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Author Topic: Advice on symptoms please  (Read 3261 times)


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Advice on symptoms please
« on: May 27, 2016, 10:25:40 AM »

I came across this site and thought I'd ask for some advice. I'll try to keep the information as brief as possible but I apologise if I waffle. I am 48 years old and was told I was perimenopausal over three years ago and the GP said I had probably been going through it for years and not really attributed my symptoms to that because I also suffer from depression. She said something about my ovaries barely functioning and offered me progesterone tablets to take when the heavy bleeding was too much for me. I'd been having irregular periods for many years and at that point they were skipping a month and then I'd have flooding and lengthy periods (sometimes six weeks long). Skip forward to now and I'm now into week six of another stint of bleeding. I had gone ten months without anything and thought I was almost done ,then suddenly started with the breast tenderness,low mood and stomach pains,which then ended up in four weeks of on and off bleeding lightly,followed by a week of what can only be described as hell. Bluntly put I was using a super plus tampon and the biggest thickest towel every 20 minutes and still being in a mess. I could feel it flooding out of me. I also had clots; small ones but it was quite horrible. This was day and night for a week and though I know it's part of the menopause I'm so exhausted and so fed up. What makes it worse is the tablets I was given to help stop the bleeding make me evil. Seriously,I've never been able to take anything hormonal (I had the old coil fitted because of this) and I hate myself on them. I can almost feel my teeth baring and grinding and my husband says he has never seen me so mean looking. He has coped with years of my mood swings and says that me being perimenopausal is a breeze but being on those tablets is awful. I totally understand as frankly I feel like I have been possessed by a demon. Anyway,because of this I cannot take them. My mother in law said I should ask about a hysterectomy as I'm now into the sixth week of on off bleeding and it's costing me a fortune in sanitary products, I have no sex life and I never know when I'm going to be inconvenienced by it. I feel constantly tired,constantly emotional and I know menopause isn't easy but is this normal? I honestly thought I'd almost done at ten months and was so relieved. Now I'm back into wearing pads every day because there's always a feeling of being constantly premenstrual.
I'm seeing a Gynaecologist next month and I will discuss all this but I wondered what your views were really.


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Re: Advice on symptoms please
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2016, 12:51:39 PM »

Hi Busylizzy & welcome.
If I understand your post.... do you have a mirena coil fitted (which carries progesterone, if so when was it put in? & also are you taking progesterone only tablets?
If so you are only getting the progesterone part of HRT, you also need estrogen.
I think I am right in saying this (sorry meno fog brain today).

I had several mirena coils fitted & the last one had to come out after 3 & a half years because it had run out & was causing a bleed.
I am now on a combined HRT tablet.

I should check all this out with your doctor.
Hopefully someone else will be along soon to offer better advice.



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Re: Advice on symptoms please
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2016, 01:15:15 PM »

Hi. Thank you for replying. I believe the coil I have fitted is a gynaefix. I tried many pills and even the injection over many years and all made me very mentally unwell. I also suffered headaches,bloating and massive weight gain. I really did become very aggressive on them and although I controlled it well inside I was raging and knew I couldn't keep on them. As far as I'm aware the IUD I have fitted is an old style coil one. I have never had issues with it and the heavy bleeding has only really increased severely since being perimenopausal. I honestly feel as though my GP is correct in thinking I've probably been going through this for many years as my periods haven't been regular for years and before that were very fact I could pretty much guarantee it would be 28 days between each one.


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Re: Advice on symptoms please
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2016, 01:24:42 PM »

