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Author Topic: HRT and Cholesterol levels  (Read 1659 times)


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HRT and Cholesterol levels
« on: August 30, 2017, 06:28:30 PM »

I am 56 yrs and am taking Femosten 1/5 conti, been on various HRT since 50yrs. I have familiar Hypercholesteroleima in my family, my Father having a fatal heart attack at 47yrs, my cholesterol without medication at the moment is 16.4 super high, been high since I was 12yrs. I was taking statins but stopped about a year ago as I was getting muscle problems and thought I'd see how I got on without.
I am seeing cardiologist next week in the Netherlands where I now live (very anti-HRT here). My cardiologist in the U.K suggested HRT when I was peri-menopausal saying it had heart health benefits if started before menopause and continued for about 10yrs or so. I have just had a few months of bleeding on Femosten, now bleeding every other week, so have seen the gynaecologist here for a scan etc. she said my womb lining thickness was normal and did a precautionary biopsy, now waiting for results. She suggested coming off HRT which is expected as they don't like it here, she said I been on it too long and it wasn't recommended over the age of 52yrs! Now got to decide what to do, she told me to think about it.
I am due to see the cardiologist next week and was wondering if anyone else is taking HRT for heart health as I need to get my information backed up before I see him/her.
Any advice on any aspects of this post would be very welcome :)


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Re: HRT and Cholesterol levels
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2017, 08:55:44 PM »

Hi and welcome
You don't seem to be getting good advice over there - what a shame. HRT used for 5 years beyond natural menopause will protect your heart and bones for the long term so this would normally mean using HRT till your late 50s. Here in the uk, 60 is the Usual cut off for HRT but if you don't have any health issues then many continue with HRT well into their 60s. In your case, any small risk of breast cancer while using HRT may be cancelled out by the increased risk of heart disease if you don't have HRT. If you are getting problematic bleeding, then perhaps ask To have a Mirena fitted and use oestrogen as patch or gel alongside.
I think you are going to have to be assertive about what you need to protect your heart. Needless to say a good diet and exercise programme to further support your heart is also vital. Good luck. DG x


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Re: HRT and Cholesterol levels
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2017, 06:24:01 PM »

Hi & Thanks for the reply,

I didn't see your reply being new till now & have just made a another post, slight variation.

I used to have a mirena coil and took took oestrogen alongside which worked but I had a smear test here and the stupid receptionist/clinic assistant caught it and caused it to hurt so I had it removed and went onto Femoston conti. I did wonder whether my best bet was to have it replaced (costs 150e here) and go back to how I was. They hate HRT here your very lucky to get it at all therefore they don't seem to know much about it. If I get it replaced then what level of oestrogen should  take or is that different with everyone? Does it matter having a coil at 56yrs?



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Re: HRT and Cholesterol levels
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2017, 06:41:38 PM »

You use the amount of oestrogel you need. So start with one pump per day for 2-4 weeks and then increase to 2 pumps per day if flushes etc are not under control.
Taking Femosten conti will give you more progesterone and this doesn't suit many women and any conti HRT can result in erratic bleeding.
The Mirena delivers progesterone more locally so tends to result in fewer side effects and less likely to give erratic bleeding.
I find it strange that the Dutch take such a negative view in HRT - I would expect them to be more open and up to speed on the benefits - clearly they need to be educated a bit more. Maybe get the doctors there to have a look at this site. The poor women in the Netherlands who must be suffering unnecessarily🤔😱😳
DG x

Mary G

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Re: HRT and Cholesterol levels
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2017, 08:22:59 PM »

I am also really surprised that the Dutch have such a negative view of HRT - it is outdated too.

I can only speak for myself here but my cholesterol is always lower with higher levels oestrogen. 

You are not too old for a Mirena coil, I don't know of any age limit for it.  If you get on with it then it is a good option for the progesterone part of HRT and Oestrogel (which you run on your skin) that DG mentioned is good for the oestrogen part because it is flexible and you can easily adjust the dose to suit your needs.  I used oestrogen patches with the Mirena and found them too weak (the progesterone in the Mirena coil is quite strong) so I would recommend you try Oestrogel in preference.  I wish I had tried the Mirena/Oestrogel combination because I think it would have worked better but I have since moved on to a different HRT regime.

I hope that helps! 