Isn't it amazing rebel2, if for example if I'm feeling dizzy i forget my chest pain or acid reflux. I was very bold at the weekend and had a bottle of wine, BIG mistake, the acid reflux was so bad during the night I ended up vomiting.  :'( :'(. My head ached so bad the next morning I forgot about being dizzy and achey, it seems my mind was too busy feeling sorry for my poor head. Just goes to show if the mind is distracted then 'mind over matter' really does work


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Re: What does anxiety do to your body/health??
« Reply #24 on: October 05, 2017, 12:54:18 PM »

Hi Sparkle,
Yes I had my B12 tested and it was OK. I think geographical tongue may be hormonal for me as I first got it years ago when I was pregnant with my first child. My Dentist diagnosed it. Then I seemed to get it with subsequent pregnancies and now I've had it quite a bit during peri. Apparently there is not much that can be done about it. I sometimes think it comes about when I eat sweets or spicy food but it does seem to come and go. I do keep getting a sore/burning feeling on the roof of my mouth and my tongue is often sore so I do wonder now about burning tongue syndrome. I will mention it to my Dentist next time I go.


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Re: What does anxiety do to your body/health??
« Reply #25 on: October 08, 2017, 07:12:47 PM »

I wouldnt wish health anxiety on anyone, it's literally hell on earth but I have to admit it's SO reassuring to read that we're all feeling very similar. I find it so difficult to rationalise once the anxiety sets in, but I desperately try to remind myself that I've been here so many times and (so far) it's never been anything life threatening!
I've literally just had a mad panic about something so ridiculous I haven't even mentioned it to my husband, I'm sure over the next few days it'll be on my mind constantly but as others have said, I'm sure another symptom will soon come along to freak me out and I'll forget all about this one!   


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Re: What does anxiety do to your body/health??
« Reply #26 on: October 08, 2017, 07:34:44 PM »

The mind can be your best friend and also your worst enemy
If I'm not too anxious I can talk my self down but when it's at its peak I just have to run. I've left full shopping trolleys before in my haste to escape.
I don't have health anxiety but I do hold my hand up about consulting Dr Google. I go to the doctors at the drop of a hat and feel I've been practically weekly for past few years. I suffered for many months with a sore burning tongue I had to be careful what I ate. I didn't know it was a meno symptom until recently.


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Re: What does anxiety do to your body/health??
« Reply #27 on: October 09, 2017, 12:50:41 PM »

Do you know what your b12 reading was?  I only ask because the 'normal' range is so wide.  You can be within range but at the lower end which is so frustrating.  Does sound like hormones play a big part though doesn't it. X

Hi Sparkle,
No, I wasn't told the reading. I think it was about 18 months ago I had the blood tests so I may make an appt and go back to have some rechecked.


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Re: What does anxiety do to your body/health??
« Reply #28 on: October 19, 2017, 09:25:28 AM »

Having a totally crap day today.   :-\  Still got funny feeling under ribs, but have to admit it goes [or I don't notice it] when I am completely distracted.   I'm now aware of it when I wake - or perhaps I just think about as soon as I wake and 'scan' for it.

I also have the beginnings of a cold...

Saw GP yesterday who, when I told him about the funny trapped wind feeling, asked me about blood in my stools and diarrhoea, which has obviously set me off... even though I don't have them!  Last time I went and mentioned it the GP mentioned ovarian cancer and I have had some backache [after first yoga session in months] so went the lung cancer route in my mind..

I am literally going mad.  I cry at the drop of a hat and can't seem to shake it off this time.  Perhaps because I have been anxious/stressed since a traumatic event in early July - so this is now a habit.   Was offered propranolol but will panic about side effects so it might be counter-productive!  And still have Sertraline to take but again, am worried that is just adding another issue!

Just wanted to vent!


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Re: What does anxiety do to your body/health??
« Reply #29 on: November 02, 2017, 09:08:47 PM »

Hi rebel2. Your posts remind me of me! I had spoits dozens of holidays i the past 5 years convinced I have had everything from skin cancer to Dementia. I think find when I'm in that zone I just can't relax and all the recommended breathing / relaxing just goes out the window. I also had that dull feeling under the left ribs (felt like a brick) for weeks then ended up at the GP in tears and he said it  was just gastritus (inflamed gut/stomach) stress related! - went of its own accord after about a month. Ditto dizzyness being an inner ear virus. For the last week I have been freaking out over a pulsing / tump sensation under my left rib  followed by a quick nerve jolt in my hands under my left ribs which I'm convninced is something wrong with my heart. I have thought of nothing else for 4 days now and am in total panic that I can't get a GP appointment for two weeks. This is is no way to live and ten years ago I wouldn't recognise myself. Miserable  :'(
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