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Author Topic: What does anxiety do to your body/health??  (Read 9075 times)


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What does anxiety do to your body/health??
« on: October 02, 2017, 08:43:28 AM »

As readers of my other posts will know, I have suffered for around six weeks now with trapped wind feeling under left ribs which then moves round to my back, intermittent stomach issues, gurgling, etc.   It has coincided with a really bad period of stress/anxiety - for the four weeks before this I had another health anxiety wobble about something else and before that we suffered a really bad financial blow.  So it's no wonder I'm bad.  Yesterday I thought I was 'cured', then at around 11pm I had a row with daughter and got upset - stomach started going bad about 4 am...

I haven't bothered the GP with it, as one day out of five days it goes [always when I'm busy and out and about], so I assume it is yet another manifestation of anxiety.   

Stomach issues are common with HA but what other issues have people had?  I had a 'nervous bladder' for months a couple of years ago.  My GP at the time seemed very harsh with me and kept telling it was anxiety.  I hated her, but with hindsight I think perhaps the harsh approach was better for me than loads of sympathy.


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Re: What does anxiety do to your body/health??
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2017, 12:14:47 PM »

Any stress causes tension in the muscle groups: neck, chest, belly, thighs ........ gut kicks in ........ appetite goes away.  Or someone might eat more.

Stress can increase IBS symptoms.  Can cause over-all aching because the body becomes tense all over.  Stress can cause people to sleep heavily or not at all .........


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Re: What does anxiety do to your body/health??
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2017, 04:11:16 PM »

I've suffered from anxiety since I was a child then after I had my own children, I started suffering from Health Anxiety. I hate that I can't get over it. I worry that it's no good for my health all the worrying I do. When I was 'younger' i always looked younger than my years but now I feel all the worry has caught up with me and I look old! I'm sure some of that is peri. As Sparkle says, a lot of peri symptoms are similar to anxiety symptoms but I've also read that someone who suffers from anxiety will experience a worse meno and I think that is true as my friends who are all positive, glass half full types have sailed through peri.

I feel my anxiety has become worse since I'm in peri, I feel it has taken over most of my life. I'm not as outgoing now as I was as I get anxious just going to the shops etc. I wish my brain would shut off from listening to this bast*rd called 'anxiety' but it always tries to get the better of me. Basically, I just take each day as it comes and the days I'm less anxious are a blessing and I try to get out and do all the things that the B normally holds me back from.


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Re: What does anxiety do to your body/health??
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2017, 06:04:10 PM »

4 me anxiety hits the gut, into the thighs which go weak, into the calves ; then my head starts to think 'OH NO!' - Despair and rolled into a ball: all within 2-3 seconds  :'(

I do think that stress can lower the immune system.  It can make the sufferer feel really tired.  Which can't be good for the body/brain.  It also causes me to think hard about whether I really want to go out and about right now ......... but am better if I get up and go rather than sitting around .......... then I get fidgety!


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Re: What does anxiety do to your body/health??
« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2017, 08:20:00 AM »

Sparkle you could have wrote my post and add dizzy, lightheaded. Snoooze  and CLKD I have also suffered with anxiety for years on and off, long before meno. Some days are better than others but for me feeling dizzy is the most debilitating symptom of all. It really scares me and stops me in my track. Am sitting here in bed not wanting to get up because I know as soon as I do I will start to feel dizzy and the anxiety will set in. This is no way to live  :'(


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Re: What does anxiety do to your body/health??
« Reply #5 on: October 03, 2017, 09:33:12 AM »

Yammy - your final sentence echoes what I say most days!

I have had everything since this anxiety really hit.  Can't get rid of this trapped wind issue at the moment -but have been told that it is always there, it is just the degree to which you concentrate on it that matters!

Will try doing some work to get rid of it.


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Re: What does anxiety do to your body/health??
« Reply #6 on: October 03, 2017, 11:50:52 AM »

Social anxiety for me was feeling faint and on the verge of depersonalisation


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Re: What does anxiety do to your body/health??
« Reply #7 on: October 03, 2017, 12:44:37 PM »

Anxiety, particularly health anxiety, can cause all sorts of symptoms. Several years ago I was given the IBS diagnosis but eventually it seemed to resolve itself! I now have bladder problems and I am convinced that to some extent these are made much worse by anxiety. I think that when you are anxious you can focus very much on the part of the body you are worried about and this causes tension and more discomfort. I find yoga very good for this although only when in a class- can't relax enough at home. I have recently retired from a very demanding job and I think too that I have too much time to think about things.


