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Author Topic: hysteroscopy for a suspected polyp tomorrow dont know whether to postpone?  (Read 5787 times)


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Re: hysteroscopy for a suspected polyp tomorrow dont know whether to postpone?
« Reply #15 on: September 08, 2017, 03:49:38 PM »

Thanks CLKD


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Re: hysteroscopy for a suspected polyp tomorrow dont know whether to postpone?
« Reply #16 on: September 08, 2017, 08:15:42 PM »

Hi cwsg - will reply another time as I have a headache now and need to get away from screens!

Hurdity x


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Re: hysteroscopy for a suspected polyp tomorrow dont know whether to postpone?
« Reply #17 on: September 09, 2017, 05:07:08 PM »

Hurdity-I understand. I have Had a headache and nausea since about midday to the point at which ive had to go to bed. Then got very upset about it. Im only now coming out of it. I started worrying that i was very ill, but phoned my sister and she helped me come down to earth and understand it hormones becoming more imbalance due to external stress. That i am a yoga practitioner so need to do some practice. My abdomen was hurting too.
Reading about the cause- adrenals e.t.c. helped. I seriously need to managed my stress levels at the moment!


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Re: hysteroscopy for a suspected polyp tomorrow dont know whether to postpone?
« Reply #18 on: September 10, 2017, 07:56:57 PM »


Thanks my headache's almost gone now. Sorry to hear you've not been feeling well either and hope you are feeling better too. Must be the time of year and the weather....

Thanks for the update and sorry to hear that your hysteroscopy didn't happen after you went all the way there but try not to worry until the next appointment.

You asked about natural HRT. As I mentioned, this just means I replace the hormones which are the same as our body makes ie oestrogen (estradiol) and progesterone. In order to do this on NHS, if you are wanting to try HRT and your cycle and symptoms indicate that it is a suitable time for you to try ( and there is no medical reason why not) you would ask for oestrogen with separate progesterone. Oestrogen is available as tablets, patches or gel, and progesterone (the same as in progesterone cream) is available in micronised form as Utrogestan. Not all GPs have heard of this so if you decide you want to try these then read around a bit first and be prepared to argue your case.

The products are listed here:



Over the counter progesterone cream is usually very weak and many find it does not really help. If you need progesterone because of heavy bleeding and what are known as anovulatory cycles (you don't ovulate) then you would need a stronger preparation to help regulate your cycle. If your periods are very few and far between then the addition of oestrogen help prevent the oestrogen crash you get just before your period.

There is an excellent article about the peri-menopause here:

Managing stress is an important part of this stage in our life and can make a huge difference to how we cope with menopause. HRT at the right time also is an important tool in helping us cope with the life ahead of us as well as helping to protect our heart and bones. Whether you need it or not yet will depend as I said earlier, partly on the frequency of your cycle - how often your periods are, and your symptoms.

I hope you have a good appointment with the naturopath whom I am sure will provide you with some excellent lifestyle and dietary advice, but personally I would be wary of being offered a lot of expensive supplements -  because I feel concentrating on diet is the way to go.

Do report back on how you get on and how you feel. :)

Hurdity x



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Re: hysteroscopy for a suspected polyp tomorrow dont know whether to postpone?
« Reply #19 on: September 12, 2017, 09:18:47 AM »

Thanks Hurdity
Will keep this is mind.

Ive started bleeding again 4 days after my period stopped and feel very mild abdominal pain. I want to keep positive but its hard. Im getting the feeling that this isn't the polyp causing the bleeding but the drop is progesterone.
ive had a bad few days of dizziness. Despite practising yoga and teaching yesterday which really helped at the time of ding it, once again straight afterwards i became dizzy in a conversation. And this wasn't stress, but the excitement of our conversation. This sounds like adrenals, doesn't it?
Its this Thursday, my appointment with the naturapath, so im holding our for that. Feeling sad.


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Re: hysteroscopy for a suspected polyp tomorrow dont know whether to postpone?
« Reply #20 on: September 12, 2017, 12:33:14 PM »

I have a nerve at the back of my neck which, when I turn suddenly, causes me to feel what I describe as 'dizzy' but it is different to what I expereriedn this morning  :o [see what have you done thread]. 


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Re: hysteroscopy for a suspected polyp tomorrow dont know whether to postpone?
« Reply #21 on: September 12, 2017, 05:04:28 PM »

CWSG - Did you read the article about peri-menopause in my post below as that is very informative? There is also some information about bleeding on this site which might help you understand what's going re the bleeding (as well as sometimes others causes like polyps) - here are the links:

You should ask for the dizziness, fatigue and other symptoms to be checked out because although they can occur during peri-menopause - it is always good to rule out other causes - aside from your womb check. You could also have problem with your neck or some other balance problem - to do with ears maybe? Nothing alarming most likely - but worth checking.

Cutting down on caffeine and especially sugar would be beneficial because it seems that blood sugar levels fluctuate during the hormonal surges, and keeping blood sugar levels stable can help greatly if your symptoms are due to this. You will need to eat more frequently (i'm sure this will have been said on the other page) and slow release foods not sugar/refined carb-rich foods ie more lean protein and complex carbs or fruit, veg, nuts etc.

Adrenaline always works overtime when stressed and any teaching/training involves a lot of nervous energy. I have done this sort of thing and always had to have a big breakfast when doing a morning's teaching or training (and when attending exercise classes myself!).

Hope you are feeling better?

Hurdity x



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Re: hysteroscopy for a suspected polyp tomorrow dont know whether to postpone?
« Reply #22 on: September 14, 2017, 05:29:50 PM »

Thanks Hurdity,

I went to the naturopath today and she said some similar things.

