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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Pro-Banthine  (Read 2936 times)


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« on: September 28, 2017, 05:26:36 PM »

My GP is very keen that I try Pro-Banthine for night sweats.Has anyone any experience of this,please?


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Re: Pro-Banthine
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2017, 05:43:29 PM »

I've just looked this up and it seems a very strange thing to prescribe if you are having menopausal hot flushes.
HRT would be the obvious solution.
I think the side effects of Pro-Banthine would cause even more problems.

I assume your have had tests to rule out thyroid issues?
How old are you and where are you in your meno journey - peri or post meno?

Has your GP even discussed HRT with you? If you can't have HRT because of specific health concerns e.g. close relative with breast cancer - then trying a SRRI would be preferable to the Pro-Banthine.

DG x


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Re: Pro-Banthine
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2017, 06:16:18 PM »

Hi, Dancing girl:
Have stopped hrt due to adverse effects, so GP has suggested probanthine but I read up the side effects and wasn't keen.He was a bit put out and has given me citalopram to try, pointing out that could have bad side effects as well.
Had terrible time on tibolone and insisted on thyroid tests and diabetes, recently had private blood test to rule out vitamin b12 deficiency.
Have had overactive thyroid in past, get reynards syndrome and vitiligo, both mildly.Oh well, have had big moan under "new members" as feeling very menopausal ratty today...will be 57 on Christmas day and 5 years into only a baby,really!


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Re: Pro-Banthine
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2017, 06:23:18 PM »

Hi liauq - some women get good results from Clonidine (Dixarit) which is a blood pressure tablet but it is also prescribed to combat hot flushes. Two of my friends have done really well on it.

Taz x


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Re: Pro-Banthine
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2017, 06:41:33 PM »

Hi, Taz2:
My niece says colonizing works for hot flushes so I mentioned it to my GPS today and got a speech on how old-fashioned and useless it was...but I could have it if I wanted!
The man who didn't want me to have hrt four years ago is one a hrt zealot, lol!


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Re: Pro-Banthine
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2017, 07:20:08 PM »

 - Which HRTs have you tried?
There are many HRT regimes available so it's worth looking into your options. 
Citalopram can be effective in treating meno symptoms but you are under 60 so HRT would still be your best option.

Have you looked under TREATMENTS on this site to get clued up on your options?
DG x


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Re: Pro-Banthine
« Reply #6 on: September 28, 2017, 07:44:14 PM »

GP started me on tibalone, helped with menopause symptoms but I had three "episodes" which made me feel so bad: headaches,dizziness,memory loss,speech,balance,walking,exhaustion etcetera:awful.
Then moved to oestrogel (two pumps) and utrogestan seven days out of twentyeight: periods started very light but got progressively heavier until I started getting interim spotting after seventeen months:had had polyps many years ago so stopped. Meno symptoms great during hrt but the side effects still there but not as severe as with tibalone, headaches, ringing in ears and disconnect to feet pain in legs.Periods of something I call miniflu.
Referred to gynacologist 're intermittent bleeding but because I'd had no bleeding since quitting hrt it was probably a dosage issue and that at my age I could probably try continuous hrt but I'm too scared due to previous side effects : the gynacologist described hrt as a "whole body" treatment and thought it possible I'd just get the same side effects.


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Re: Pro-Banthine
« Reply #7 on: September 28, 2017, 08:21:02 PM »

Hi, Taz2:
My niece says colonizing works for hot flushes so I mentioned it to my GPS today and got a speech on how old-fashioned and useless it was...but I could have it if I wanted!
The man who didn't want me to have hrt four years ago is one a hrt zealot, lol!

It does work for some - might be worth a try. Just because it's old doesn't mean it's no good - that goes for me as well.  ;D

Taz x


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Re: Pro-Banthine
« Reply #8 on: September 29, 2017, 07:39:20 AM »

Hi Taz2:
My kindle also makes it's mind up about what I mean to say..."colonizing" should be clonidine, but it's quite funny sometimes.


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Re: Pro-Banthine
« Reply #9 on: September 29, 2017, 10:53:54 AM »

I abandoned HRT because the side effects were outweighing the benefits. I had to use HRT for nearly 25 years due to premature meno and tried just about every HRT going during this time.
As I got older ( I am now 61) my body seemed to just rebel against any HRT so I am now just doing without - I just use Vagifem local oestrogen to help with VA and bladder issues.
It is tough when the simply won't adjust to hormones anymore.
I did try Amitriptyline for 3 weeks which was great but then the dry mouth and a general feeling of agitation kicked in and I couldn't sleep or cope generally. I think I am now super sensitive to everything.
I concentrate on doing lots of brisk walking, eat small amounts often and do lots of mindful mediation. I've simply geering my life around coping with the meno symptoms☹️ 
The only combo that gave the fewest side effects was the Mirena with the gel alongside. The first few weeks were strange while things settled ( a bit sedated so slept like a baby) but it was the least hassle. DG x


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Re: Pro-Banthine
« Reply #10 on: September 29, 2017, 11:14:36 AM »

Hi, Dancinggiri:
Fun isn't it?
It helps to come on here and realise you are not alone.
Recently talked to a woman who had been going through menopause symptoms for twelve years, mainly emotional and lack of sleep at this stage I suspect and she is heartbroken because she thought it had gone recently but it came back.
It's the lack of sleep which really does your head in and makes you do stupid things, I stayed on hrt so long for six hours sleep a night...but in the end that started breaking down.
Just started the vagifem again but my memory is so bad (thanks,tibolone) that I can't remember if I've taken it !
Took my first citalopram last night, see why the chemist warned about nausea.Bit concerned about the driving warning on the pack as my confidence has become very low anyway.
Best of luck on your long road to freedom!