I'm seeing a consultant mid June so hopefully I can express my concerns then. I will mention the coil and it had not actually crossed my mind to until you asked about it,so thank you for that. :)
I have no other medication apart from some progesterone pills to take to stop the bleeding should it be too awful but I genuinely am terrified of taking it due to the side effects. I will ask about the estrogen when I see the consultant.
I've not really pushed the issue until now for fear of coming across as a fussy woman. I keep being told by older women that it's normal and in their day they just got on with it. I also had an old GP tell me that it was 'not an illness' and dismissed me. I know it's not something I can change but I guess I just needed reassurance and advice. The mood swings I can handle ,just about, but the severe bleeding is really getting me down now. I've gained so much weight and no matter what I try my stomach just keeps getting flabbier. I eat so healthily it's so hard to understand. Also,my headaches are horrendous. It's like I'm hung over permanently . I cry constantly for no real reason. It's costing me a fortune in sanitary products. After the ten month gap I thought I was on the home straight. Now I can't go without any sanitary protection as I'm either spotting,flooding or feeling like I'm going to bleed. Aggghhhhhhh. Sorry. Just needed to do


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Re: Advice on symptoms please
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2016, 02:33:56 PM »

Busylizzy - welcome to MM
The peri stage can be truly horrendous.  It's good you are seeing a gynae and I wouldn't be at all surprised if he/she suggests ad Mirena coil.  This will deliver a small amount of progesterone gradually, but very locally, to the womb and this should reduce and eventually stop the bleeding.  Your mood and general well being could be improved with some oestrogen as well but some blood tests to look at FSH and oestrogen levels may well be appropriate.
You have had some horrible treatment thus far - I hope this gynae will be more helpful.
Do read up all the info on this site so you are clued up and even print stuff off if need be.
I would suggest you write down all your symptoms, concerns and questions so you don't forget anything when you see this gynae.  Good luck.  Dg x


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Re: Advice on symptoms please
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2016, 02:58:47 PM »

You get really good help and advice on this forum so when you do see your GP or consultant you feel far more in control of what you want to say.

I just wanted to add that although the perimenopause is not an illness the symptoms can make you feel ill and affect your quality of life.  These days you do not have to just put up with it and get on with it, there is help and treatment available so that you can still function and retain your quality of life.

Please take support from the ladies here who know a lot because they have been through it, and you are not being a fussy woman by asking for your life back.


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Re: Advice on symptoms please
« Reply #6 on: May 27, 2016, 03:24:58 PM »

Keep posting Busylizzy, & read as much as you can from here, don't be afraid to ask questions.
At least then you can go to your next appointment with more knowledge & info. It will show them you are not to be fobbed off  ;D ;D
& as babyjane has said You are not a fussy woman by asking for your life back - go for it girl.


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Re: Advice on symptoms please
« Reply #7 on: May 31, 2016, 08:44:59 AM »

Thank you so much for your replies. I really appreciate it. You're all so lovely. It actually made me cry ( there's a . I am reading bits on this site every day to get know,edge and information ready for the appointment mid June. I just hope I get someone who will listen and not make me feel rushed or fobbed off. I've written down a sort of timeline of my situation but tried to keep it brief as I know they'll not want to read through reams of paper. I'm so terrified of anything hormonal related because I already struggle with my mood and any tipping of the scales tends to be quite exaggerated. I guess I can only go and see what they say. Is the mirena coil likely to give me the same side effects as the pill? I've tried injections and all the pills but it all made me very unwell. Is it proven to be much less likely to cause irritability? I just don't want to have the old one out,that one fitted,only to find out I become an ogre and have to have it removed again. To be honest,if they offer me the hysterectomy I'm tempted to go for it just to get it all sorted but I have no idea if that's the right plan or not. We shall see what the gynae says ! Thank you again for your replies.  :)


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Re: Advice on symptoms please
« Reply #8 on: May 31, 2016, 01:07:33 PM »

Busylizzie - how long have you had your coil?  Are you sure it isn't a Mirena? I would discuss this with your doctor.
The theory with the Mirena is, less progesterone gets into your system so will cause fewer problems, however some women still find they get some effects in the first few months. I would discuss things with your gynae.  Do right down all your concerns and questions so you have a reference at the appointment and don't forget anything. DG x


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Re: Advice on symptoms please
« Reply #9 on: September 03, 2017, 03:49:29 PM »

Cazikins. Just read your reply. I have had irregular bleeding for about 4 weeks. I have a Mirena coil and never gave it a thought it could be that causing it. I haven't had it changed  for quite a few years. Making doctors appointment tomorrow. Thank you.