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Author Topic: IBS (C) and laxatives  (Read 5741 times)


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IBS (C) and laxatives
« on: September 03, 2017, 01:39:20 PM »

Can anyone who suffers from IBS (C) recommend a gentle laxative that does not cause wind, more pain and bloating.  I seem to be caught between a rock and a hard place with this one.  Its the osmotic laxatives that are the worst, and Fybogel leaves me so antisocial I cannot leave the house  :-[.

I am also under the impression that Senna should only be used short term or the gut gets reliant and even more sluggish.  I am at my wits end knowing how to help myself.  This latest bout has been going on since June due to a lot of stress and anxiety over the summer and the GP just offers standard preparations that leave me in pain, bloated and flatulent   :(


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Re: IBS (C) and laxatives
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2017, 02:30:56 PM »

Sorry that you have having problems!

Senna has no effect on my bowels at all  ::)

Mum uses Orbis I think the name is, it has figs in  :-X.  She also has lots of dried fruits during the day.  The thing is not to eat too much of anything too soon!

Actimel eases my bowels into routine when I have slow transit which makes me queasy  :-\.


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Re: IBS (C) and laxatives
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2017, 02:43:42 PM »

thanks for the reply.  I used to have Actimel but it has too much sugar in for my liking.  I do have a probiotic daily. I think my bowel has got into a bad habit over the last 3 months and needs to be retrained.  My thyroid levels might not be quite right but that gets tested next month.  In the meantime I need something or I will be in trouble.  I might give one of the new young GP registrars a try as they can sometimes put a different slant on things from the old die hards  ::)


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Re: IBS (C) and laxatives
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2017, 03:56:47 PM »

Or speak to a Pharmacist locally?

There is a packet on the shelf which begins with 'D' - Duflonex ......... which may ease things.  I do wonder how much the sugar in Actimel helped my bowel! and if it gets you back on track as it were, maybe drink 2/3 pots a day for 5 days and see if it helps?


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Re: IBS (C) and laxatives
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2017, 04:11:06 PM »

I do wonder how much the sugar in Actimel helped my bowel! and if it gets you back on track as it were, maybe drink 2/3 pots a day for 5 days and see if it helps?

thanks but I won't if you don't mind.  there is 10g of sugar (2 teaspoons) in each 100g pot. I find that too high for my system as I am borderline for type 2 diabetes and have to have an hbA1c test next month.  I do have natural organic live bio yogurt anyway but thanks for the suggestion and trying to help CLKD  :)

Ju Ju

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Re: IBS (C) and laxatives
« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2017, 04:57:07 PM »

Oh BJ, l feel for you!

I tend to have IBS C, but it can swing the other way. Most laxatives seem to make the IBS even more irritated! Very unpleasant. I do take fibogel still, though not happy about the ingredients, for e.g. Aspartame which isn't recommended for IBS. But it has been the one thing that stopped me from going several days without a BM. Now 'only' 2 days. I am hopeful I can stop eventually as I have followed dietary and supplements recommendations given by the lady I see. It is a protocol for healing the gut and I have really felt the benefit, ( never had success with anything else) until I ate a GF doughnut that my son had bought me as he didn't want me to miss out. Silly me felt I couldn't refuse. But I'm sure I will get back to where I was when we get home and I can fully control my diet. Anyway back to The lovely subject of BMs! I had got to the point where I was going most days with good quality poo!  :D it's amazing how much difference it makes to your overall wellness. The lady I see was recommended by edilweiss on this forum. Haven't got all the details here, but can look it up if you are interested. Oh the diet is all about balancing blood sugar too.


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Re: IBS (C) and laxatives
« Reply #6 on: September 03, 2017, 05:01:17 PM »

Hi babyjane -
I haven't been posting here much lately but follow you all.
I am in the mids of a C moment myself, lasting about a week or so . A friend advised me the following which seems to work quite well and gently: I'd put 1-3 ts of ground flaxseed in a cup of warm water. Leave it overnight to soak.  Drink  just the water first thing in the morning. Within the next half to one hour I would go with no effort or urge or pain. I hope you can try this.
Milamam xxx


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Re: IBS (C) and laxatives
« Reply #7 on: September 03, 2017, 05:48:01 PM »

thank you Milamam and nice to see you again  :)

Is it the low FODMAP diet Ju Ju?  My husband's cousin does that and has a degree of success but it is quite restrictive.  I need to look into it further but I have been in remission for 3 years.  This relapse was triggered by a stressful event.  I was just getting over that when we had another one and that was too much for my gut.  I think my thyroid levels may be a little down as a result and that would add to the trouble.

Thank you all, you are very kind.