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Re: What does anxiety do to your body/health??
« Reply #8 on: October 03, 2017, 01:13:04 PM »

My HA has kicked in again today over something so ridiculous I daren't even mention it. That's the trouble...I'm often embarrassed by what I panic over health wise and although I have over the years shared my panic, I feel that people just look at me as if I'm mad so nowadays, I tend to keep it to myself but not sure which is worse.

So as I was panicking today, I took note of my symptoms and they were nervous feeling, shaky, feeling hot, racing heart, hearing my heartbeat. I've calmed down a bit now but the thing I'm panicking about is still there but I must rationalise it and tell myself I'm being ridiculous. It really is mind over matter although I find it hard to follow my own advice. I'm on my own today, I do find it worse when I'm on my own, I think because there is nothing to distract me but hopefully sharing on here helps although not sure if it's a good thing to keep reading on here about anxiety, I feel it makes me worse  :'(


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Re: What does anxiety do to your body/health??
« Reply #9 on: October 03, 2017, 02:09:11 PM »

Jemp and Snooze [sounds like a yoga class!!] -I think you have hit the nail on the head about how we fixate when left to our own devices.  I am usually fine when out and about, but I really miss feeling calm and settled when I'm on my own.  I used to love pottering about the house.

And Snooze - I bet we wouldn't find your current worry ridiculous - bet we've had it...


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Re: What does anxiety do to your body/health??
« Reply #10 on: October 03, 2017, 02:20:06 PM »

I have had 5 years of health anxiety being with me most days. You name it , I've Googled it. Tried the NHS self help courses...didn't really help.  But I also think the hormone churn of peri-menopause itself can really upset the gastric and nervous system which then ramps up the anxiety.  Over the years it has sometimes hit me in the middle of the night; hot, pounding heart, thoughts of doom, walking around the house thinking I'm going to have a heart attack.  I have even  phoned NHS 24 a few times or been up to A & E..which turned out to be trapped wind / gastritus /  and a strained muscle from playing X Box Golf  to my shame.
I do think the hormone changes / fluctuations upset your gut - any friend food / wine / bread / cabbage / lettuce gives me bad guts now and I am sure at certain times of the month my anxiety reaches super levels where no logic can reach.  It is so good to get this out here and not feel like a freak as I do when I go to any of the 10 local GPs. My recent panic was a couple of spots on my face which I thought was skin cancer...I couldn't leave them alone for wanting them to go... so they got infected.   But guess what...2 wks later they have gone.   P.S. My GP gave me Ranitidine/Zantac for my stomach after I had discomfort under my left rib whilst on holiday (I was so worried). He said " its just gastritus, I get it after eating lettuce now, take this "   and boom in 3 days it has gone. Most things are simple but the GPs can give you something to fix it.


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Re: What does anxiety do to your body/health??
« Reply #11 on: October 03, 2017, 02:22:22 PM »

Why is it mind over matter  :-\ ..........

Go on, do share ;-) Snooze



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Re: What does anxiety do to your body/health??
« Reply #12 on: October 03, 2017, 02:33:38 PM »

We are all in the one boat or as i  like to put it (up Sh.. creek without a paddle). Snoooze totally agree with you regarding mind over matter, When i'm having a very rare good day I tell myself how stupid I am to let these feelings and thoughts take over, but as soon as the blooming anxiety rears it's ugly head all rational thinking goes out the window. we just have to keep going and hopefully  come out the other side fairly normal. It's great to be able to come on here without being judged or ridiculed and chat with women who know exactly how you are feeling.


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Re: What does anxiety do to your body/health??
« Reply #13 on: October 03, 2017, 03:11:40 PM »

A particularly low point for me was googling bladder cancer in the caravan in the middle of the night and being absolutely convinced I was about to peg out. I was mentally writing letters to the kids. No-one who knew me in my previous life would believe it of me! I was always the calm confident one who coped with other people's anxieties!!


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Re: What does anxiety do to your body/health??
« Reply #14 on: October 03, 2017, 04:19:40 PM »

I beg to differ CLKD, It has taken me many years but there have been times when I have overcome an anxiety attack with  'mind over matter'. It's not easy but with practice it can work. I'm not saying all the time but it's no harm to try. While it may not work for you please don't dismiss it if it works for others x
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