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Author Topic: Is it ever too late to say "I do" ?  (Read 11415 times)


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Re: Is it ever too late to say "I do" ?
« Reply #30 on: August 31, 2017, 05:26:13 PM »

 :rofl:  now that's what I call a meander  :lol:

Would I marry again: we have been probably too happy and I DREAD him dying.  Would I stay where we live now - probably not, too many memories.  Would pack up and auction most of it, sell and find somewhere with a small property and good sized garden. 

It would have to be someone who would willingly cook for me every day B4 I would consider living under the same roof  :whist:

I was told many years ago that by having had a good marriage it is a sign of respect to marry again ....... however, the next might not treat me 'right' and I'm SO set in my ways  ::)


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Re: Is it ever too late to say "I do" ?
« Reply #31 on: August 31, 2017, 06:11:28 PM »

Its the poor tortoise I feel sorry for. No wonder they hide in their shells. Every time they pop out someone compares them to an old blokes todger!

I'm so glad to hear that you DREAD the though of loosing your OH CLKD. I would hope he feels the same about you.

Not something to dwell on really but probably one of the reasons why mature couples get wed. Despite living in liberated times the state of marriage seems to be the only one which is recognised when it comes to legal matters like probate and tax allowance not to mention transferring any pension entitlement.

Just because it makes sense financially dosent mean it cant still be about love though does it?


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Re: Is it ever too late to say "I do" ?
« Reply #32 on: August 31, 2017, 10:25:10 PM »

This is a bit of a story, so please excuse me if it seems long. 

Mum met a young man through her Church. They started seeing each other, with my grandparents permission, however they were kept a sharp eye on.

At 17, they became engaged. It was 1939. He was already in the Royal Navy. They married in October 1941, she was 19.

She'd have liked a family, but he refused. Why? Because he felt that if anything happened to him, she'd be better able to remake her life if she didn't have a child.  A tremendously brave decision.  He came back from war, his health destroyed.  Mum slowly watched the man she adored start to die, one little bit at a time. Then for most who contracted TB, it was a death sentence.  It finally took him in 1947.  They had been married for 6 years and had not spent too much of those years together.

In 1961, she and my Daddy married.  They had 20 years and 21 days together.  She told me years later a story about her wedding ring.  Her first husband was at sea and told her to get her wedding ring. Her Mum went too.  The shop owner who sold her the ring told her that ring would last her 2 lifetimes.  When she and my Daddy were getting engaged he didn't have much money.  She put a suggestion to him.  Would he be comfortable if she married him with her original wedding ring. He agreed.  His ring for her is beautiful.  The shop owners prediction came true.

Mum told me that although she has been widowed twice, both her husbands hard been true and honest gentlemen. Very different in character, but she knew she had been fortunate in both her marriages. She had loved and been loved by two amazing men.

A week before my DH and I were to marry, we were at Mum's.  To his surprise she came out with the following:

S, have you really thought about the vows you are going to make?  Those are not to me, the congregation or society. They are to C and are before God.  If you haven't given them serious thought, you must not marry C, because I know she has really thought about the vows.".   He was able to tell her he had given them serious thought.  Mum was happy about that.

We married because, for us, there was no other path we wanted to walk.  The previous Sunday we invited all who would like to share our ceremony with us, please  to so.  When I entered the Church on the arm of a very good friend, I was astonished, the Church was full to standing room only.

Our main reception was a lovely meal. DH's sister acted as our Mistress of Ceremonies, his brother was Best Man.  My bridesmaid was a friend.

The evening celebration caused some confusion to some of our friends and family.  My Daddy had died in 1981.  I was very close friends with a wonderful couple. Mum asked if I' like him to give me away. A lovely idea. He was as proud walking me down the aisle as he had been his own daughter.  Mum has never been one for discos, so his wife did the Mother of the Bride bit in the evening.

DH's parents have been married for 58 years, they have 3 children.  All 3 married. We and their daughter and SIL celebrated our 25th anniversaries last year.  Their younger son and DIL celebrated their 21st anniversary this year.  MIL laughed when I said to her they must have done something right! 

For some, marriage is a path they don't wish to take.  I believe that choice should be respected.  Couples I know who choose not to marry have longer lasting and stronger relationships than some who put on very expensive shows.   Their commitment to each other is beyond question.


Ju Ju

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Re: Is it ever too late to say "I do" ?
« Reply #33 on: September 01, 2017, 12:56:26 AM »

Thank you Brighteyes.

I'm afraid the only advice I had from Mum before my wedding was to make sure I had some tissues!   :o


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Re: Is it ever too late to say "I do" ?
« Reply #34 on: September 01, 2017, 09:24:26 AM »

Lovely story Brighteyes. My mum and her first husband made a different choice in that, when he was being sent to Singapore in 1941, they decided to try for a baby in case he didn't come home. He was killed, at the age of 21, on Valentine's Day 1942 and my brother was born in April 1942. My mum did often wonder whether their decision was a selfish one but my brother obviously disagreed with her!

I've been married twice - both marriages (one of two years and one of forty years) had their good bits and their not so good bits. Not sure I'd do it again although my current partner would like to.

