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Author Topic: Lurker needing some advice/knowledge from you lovely ladies!  (Read 1561 times)


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Hi everyone,

I have been a lurker on and off for quite a while. I have found your stories and support of each other quite comforting in this crazy journey of peri/ meno!

I'm 47 and started my journey, I believe, about 6 years ago. I've always had a regular cycle but had the odd late period back then, adrenaline surges and anxiety that came from nowhere. I did suffer from anxiety in my teens so it's almost like it decided to creep up on me again!! At the time I visited my GP to discuss my symptoms and had quite a few blood tests that were all normal. I was prescribed propranolol for the adrenaline surges and anxiety but was also offered citalopram which I never took.

Over the past few years I've just got used to the symptoms.....the surges disappeared, my periods remained almost regular and at certain times of the month I've felt tired and anxious but I've coped. Last December I missed a period and started to suffer from hot flushes constantly (lost count of the number) for two weeks. I feel the cold but I was sat in my office in a
blouse with the window open!!! Once the flushes calmed down in the day I suffered at night for about four months then they disappeared. I also put on about 10lbs in weight that will not budge!!

From March until June I had a 90
day gap in my cycle. It was in May 17 that I started with lower back pain. I have had a slipped disc before but it's not that sort of pain.....more of a numbness/pressure. I went to my GP who ordered blood tests which were all ok. She said (and I know this) that to measure hormone levels it is notoriously hard as they fluctuate. My oestrogen levels had declined dramatically since 2011 which she would expect to see in a female of my age. Her advice was that I am in
Perimenopause and that back pain can be common. I had the CA125 test and that was okay plus an ultrasound with nothing untoward detected apart from a tiny amount of fluid in my 'pouch of Douglas'.

My pain seems to appear around day 8/9 of my cycle and lasts until about a week before. I really struggle to function and just feel tired!! When it disappears I feel fine.....the other week I drove 120 mile motorway journey, went shopping, went to a concert but then it appears again!!! It's doing my head in and really getting me down. I am also starting to worry that there is something seriously wrong with me. As most of you know at certain times of the month our imaginations and mind sets can convince us of anything.

I'm not taking any form of medication or natural supplements at the moment. I would really welcome any advice or experience you lovely ladies may be able to offer.

Hope to hear from some of you soon.

Lou02 x

« Last Edit: August 08, 2017, 11:46:09 AM by Lou02 »


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Re: Lurker needing some advice/knowledge from you lovely ladies!
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2017, 12:08:24 PM »

Hi Lou02


Sorry to hear about your menopausal symptoms.

You mentioned blood tests - did you have thyroid function tests done because feeling cold and fatigue can indicate underactive thyroid?  Do ask for the results of your tests if they were done because some women experience symptoms even if thyroid function tests show borderline or within normal range. I wouldn't have thought that feeling cold was a menopausal symptom and anyway this doesn't preclude feeling the effect of flushes!

You sound as though you are well into the peri-menopausal transition and as such it would be a good idea to consider HRT at least until the natural average age of menopause of 51/52 in order to help protect your heart and bones. This would of course also help with many of your symptoms - especially flushes sweats, joint pain etc as well as anxiety.

Anti-depressants are not appropriate as first line of treatment for hormonal anxiety due to menopause and current medical guidelines recommend HRT if there is no medical reason why not. Do give this some thought and if you would like to go down this route do ask us again and we can give you some pointers as to what to ask for before you visit your doctor.

In the meantime - now is the time to look at lifestyle, diet, body weight, exercise, alcohol intake etc and make any changes which could be beneficial to your health and how you feel in the coming years?

Hope this helps :)

Hurdity x


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Re: Lurker needing some advice/knowledge from you lovely ladies!
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2017, 01:34:06 PM »

Hi Lou,

Just read this post and I have been struggling with backache now very badly for last 8 months with nerve pain in right leg and arm. I mentioned to my gp couple of times and they get me to touch my toes 😳
I have just stared physio as I do have a couple of disc issues as I drive for a job and not the best seating position plus a bit of disc issue in neck which could be causing the pains. I have just tried acupuncture in the back with physio so will let you know.
I am peri and I know that old issues raise their head with the hormones.

I take b complex fish oils and magnesium and eat quite healthy and exercise more low impact now due to my back ache.
 Again I notice the backache is worse hormonally as I am mapping my cycle and every symptom

I am going to try and get oestrgel to see if this helps



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Re: Lurker needing some advice/knowledge from you lovely ladies!
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2017, 03:54:42 PM »

How is your foot wear?  How do you sit whilst driving?  Men were known to have their wallets in their back pockets whilst driving = back pain, when it was pointed out in a Clinic situation the possible cause, problem solved  ::)

My biggest problem is not bending correctly.  Filling/un-loading the laundry and dish-washer machines is my down-fall, a quick throw in but over a few days it pulls my sciatic nerve  >:( - a few weeks ago I had to stand or lay flat for nearly a week - made watching TV interesting  ::). Usually 2 Nurofen and a brisk walk eases the pain down my leg/s and Note to Self - Bend Correctly  :poke2: