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Author Topic: HRT after 7 years post meno?  (Read 1307 times)


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HRT after 7 years post meno?
« on: August 23, 2017, 05:37:04 PM »

Hello all. Thought id ask you lovely folk yet more advice!

I am so worn down now by 7 years of these symptoms not even  including the years when I didnt realise I was perimenopausal)  my quality of life isnt great, not sleeping, chills, sweats, trembling, sick of letting feeling of intense panic just wash over me and carrying on smiling, walking round looking like ive been living rough in a jungle for years! I actually feel like I have the flu a lot of the time. I work sporadically and it exhausts me just doing a few hours. Ive just been forced out of my house because I couldn't afford rent & council tax.  :'(  Luckily ive moved in with my partner but now need more work to support myself as I wont get tax credits any more, he couldn't support me & I coudnt let him anyway. So you can see its important for me to feel well enough to work.

I do have M.E but these symptoms im moaning about are additional, the M.E was manageable before menopause.

 I am depressed but im sure I wouldnt be without all the other symptoms. (As discussed I do have a meds phobia) im not taking anything at all currently.

GP just suggested Evorell conti. I couldn't cope with any more weight gain and  don't know if I can even be bothered. Ive got the patches now but tbh im so tired and worn down that ive barely even considered the possibility that it might actually help!

Is it worth a try 7 years post meno or not do you think?


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Re: HRT after 7 years post meno?
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2017, 05:55:18 PM »

Hi Elliemay,
So sorry to hear about all your troubles. Seven years is a long time to be miserable.  If your dr. suggested HRT, then I would jump on it in a flash. I'm saying "what have you got to lose?" It can only get better!
Good luck and I hope you will give it go.



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Re: HRT after 7 years post meno?
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2017, 06:02:39 PM »

Elliemay, I'm so sorry you have had such a rough time recently & horrible meno symptoms for so long, on top of ME.  That is a huge load to bear, no wonder you feel so dreadful.  I understand your fear of meds as I've had some unpleasant reactions myself, but feel you have little to lose in trying the Evorel Conti. 

When I first started EC 3 years post-meno I was also nervous about possibly reacting badly, so gynae & I agreed that I should start on half a patch for the first 2 weeks.  If you do this, any adverse effects should be minimal.  If you decide to try it, bear in mind that so long after menopause proper your body will need a while to adapt to having hormones again & you may well get some breakthrough bleeding in the first months, as many women do.  I got period-like cramps in the first few months & sore breasts, as well as a few months of moderate, period-like bleeds - but nothing I couldn't easily bear.  If the Evorel doesn't suit you after you've given it a good try (3 months is usually advised unless you feel dreadful on it) you could always ask to try another type of HRT.  I hope things soon pick up for you.


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Re: HRT after 7 years post meno?
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2017, 06:16:13 PM »

Thanks so much for replying. Do you now whether EC is known for increasing anxiety or weight? Its weird, I took contraceptive hormones for years and wasn't scared of them. I seem to have gone overboard on the meds phobia. I think I have such a fragile balance that im scared of upsetting it. Even scared of vagifem, It wouldnt have bothered me at all at one time.I need to break the fear cycle somehow.


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Re: HRT after 7 years post meno?
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2017, 06:27:25 PM »

Hello and welcome!

I think just give it a go and see.

Everyone is different and I think you have to go in with a positive mindset that it will make you feel better. Ha easy to say I know! But it's just replacing a hormone and if the worst happens and you feel rubbish just take the patch off. No titrating up or down, it's not addictive ...
I know what you mean though - I used to take Dianette and looking at the risks and side effects of that pill I'm sure I wouldn't take it now!!

Good luck xx


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Re: HRT after 7 years post meno?
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2017, 08:38:58 AM »

Hi Elliemay

The answer is yes it is definitely worth a try - and who knows how many of your bad ME symptoms now are due to menopause and hormone deficiencies - if you have felt like this for some time? It must be so debilitating.

I agree with Wrensong - to start with half a patch as your body has been a long time without oestrogen and it will take a while to settle. I've looked back at your posts and I see you are still very young - I only started HRT at your age and still on it 10 years later! As she says you may well get some bleeding/spotting initially. I know you haven't had a period for some time but actually in your position I would want to try oestrogen only for a bit before introducing a progestogen. You may well be absolutely fine though - but wouldn't like to think of your being put off HRT because of possible problems with the first one you tried.  But yes - there are plenty of others!

To be honest some women do find the progestogen in that particular brand can cause pms  like symptoms but many women are perfectly happy with it! However if you were OK with the CCP then that's a good sign!

Re weight gain - if you are overweight due to fat (rather than muscle) then now is the time to start doing something about it as this is one of the best ways to improve your health and general feeling of well-being. Take little steps and make small changes - and also if you can, gradually increase the amount of exercise you do - work permitting.

Take the plunge and let us know how you get on :)

Hurdity x



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Re: HRT after 7 years post meno?
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2017, 10:10:41 AM »

Elliemay - I'm still underweight 2 years after starting EC & it hasn't caused anxiety.  In fact, after about 24 hours of applying a new patch (when I assume hormone concentrations are building to a cyclical peak for the life of the patch), I'm aware of a pleasant sensation of calm, though this does wane as the patch gets older & I can tell when it needs replacing.  I've recently been found to absorb EC less well than I should, so the potential benefits may be greater for you.  I still definitely feel better on EC than before HRT & have gone back to it after each failed trial of alternatives, which I would not otherwise have done.  Many women do well on it & there's every chance you will too.


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Re: HRT after 7 yetars post meno?
« Reply #7 on: August 25, 2017, 05:24:46 PM »

Thanks everyone. I wrote a reply yesterday and it didn't post. Stupid phone! Im a bit concerned because I have a couple of brain lesions already. They look like strokes but drs dont know when they might have happened. They probably put it down to anxiety whenever they occurred... I mentioned them to gp when she prescribed EC & she said it was ok. The other thing is I wouldn't want the depression to go worse & it says its a common side effect. However if I read about tablet that could make me feel the way I do without any medication I would sure steer clear of that one!! Just have to get my head around it I think.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2017, 05:40:16 PM by Elliemay »