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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Hrt novice  (Read 1287 times)


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Hrt novice
« on: September 14, 2017, 12:52:35 PM »

Hi ladies
Another newbie after advice as all this is like another language to me  :o
I'm 48 and have been told by GP after a blood test that im starting meno. I have only missed 1 period up to now but looking back i think i started peri over 2 years ago. I had anxiety all day, depression I was in a right state! Was put on my old AD but it didn't work, changed to another still didn't work. I tried about 4 before I was referred to a psychiatrist who now has me on a cocktail so I was at least able to function again. I asked numerous times if it could be my hormones but it all seemed to fall on deaf ears .
Fast forward to 6 weeks ago and I got the horrible morning anxiety back, started having panic attacks and it's like my thermostat is broke if you no what I mean.
Anyway I have an appointment with GP next week to discuss hrt and depending on my BP if I can start it. I would really like to know what you lovely ladies suggest I should ask for . I know everyone is different and have different reactions a bit like Ad's so  it's trial and error but I value your knowledge as like I say im a novice
Thank you
I have type 2 diabetes too if that needs to be considered about options

Karen max

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Re: Hrt novice
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2017, 01:02:58 PM »

Hi Nasil41
              Your story sounds a bit like mine tho I'm now 3years post meno,still on my anti depressants beta blockers and still can't find HRT that suits me... I hope your gp can sort you out with something...anixty has to be the worse side effect of meno well for me anyway....I'm sure someone will be along to offer advice on HRT as it's just a mind field to myself,the more I read the more I confuse myself....
                Kaz x


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Re: Hrt novice
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2017, 05:16:09 PM »

Hi Nasil41

What are you periods doing now? Was the skipped cycle recently or have they gone back to being regular again? One possibility is to go on the Pill to regulate your cycle and prevent the mood swings - there are a couple that are similar to HRT like QLAIRA which only has two tablet free days. The guidance now is that doctors should not prescribe anti-depressants as the first line of treatment for menopausal symptoms (including hormonal anxiety or depression) but HRT instead, although in the absence of any cyclical changes the doctor may not have thought you were heading for menopause (even though your age should be an indication).

There are various ways to reduce blood pressure naturally if yours is high - weight loss, (if needed), increased exercise, reduction in alcohol and smoking if appropriate, reducing salt in diet as well as the amount of saturated fats etc. This is what it says on this website about hypertension and hRT:

Blood pressure should be measured and, if high, should be controlled prior to starting HRT. Blood pressure measurement should be repeated 3 months after starting HRT and is then usually checked at annual review. There is a very small risk of conjugated equine estrogens causing a rise in blood pressure which resolves on cessation of treatment. In the presence of controlled hypertension, HRT is unlikely to worsen control; some recommend using transdermal (patch or gel) HRT.
Sage should be used with caution if hypertensive and St.John's Wort should be used with caution if taking antihypertensive therapy.

All the different HRT preparations are listed under the Treatments tab ( pale green banner above) so it depends if you want a tablet or patch - but avoid the conjugated equine estrogen ones (beginning with PRE - as per advice above. You might also want to think about the Pill to control your cycle and mood swings - there is one called QLAIRA  ( just posted about this on another thread) that is similar to HRT but suppresses the cycle and only has two tablet free days.

If you find something to suit you then eventually hopefully you might be able to reduce the ADs - ideally - if your anxiety was purely hormonal and you feel better.

Not sure how diabetes is affected? There is info on this website too about this:

Women with type 1 diabetes are thought to be at increased risk of osteoporosis and coronary heart disease. The association between HRT use and diabetes has caused some confusion; some studies, including the Women's Health Initiative trial, showing a reduced risk of diabetes in women taking HRT, yet fairly recently HRT advice sheets advised caution when using HRT in diabetic women. Currently, HRT may be used when indicated in women with diabetes, and it is thought that either low dose oral estrogen or transdermal (patch or gel) preparations are best. If progestogen is required, either dydrogesterone or micronised progesterone seem least likely to interfere with diabetic control, although further studies are required on ideal type and route of HRT. A recent study showed reduced fasting glucose levels in women with diabetes taking low dose tablet combined HRT. The use of sage is not advisable in presence of diabetes.

Hope this helps and let us know how you get on :)

Hurdity x


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Re: Hrt novice
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2017, 07:01:18 PM »

Hi Hurdity
My cycle has been regular up until I had my last one middle of July. They have been a bit heavier than normal with a few clots but lasting the same length of time.
I did suffer from terrible cramping and heavy bleeding when I was younger so I decided to go on the pill which really helped and then after I had my kids I had the depo injection also with no problems which I stayed on until my late 30s. I did attempt the coil but had to have it removed the same night as I was rolling around floor in agony I thought I was giving birth.
I stopped smoking in January, don't drink but my weight is an issue as one of my meds increases appetite but I'm now eating more sensibly to control
I have been trying to read up a bit about hrt as 2 of my friends were on it and think its the best thing since sliced bread but I didn't realise there was more than one type shows how ignorant I am
I think I'm just scared about trying something that makes me worse as I remember the AD nightmare of stopping and starting. My GP did say it would have to be a transdermal one am I right in thinking there is a gel too ? And also would I need to start at a low dose and work upwards ? X