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Author Topic: Where has 'me' gone?  (Read 5925 times)


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Re: Where has 'me' gone?
« Reply #15 on: September 30, 2017, 01:54:58 PM »

Wow Roseneath sounds like a perfect morning and great list, your so right we do need a gentle kick up the bum sometimes but I no somedays I could win the lottery and I'd show no emotion, but these days do pass and that's what I hold on to.
I no some people may not like taking Medacation which is fine, I'm a bit of a pill popper if someone said try this you will feel better I'll try it. I'd hate to think what I'd be like on nothing, my ADs do give me a little energy boost which is soooo helpful as I have ME.

And yes Annie sometimes we here all the bad stuff, I must admit I came off here when I was ok on my premique so it's lovely to hear such positive happy story's. And congrats on your wedding 💖Xxxx


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Re: Where has 'me' gone?
« Reply #16 on: September 30, 2017, 02:13:06 PM »

Thank you.  I always promised myself if I found a good regime (doubt I'll ever feel perfect as I'm aging in this process like everyone else) that I'd stick around and help if I can x


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Re: Where has 'me' gone?
« Reply #17 on: September 30, 2017, 02:16:23 PM »

Me too, I've always asked for help although not settled just yet I can try and give feedback on what I've had xxx

Biker Chick

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Re: Where has 'me' gone?
« Reply #18 on: October 02, 2017, 10:58:45 PM »

Hi everyone, I've just joined this forum and saw this topic. I also wonder where 'me has gone' so I totally understand where you are coming from. Reading all your suggestions is a great help. I haven't much to offer at the moment in the way of reply as I am really struggling too. I don't recognise myself anymore. I used to be such a happy, strong person but now I cry nearly every day. Sometimes it is a struggle to even get out of bed as I think 'what is the point'. My sleeping is no longer very good, this never used to be a problem. I feel as if something has been switched off inside me and I no longer feel any joy. I don't like anything about myself any more, I've always had low self esteem but these days it is off the scale. I wonder how my partner copes with me. I'm no fun anymore. I keep telling him he would be better off finding someone else. I've been offered anti-depressants but am reluctant to take them so I have been trying other routes to see if I can feel like my old self again. I've tried the herbal route but so far nothing has really seemed to help. I am a vegetarian so have a healthy diet and have upped my exercise regime as I know this is supposed to help. I am currently looking into some sort of counselling or therapy to see if that might help me. My current state of mind is a combination of not good life changing events over the last 2 years and going through the menopause.I haven't been able to pick myself up between bad things happening and feel I am now rock bottom to be honest. I was made redundant recently so really to find another job but I am in no state to even think about that at the moment, I would be no good to any new employer. This is added pressure and certainly doesn't help how I am feeling. My partner tries to be there for me but he has his own 'stuff' going on at the moment so I can't rely on him, instead my friends have been a tower of strength but I don't like contacting them because all I seem to do is moan and cry and whilst they say they don't mind I feel sure that they must get sick of me. I'm glad I found this forum. I don't feel so alone anymore. x


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Re: Where has 'me' gone?
« Reply #19 on: October 03, 2017, 05:01:20 AM »

Don't suffer ..... if you need help to lift your mood, tell your gp.    You may only need ADs, or hrt or both.  Hrt can take a while to find the best one and dose but in the meantime ADs could help quicker


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Re: Where has 'me' gone?
« Reply #20 on: October 03, 2017, 06:40:58 AM »

Hi biker chick I agree with Annie, I think why suffer and get deeper and deeper in to a hole.

I tried the natural route yrs ago but did not help me unfortunately, some women it will some need a bit more help.
AD's are there to help and HRT, I take both and both are helping me in different ways.
I would maybe go to the doctors and have a chat with a open mind.
And you can moan to us now xxx


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Re: Where has 'me' gone?
« Reply #21 on: October 03, 2017, 02:02:13 PM »

Hi Biker chick. I am relatively new to the emotional side of peri-menopause and I totally identify with your post. This forum has made me realise I am not going mad and the hormonal churn is normal.  The tips I am trying to put in place and (some days!) give me some benefit
are ...keep a diary of your moods. I have a mad / down week just after my period then pick up again. Eat little and often...every 2 hours I find helps... bananas/marmite on toast...if you are feeling blue eat...write a list of things that might pick you up ; things for yourself or for friends/family who you could make happy...try and get out in the fresh air. I know on the worst days I am not up to any of these. On these days I play feel good music really loud in the house to try and drown out the negative thought patterns. Big hugs to you.


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Re: Where has 'me' gone?
« Reply #22 on: October 03, 2017, 06:07:26 PM »

So glad the thread has resonated with others, though it's a shame people are going through so much.

 I can totally relate to the life events and menopause coinciding and not being able to get out of a hole. My job is very demanding and I find I hardly make time for anything else as I am too tired all the time.

Went to one GP a few years ago, when I must have been perimenopausal, and said I had no life as too tired...he said it was a matter of managing my expectations and at that age, if I was working twelve hour days I must expect not to do anything else! >:(

Then went to another GP and cried my eyes out in his office almost begging to be signed off explaining about the early meno.....he said it must be work stress! (Have been working all my life but only found it difficult recently.) At least my current GP is taking meno seriously.

Biker Chick

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Re: Where has 'me' gone?
« Reply #23 on: October 03, 2017, 09:14:31 PM »

Hi again, thank you to all of you for your supporting comments. I feel weepy just reading them. Maybe I do need to reconsider taking the AD's. I'm thinking of trying hypnotherapy. I've tried it previously and it helped so maybe I need to try it again. I might try the mood diary Roseneath, thank you for the suggestion. I really appreciate everything you have all said. It's good to know that I'm not going mad because I really feel like I am sometimes. I'm so glad I found this forum and that I am not alone. It's good that we can all support each other going through this particularly difficult stage in our lives. Thank you x
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