It's interesting that, if I remember rightly, in Heaven there wont be any marriages.

Ju Ju - did you have some?  ;D

Taz x  :)


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Re: Is it ever too late to say "I do" ?
« Reply #35 on: September 01, 2017, 09:32:09 AM »

We have known each other since school and got married young (no one believed it would last but humoured us and one relative was convinced I was pregnant, after all why else would we be getting married?   Well the baby didn't arrive until 4 years after we got married!!  Then we had 2 more, raised them as best we could on little money, bought our first little house (I loved that house), were never in debt apart from the mortgage and 7 years later bought the house we are still in now after 30 years. 

Last year we had our Ruby wedding (40 years), have three beautiful grandchildren, have been through the  mill at times and love each other dearly.  I cannot imagine life without my lovely man but I realise one day one of us will be left.  Whether it is sooner or later I would not marry another.  I would be happy to meet new friends but, for me, there is only ever one man, no other could come close to what we have been to each other and still are  :)


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Re: Is it ever too late to say "I do" ?
« Reply #36 on: September 01, 2017, 10:18:30 AM »

Oh ladies thank you for sharing your wonderful stories and examples of true love.

I'm a sucker for a happy ending and have enjoyed reading about yours.



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Re: Is it ever too late to say "I do" ?
« Reply #37 on: September 01, 2017, 10:19:48 AM »

I don't think I'd get in a relationship after this one though, I'd be there yonks telling them all about my body and mind changes and difficulties 😂

Ju Ju

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Re: Is it ever too late to say "I do" ?
« Reply #38 on: September 01, 2017, 03:32:34 PM »

DH loves my body as it is, as I his. We've been on this journey together for many years. The wrinkles and scars are as much part of his story as mine. Would any other man see what he sees? I think if another man didn't like who I am and what I look like, it would be "on yer bike!" No, I think the granny annexe my DD threatened me with will suit me fine if DH died before me! Better than the home for the bewildered that she threatened my DH with! She also said I had better behave as she will be choosing my nursing home! Cheeky!


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Re: Is it ever too late to say "I do" ?
« Reply #39 on: September 01, 2017, 04:16:46 PM »

Ah JuJu,

          I'm so pleased for you and your man.

          We all grow old and are lucky if we grow old together. I'm hoping that you never have to consider loving another or that your DH has to either but I think women tend to expect their bodies to defy the aging process far more than men do and expect to be judged for it. I suspect lots of ladies resist romance the second time around as the idea of baring your body let alone baring your soul can make us feel self conscious and vulnerable. I'm not sure that men feel the same anxieties about getting on.

    What about Dame Judi and her new love interest Ju? They must be able to see beyond the superficial of pert breasts and tight buttocks? So there is hope for all of us to find love at any age.

    I guess romance amongst mature couples has the potential to be more grounded, realistic and as a result deeper and more sustainable than the basis that some younger couples build a marriage on. I'm basing that assessment on the magazines in the hairdressers and the things that I read about the stars of a show called Love island ( what ever that is ) by the way as I am too old to remember what I based my romantic decisions on first time around.....though I could guess. lol


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Re: Is it ever too late to say "I do" ?
« Reply #40 on: September 01, 2017, 05:01:12 PM »

Can I just say I really love Last Tango in Halifax  :)


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Re: Is it ever too late to say "I do" ?
« Reply #41 on: September 01, 2017, 05:07:14 PM »

Annie, congratulations. That's so wonderful.

Ju Ju

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Re: Is it ever too late to say "I do" ?
« Reply #42 on: September 01, 2017, 05:53:22 PM »

My Mum was told by a child psychiatrist that I would not be able to sustain an adult relationship. (Childhood depression. Seen as clinical rather a result my parenting.This was the 60s!). Mum in her 'wisdom' told me and I believed her. What a load of codwallops! However, I think it did me a favour. I was in the mindset to seek a happy single life. When DH entered my life, I liked and trusted him, but thought no further. I just wanted to enjoy myself. DH thought differently. Apparently he told his mum he had met the woman he was going to marry. It took time to get me into the right mind space. Fortunately he was patient. If he had been more insistent I would have run. I had to believe he loved me warts and all. And I knew what annoyed me about him! What I loved about him far outweighed that. I started to fall for him when he was demonstrating why he couldn't wear his tall policemans helmet in a car by going in and out of the Wendy house doorway and knocking it off. This was to my reception class of children not me! Then one night at a party and slightly tipsy I realised I loved his smiley face. Not classically handsome but quirkily gorgeous! I feel I am a better person for being around him.


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Re: Is it ever too late to say "I do" ?
« Reply #43 on: September 01, 2017, 06:02:54 PM »

Ju Ju that is so very moving.. How long have you been together now?  :)

Ju Ju

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Re: Is it ever too late to say "I do" ?
« Reply #44 on: September 01, 2017, 06:22:01 PM »


I went out with his brother for a few short dates first. He proceeded to tell me what my shortcomings were e.g. I didn't wear enough makeup, nail varnish etc. All superficial stuff. He finished with me before I had the chance to dump him! But I shall always be grateful that he introduced me to his brother. Sadly DH's brother has been hostile towards me ever since. But that's his problem.
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