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Author Topic: Awful stomach issues!  (Read 2143 times)


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Awful stomach issues!
« on: September 06, 2017, 07:59:21 PM »

I have written in other threads about my current woes - what started as trapped wind moved into bouts of gurgling stomach wind.  But today - oh dear, I am in real distress with awful lower tummy ache.  It feels as though a boulder is passing through!   Last night I risked a pizza with spicy sausage and marscapone, lovely at the time and I had a small beer.   My stomach had been fine all day - in fact I had a scone with cream earlier.  Fine till this morning, then wham!   I had a tuna sandwich for lunch as I was hungry but have felt awful since then.

Am at docs tomorrow anyway, but if this is the result of eight weeks of major stress and anxiety then I will get ADs.

Am hungry now - any ideas on what to eat while lower intestines are still on fire?!


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Re: Awful stomach issues!
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2017, 10:14:55 PM »

If your doctor is going to do a blood test for Coeliac disease you need to be eating gluten containing foods for about six weeks and preferably at  two meals a day.
You can have wheat intolerance that gives very similar symptoms to CD also lactose intolerance could be an issue.
I have a son with Coeliac disease and two who are wheat/lactose intolerant.


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Re: Awful stomach issues!
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2017, 11:00:26 PM »

I went through very similar problems earlier this year.
I had a bout of truly ghastly lower abdominal pain, terrible wind and ended up having a full colonoscopy to see if I had Crohns or colitis. It turned out to be diverticulitis which is quite common. I was told I needed plenty of fibre but as I was opening my vowels 2-4 times a day and loosing weight fast. I got advice from my brother-in-law, a gastroenterologist, who said to go on a low residual diet to rest the whole digestive system. Look this up online and start on very small meals about 2 hours apart. Drink plenty of water. Once your system has calmed down ( this may take a couple of weeks) gradually add in more food types and this way you can tell what upsets your system. I have discovered I am better without dairy( I'm fine with soya milk). I am fine with bread as well but as suggested by others you should be tested for coeliac.
Eat slowly and try some relaxation techniques.
Spicy sausage, pizza and mascarpone are the very last things you should be eating - they are guaranteed to give you digestive issues. Try some chicken and rice or a jacket potato with a light salad.
DG x


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Re: Awful stomach issues!
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2017, 09:36:35 AM »

I am with you  with this. Use to be able to eat anything. Now anything 'bulky' (bread, pizza) or fried or yeasty (wine/beer) gives me huge burpy wind or then 8 hours later huge 'parps' out the other end. It gets worse just before and after my period. Docs just throw me Ranitidine and tell me to give up the foods that don't suit me. BUT my oesteopath told me he thinks a big problem is we swallow too much air if 1) We are anxious or 2) We eat too quick / don't chew food properly. I think it is a combo of both with me plus that some foods (gluten or yeast or fatty) just don't agree with me anymore.   He says ' eat drink, swallow food' . I am trying it out.


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Re: Awful stomach issues!
« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2017, 06:36:48 PM »

I with you both on this, I've put up with it for years as so many other problems going on but I'm getting to the point I'm going to have to mention it to the doctor.
I've been in town today my tummy is normally not bad but I had to hide a bag in front of it as I looked six months pregnant, when I eat it sounds like a ping pong machine gurgling away, in pain.