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Author Topic: Vagifem 10 micrograms been prescribed for help with repeated UTI  (Read 7222 times)


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Vagifem 10 micrograms been prescribed for help with repeated UTI
« on: September 09, 2017, 07:46:41 PM »


I went to the chemist today to pick up a prescription to find out it was the above. I have had repeated UTI's since May this year resulting in a total of 8 repeat prescriptions for antibiotics the infection seems to clear whilst on the antibiotics but then within a few days is back sometimes giving me fever and a temp tests come back still showing infection which is Ecoli. I have been prescribed Nitrofurantoin and Selexid turnabout and even though the cultures come back sensitive to these both so far they don't seem to have eradicated the whole infection. I had an appointment with a consultant urologist who put me on a course of MacroBid for 7 days 2 slow release capsules 100mg he did mention that going on some local oestrogen might help as sometimes these issues can be menopause related (I also have an underlying condition Spina Bifida but have had no UTI issues until this year) he has also suggested going on a prophylactic course of AB for a wee while but I haven't received any prescription regarding this he also wants to do an MRI, another ultrasound of my Kidneys/Bladder although first one was ok showing I appeared to be emptying ok and another procedure involving a little camera to have a look but this can't be done until I have no infection.

Does anyone have any experience taking this for UTI I thought from the way he was talking it was going to be some kind of cream but it appears it's a pessary type thing also after reading the scary issues with regards to HRT type drugs there is a bit that says if you have any liver issues or liver results speak to your doctor. I recently had a full set of bloods taken plus a LFT as I'm also recovering from a cellulitis infection a took when I did a grade three sprain on my ankle a few weeks ago, the full blood tests were all normal except for a Vit D deficiency which I also had preciously but one of the LFT I think it was ALT was raised my GP thought it might be because I was also on 2 sets of antibiotics for my foot at the time which I was just finishing and advised to have the LFT redone in 3 months time but obviously I am concerned as been on so many drugs on such a short period I also take Tildiem LA 300 which I take for palpitations which have become troublesome again and I'm going for a 24 hour monitor thing although to be honest I needed a longer one previously as I can go for a few days with nothing then have them for a few days so I'm concerned that if I'm not having them that day then nothing will get picked up anyway sorry that's another issue.

Would be very grateful for any info on the vagifem re UTI



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Re: Vagifem 10 micrograms been prescribed for help with repeated UTI
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2017, 07:56:11 PM »

Hi - lots of ladies on here use vagifem (or ovestin, the cream).  Give it a search in the box at the top.

It really is a tiny amount of oestrogen and it is local.  The leaflet that comes with it the same information as hrt tablets  ::) which makes it look a lot scarier than it is  :o

If you are low in oestrogen in the vagina you might not appear to have atrophy, but it is common to get UTI and symptoms of UTI, as well as thrush, BV symptoms.  This is because there are oestrogen receptors in the urethra area and bladder. Hopefully vagifem will help with the abs.

You should use it every night for two weeks before going down to 2 per week (or for longer and more if that is what you have been told - it is such a small amount that sometimes it is not enough),


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Re: Vagifem 10 micrograms been prescribed for help with repeated UTI
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2017, 09:44:57 AM »

Hi  greenECLECTUS28
I too had repeated UTI's for six months. Whilst waiting for a cystoscopy my GP put me on Vagifem. Two weeks every night then three times a week. She also decided to have my sample checked for any other signs of infection and a hard to treat bacteria was found so I was put on a strong antibiotic for two weeks and so far (fingers crossed) I have not had a repeat UTI.  I have had the cystoscopy and a flow test and all were good.  The Consultant said that many ladies are prescribed Vagifem as it is known to help with UTI's and I have found through the forum that this is true.  If you have not been referred for the camera etc or had the sample tested for other causes it might be worth a chat with your GP. Good luck


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Re: Vagifem 10 micrograms been prescribed for help with repeated UTI
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2017, 10:05:53 AM »

Hi, yes, me too.  I do have VA but also used to get regular bouts of thrush and cystitis.  I have been on Vagifem now for 7 years and have not had an episode of thrush or a UTI in all that time.  Sometimes it is not t rue UTI but dryness of the urethra as well as the vagina that causes the UTI type discomfort.  Give it a go, it is localised and a very tiny amount.  It just goes where it is needed, it is not like systemic HRT at all.  You can always stop it if you are not happy or it doesn't help  :)