Ju Ju

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Re: IBS (C) and laxatives
« Reply #8 on: September 03, 2017, 07:33:50 PM »

No BJ, not FODMAPS. Basically the diet is balancing protein, fat and carbs. Avoiding processed food, sugar in particular. I'm now eating more fat. There is room for moderate naughty things if they don't upset you. Apparently scientific thinking is changing about the role of fat and that a low fat diet doesn't do our digestive systems any favours. Not helpful if you have gallstones, but this is tailored to my needs. It's not a diet designed for weight loss. However, I have lost weight simply from not eating junk. Probably put some on while on holiday, but no scales here. I had got rid of horrid bloating, but my body seems to be cross with me for eating that damn doughnut a couple of days ago. I have learnt, honest body! But it is difficult on holiday, particularly in the USA,( why sugar in most products?) where we are eating out more or being cooked for. I've done a fair amount of cooking for everyone, though I loathe cooking for selfish reasons. I have found a diet that doesn't suit you effects you in many subtle ways. Energy and brain function, not just bowels. You don't realise until those symptoms subside.


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Re: IBS (C) and laxatives
« Reply #9 on: September 03, 2017, 09:24:17 PM »

I found Dr Moseley's recently published book about the gut interesting in that it charts how long foods stay in the stomach before being allowed to progress through the digestive tract.  Of course, I can't remember the name of the book  ::)


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Re: IBS (C) and laxatives
« Reply #10 on: September 03, 2017, 11:01:52 PM »

Hi babyjane

My doc recommended Movical to me when I was having problems. It works by drawing water into the gut to soften things rather than other laxatives which cause cramps, wind etc. It's not the cheapest but it does work, comes in half or full strength. After my op I didn't go for a few days so had to take 2 packets to get things moving and it works a treat!

I find I have to drink heaps and have a lot of gentle fibre to keep things moving. Walking as well really helps. Even so my gut definitely has a mind of it's own, hates change of any type. I found being in warm weather helped as well, back to cold and it doesn't like it!

Ju Ju, glad to hear you are sorting your system out! I still find it difficult to eat some high fat foods, something in my brain still goes arghhh no. I did eat a custard donut the other day and it was so yummy! Sweet things are far easier to get back to eating  ;D. I've been travelling recently, different situations and countries which really put me to the test, it's easy to stick to a regime at home.

The things I've found a year or so on from the op is creamy/rich foods just make me feel sick so only to be eaten in small amounts. The big no seems to be oily/greasy foods which give me an upset tum, not bad but still, makes you go lol.... so again, only small amounts of those.  At least I'm not afraid of food now like I was and I seem to be keeping my weight under control as well, hopefully because my system is working so much better than it was. Gut bacteria and how it affects weight is something they are also studying at the moment. I take a good probiotic every day and if I forget it then it does seem to have an effect.

I'd agree with you Ju Ju about finding a diet to suit you, although it was flipping painful I am grateful for having the gallstones as I sorted my diet out further (which wasn't actually bad), lost weight and therefore that alone has made me feel so much better along with much better digestion. I find eating out I'll err to a more healthy choice even though I could eat anything but that thing in my brain just won't let me choose it! It's weird but a good weird!

Babyjane, you could also try apple cider vinegar (the organic one with the Mother) as this is a probiotic and helps your digestive system. I have a tablespoon in beetroot juice before dinner, not the most appetising of pre-dinner drinks  ;D but it does seem to work and the beet juice is good for blood pressure.


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Re: IBS (C) and laxatives
« Reply #11 on: September 04, 2017, 09:10:52 AM »

Hello wombat and thank you for your suggestions.  I do take a probiotic, have done for years  :) Lactulose is also an osmotic like Movicol.  Unfortunately they both cramp my gut and give me terrible wind to the point where I have no control over the sound effects  :hotflash:   :oops:

Diet certainly plays a part.  I know what I can and can't eat and in June we were on holiday and this past month we have had a big family event.  My current bout of IBS and C coincided with my holiday and carried on through the family event, stress and poor eating caused the relapse I think. 

Ju Ju thank you also for your input, and everyone else who took the time to reply.  I have sent you a message about your diet, Ju Ju. I must admit, if I eat 'normally' rather than 'low fat' things do tend to get a bit better but we are hardwired to resist fats on the whole aren't we?.  I never have trouble the morning after a dinner of meat, 3 veg and potatoes but I don't do well if I join hubby in one of his vegetarian dishes funnily enough.


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Re: IBS (C) and laxatives
« Reply #12 on: September 04, 2017, 09:38:56 AM »

Babyjane, I know I've mentioned this before, but if you haven't tried it Linaclotide (Constella) can be very helpful for IBS-C.  It is unlike any other laxative available.  It does draw some fluid into the bowel but also acts directly on receptors to stimulate motor function & move stuff through.  It is also said to reduce the pain of IBS.  I can't tolerate Movicol or Lactulose, but Linaclotide works better than anything else I've tried & is not as bloating as Movicol, Fybogel etc.  It is prescription only, unfortunately.  If you do want to try it, you may need to tinker with timing to get best results.


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Re: IBS (C) and laxatives
« Reply #13 on: September 04, 2017, 10:08:01 AM »



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Re: IBS (C) and laxatives
« Reply #14 on: September 04, 2017, 11:05:48 AM »

I find that if I eat steak my bowel goes into slow transit  ::)

Mum uses Orvis? Orbis - did I say already, which have figs in ........  :-X
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