But there seems to be a lot of things going on with me apart from the polyp.
Low progesterone but healthy eostregone -
low adrinals
low hypothemas function which runs the putuatry gland/and adrenals
low liver function which isnt to do with peri menopause.
slightly high blood pressure- which i need to check tomorrow with nurse
slightly high cholesterol aparatly linked and not to do with fat.
anaemic- this is despite the blood test done through the doctors showing i wasnt?

so ive got a List of vitamins and natural progesterone cream to take and homeopathic tablets. Im not looking yet as cant afford it.
plus ive got to cut out quite a list of things fro my diet
starch, dairy, suger, coffee, alchol.  can only have quinoa and buck wheat grains!
Inly red meat once a week
I have done this before but included yoghurt last time

then go back and see her in a month.
So ive started straight away and made a soup with buckwheat, greens e.c.t. and eat an avocado. Aparently i can have black tea still.


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Re: hysteroscopy for a suspected polyp tomorrow dont know whether to postpone?
« Reply #23 on: September 18, 2017, 12:11:51 PM »


Thanks for the update and sorry no-one got back to you.

I am amazed that you had all those blood tests at one session and got the results back the same day! That does sound very thorough - testing all those different things. I had no idea naturopaths did all these blood tests.

If you need progesterone though due to bleeding or cycles without ovulation then over the counter progesterone cream is not sufficient. You would need a proper licensed preparation that is sufficiently strong to help regulate the cycle (on months when you do not bleed). As I mentioned you can get this on NHS as micronised progesterone (Utrogestan) and maybe as a result of the hysteroscopy other treatment may be suggested? It is not normally prescribed on its own but no reason for it not to be if you have a thickened lining ( as opposed to the synthetic types) or no ovulation some months - just is not quite as effective on the uterus lining. if you are having other menopausal symptoms like flushes and sweats then a low dose oestrogen might also help.

My view is that I would not necessarily take the vitamin supplements suggested (as yet) but concentrate on improving your diet. If possible see if your doctor will do some tests to see if you are deficient and then get them from Boots or somewhere like that if they are cheaper there. As for the homeopathic tablets - it's up to you if you want to take these and depends on what they have been suggested for - but if it is something serious then conventional medicine is preferable. If it is for general well-being and if they're not expensive - then they will not do you any harm - the effect is thought to be placebo but this in itself can make you feel better.

If all of these products are being sold at great expense at the same place the naturopath works then I would be a bit sceptical since it is a big business - but of course the decision is yours whether you want to follow her prescription.

The dietary advice is great - you can then see what you could be allergic to, although I'd want to make sure my protein intake was sufficient ( presumably you can have other meat and fish). This alone should make you feel better generally even if you don't take any of the supplements and use the creams.

Do let us know how you get on and what you feel - and really hoping you see an improvement soon. Also let us know about the hysteroscopy when you eventually have it.

Take care :)

Hurdity x


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Re: hysteroscopy for a suspected polyp tomorrow dont know whether to postpone?
« Reply #24 on: September 22, 2017, 10:25:39 AM »

Hi Hurdity,

The naturapath was doing an oscillation test, not a blood test. It is measuring on a cellular level through a hair sample.
I tend to do well with alternative medicine, herbs, homeopathy, acupuncture e.t.c. In the past for other things i mean, so i have bought the herbs and vitamins recommended and am following her dosage as much as i can to give it my best shot.
It does include natural progesterone.

I had the hysteroscopy yesterday, i decided to try even though i was bleeding as it was my third visit/attempt. It was painfull for some of it and not a nice experience at all. Except the nurses where much better than i had expected at supporting me.
They didnt find anything, not even a polyp. He could see completely due to blood. My midcycle bleeding that started that morning again. He did offer for me to take progesterone to stop the bleeding and come back when it was clear before we went ahead but I couldn't face going home again for nothing. Especially as it has been so hard finding friends free to come with me. It was a last minute cancellation.
If the herbs and natural progesterone dont work after a month, i will get a blood test done at the doctors and get a stronger progesterone possibly.
Im  really not feeling good as ive now got a cold plus nerve pain down my arm at the moment. Ive read that another side affect of perimenopause is lower ability to deal with cold. This make a lot of sense. My mum spent years sneezing around the house and it stopped after menopause.
Im going to try and ad in more meditation to my week I think.
After a week of grain free, dairy free, sugar free and potatoe free and coffee free diet my body does feel like its getting in better shape. My bloatedness is going down a little and its one less thing to worry about. At least i can get my figure back if nothing else.


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Re: hysteroscopy for a suspected polyp tomorrow dont know whether to postpone?
« Reply #25 on: September 22, 2017, 07:16:56 PM »


Thanks for letting us know - and sorry to hear you are feeling under the weather - time of year for bugs. Good to know there us nothing wrong from the hysteroscopy. I understand what you mean about wanting to do things naturally - I mentioned earlier I feel the same - and I like my interventions  to be as "natural" as possible (in my case HRT, sometimes it's natural pure cod liver oil!) ::)

Sounds like a good plan - that you know what you want to do but are open to something different if it doesn't work. The progesterone cream won't be strong enough to stop the bleeding though - but it might stop naturally anyway - I do hope so.

The dietary changes are reaping benefits by the sound of it - and if you are able to keep the exercise up you'll be really in good shape - we lose muscle at this time as well as putting on more fat.

Do let us know how you progress and hope you feel better soon :)

Hurdity x


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Re: hysteroscopy for a suspected polyp tomorrow dont know whether to postpone?
« Reply #26 on: September 23, 2017, 02:09:30 PM »

Is not the hair test available on the NHS  :-\


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Re: hysteroscopy for a suspected polyp tomorrow dont know whether to postpone?
« Reply #27 on: September 28, 2017, 10:38:03 PM »

Unfortunately the hair test isn't avaliable km NHS as it's alternative medicine. With an oscillation machine.
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