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Re: Vagifem 10 micrograms been prescribed for help with repeated UTI
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2017, 10:16:57 AM »

Quite right Hasty, I use cream externally and vagifem internally with my GP's blessing  :)


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Re: Vagifem 10 micrograms been prescribed for help with repeated UTI
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2017, 10:18:36 AM »

Yes - I had repeated bouts of UTI and I was on continuous antibiotics (low dose) to keep things under control. I read on the internet that sometimes one of the first signs of developing VA was repeated UTI's and topical oestrogen could help sort things out. I mentioned this to be doctor and she prescribed Vagifem. Within a month the antibiotics were discontinued and I had no further trouble for quite a few years. Nowadays I need full HRT plus Vagifem to keep things ok but I am in my early sixties so obviously the oestrogen levels are really low now.

It is important that UTI's are investigated though and I have had a few cystoscopies to make sure that the microscopic blood etc which is usually still present in my samples is not caused by a problem with the bladder. This link gives some information about recurrent UTI's and the role of oestrogen. I'm not sure how scientific it is but it might give you some insight into how it all affects the bladder

Taz x


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Re: Vagifem 10 micrograms been prescribed for help with repeated UTI
« Reply #6 on: September 10, 2017, 12:17:16 PM »

Thank you very much ladies for getting back  :)

All my UTI's have been cultured so we know it's an actual infection rather than just symptoms they are coming back with Ecoli I am just about to finish the course of MacroBid I've been on for the last 7 days and picked up the prescription for the Vagifem yesterday normally I would just start it right away but because I had that elevated LFT I'm a bit nervous in fact I am a bit nervous re the LFT result anyway as I've been on so many antibiotics since May working out something like 2 prescriptions per month so I am a bit worried there is something going on with my liver but my GP seems to have decided that my tiredness sometimes and the flu like symptoms I was getting sometimes in between the AB's was down to the Ecoli infection and she advised she doesn't think a scan is necessary and to have the test redone in 3 months time but there was talk of putting me on a prophylactic antibiotic for a wee while until all the tests have been done think that was to be Nitrofurantoin again not one of my favourites plus it has it can have serious side effects that have to be kept an eye on and I've been a bit coughing on this one but you never know whether it's coincidence as I do have asthma but it is more of an allergic asthma if I come in to contact with anything furry 😀 so on the whole I don't get many issues but I do get the occasional cough.

Certainly looks like the vagifem might be worth a try as as I said previously I haven't had any UTI issues for years it's only been this year I'm 54 and if I'm remembering correctly it will be 2 years this December since my last period when I was a child I was on long term antibiotics because of my condition (Spina Bifida) until I learned to manage the condition when I hit puberty and I've only had the odd UTI over the last 30 odd years but it's been all downhill over the last 2 years with various issues my mobility has drastically reduced muscles just not working as well as they were I'm now having to use a stick to walk which I never needed before and in fact due to this and this UTI issue I've been off my work since May not good as I'm the only wage earner it's tough being a woman sometimes  ;D

Taz what antibiotic were you on? and how long were you on it I'm assuming they have to put you one that is sensitive to the culture otherwise it wouldn't work.

I've to have a cytoscopy as well as an MRI and another ultrasound but can't have the cytoscopy while I still have an infection so that needs to be clear first

Thanks again ladies for all your helpful advice and your own experiences there are no women in my household to discuss these things with 😳  and the girls I work with are much younger!


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Re: Vagifem 10 micrograms been prescribed for help with repeated UTI
« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2017, 03:41:38 PM »

My problems were due to e.coli infection too but by helping the vaginal walls and the urethra etc. it then stops the e.coli from entering where it shouldn't.

I was on Cephalexin which is not prescribed much nowadays in my area due to the high incidence of it being one of the antibiotics which can cause C.Diff.  I always tested positive for e.coli even with the antibiotics until three months after starting Vagifem and it then disappeared.

Taz x


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Re: Vagifem 10 micrograms been prescribed for help with repeated UTI
« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2017, 03:46:02 PM »

I too had e.coli and remember having a course of macrobid at some point. Hopefully you will start to feel better very soon


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Re: Vagifem 10 micrograms been prescribed for help with repeated UTI
« Reply #9 on: September 10, 2017, 09:41:43 PM »

Thanks again ladies you are all so helpful  :)

Taz sorry one more question!  when you went on the prophylactic antibiotic dose was it after you had taken a seven day course and then it just followed on without waiting for a week to retest or was it after a course of antibiotics you waited a week  and then you had another positive test and rather than have another 7 day course they just put you on a one a day?

Just not sure how the prophylaxis thing works 😄 I haven't had any further antibiotics prescribed after this course finishes so not sure if the Urologist just wants to try the vagifem first without further antibiotics or the GP hasn't  followed up the letter he gave me to hand in will give the Surgery a ring tomorrow I mean obviously if I can avoid any more antibiotics then that's a good thing but equally don't want to be back to square one after a week and end up on my 9th course of AB's!!


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Re: Vagifem 10 micrograms been prescribed for help with repeated UTI
« Reply #10 on: September 10, 2017, 10:51:34 PM »

I waited a week, had the test, E.Coli was still found and it was decided to just put me on a maintenance dose of one a day plus the vagifem and it all cleared up. To be honest though I didn't run much of a fever when it was purely a lower tract UTI - this only happened when the infection went further up the urinary tract. It's interesting that you are always put on Nitro as, in this area, this antibiotic is reserved for upper UTI's and Trimethroprin  is used instead.

I am allergic (rashes, swelling) to lots of the antibiotics used to treat UTI's. My doc did say that when the same infection keeps coming back then the standard treatment is six months of a low dose antibiotic plus making sure that you do drink plenty of fluids every day. Not sure how much you drink?

Taz x


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Re: Vagifem 10 micrograms been prescribed for help with repeated UTI
« Reply #11 on: September 11, 2017, 07:58:57 AM »

Hi Taz2. I asked my consultant what the recommended amount to drink is and he said 1 litre a day and as I drink decaffeinated coffee this can be included. I thought I wouldn't be anywhere near to this but filled a jug with the same amount of water through the course of one day and found that I only needed about half a mug of liquid to get to the 1 litre so you shouldn't find it too hard. I had already swapped to decaffeinated coffee when I was getting the repeat UTI's and he said this was a very good idea. Good luck with everything


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Re: Vagifem 10 micrograms been prescribed for help with repeated UTI
« Reply #12 on: September 11, 2017, 09:58:01 AM »

Hi  :)

Thanks again for getting back the reason it's the Nitrofurantoin is because in the cultures the bug was only susceptible to Nitrofurantoin, Cyprofloaxin and the Selexid, Trim was not sensitive to the bug so I'm assuming that's why they are not using it in fact when I had the infection at first while I was waiting one of the GP's gave me this antibiotic to do me over the weekend and I ended up in A@E really ill and they advised when looking at my notes they didn't know why this was prescribed because the cultures had no sensitivity to it and put me back on the Nitro but it has its risks especially long term but I need to get well and back to work.

It's all a bit frustrating as I don't want to wait 7 days and get another UTI which has to be treated again I think the best thing is to try and see if I can speak to my GP today regarding all this and see what the consultant  wrote I really feel as if I am constantly chasing them over health issues or I don't get anywhere as rarely does anyone call me to explain unless I've asked first!


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Re: Vagifem 10 micrograms been prescribed for help with repeated UTI
« Reply #13 on: September 11, 2017, 04:36:45 PM »

Thanks  :)

Spoke to the surgery who called me back and advised doc has checked my notes and it's ok for me to take the Vagifem even though I had a slight raised ALT on my last LFT all other FBC's were normal.

It says to take at night? So do you ladies take it last thing at night before bed



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Re: Vagifem 10 micrograms been prescribed for help with repeated UTI
« Reply #14 on: September 11, 2017, 07:59:09 PM »

I put mine in last thing at night. It doesn't take long to weld itself to the vaginal wall where it is quickly absorbed. You may get a little residue in your knickers in the morning. It's important to put it in as high as you can.

Taz x
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