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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: HRT AFTER MENOPAUSE  (Read 1497 times)


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« on: September 11, 2017, 09:21:08 PM »

Hello, i am new here, and would just like to know what is the maximum age to be on HRT, i am currently suffering with Cystitis
I am in my early 70s, but have a new partner,
I would like to go back on to HRT, I WAS on LlVIAL [ TIBOLONE]  and felt marvellous , since coming off it i hardly sleep
My Dr was going to let me back on it a couple of years ago, then i read frightening things [AGAIN] about HRT and decided against it,
I wish i had not decided against it
I was wondering if at my age it would be still appropriate. also very thinning hair and very dry skin now
Thanks for reading,hope it doesnt sound too ridiculous


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« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2017, 09:43:02 PM »

Hi and welcome
If you have been off HRT for some years then I don't think it is advisable to go back on at your age. Perhaps see a specialist for advice.
What you could consider would be local oestrogen to help control the uti symptoms and also restore the vaginal area which help the sex life. Your GP should have given you this as it's now standard treatment to help reduce UTIs occurring.
Most of us love using Vagifem pessaries as they are not messy and are easy to use.
I also find using lots of vaginal moisturiser is essential - I use Vagifem every 3 days and SYLK vaginal Moisturiser daily. If my vaginal flora is out of balance (itchy or sore) I use Multi Gyn Actigel for a few days to get things back to normal.
The uti thing is very common in post meno and needs to be managed with local oestrogen and make sure you drink plenty of water. Cut down on caffeine, fruit juices and wine - all acidic and will cause a burning urethra.
DG x


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« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2017, 09:21:49 AM »

Hi thanks for the welcome and reply, i will see my Dr and ask about something that will help i have read on gransnet that most were given Estriol,whoch they all seemed happy with


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« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2017, 05:13:21 PM »

Hi jaycee - there was someone else of this name a few years ago, and for a minute I thought it was her coming back but she was younger!

 :welcomemm: anyway!!

Although it is generally not advised to go back on HRT at your age it can depend on how long since you stopped and how bad your symptoms are? In any case due to increased stroke risk at your age, if a specialist did agree that you could start again, it would be transdermal HRT (patch or gel) that you would take, because oral preparations are associated with a slight increased risk. (I presume you still have your womb?).

Whatever you do in relation to this I agree with Dancingirl that it would be a good idea to hot foot it to the doc to get some Vaginal oestrogen. The different preparations are listed here: . Estriol cream has to be applied with a washable applicator so a bit of a faff but as Dancinggirl says the Vagifem are straightforward with a disposable applicator.

Hope this helps :)

Hurdity x


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« Reply #4 on: September 12, 2017, 08:18:47 PM »

Thanks again for all replies,my sister has been put back on livial, and feels much better, she had worse hot flushes than me though, she is 2 years younger than me,
My mother still suffered with them in her 80s, sorry if i have already mentioned this earlier,
My mother and grandmother also had very thin hair, almost to the point of baldness on top, i am worried mine is going the same way, thinning,but not that bad yet
I also have night sweats and insomnia, and of course with the cystitis a few loo trips in the night
The Dr i saw about the cystitis wasnt my own Dr, and gave me 3 days of ABs,i had to get a hospital Dr in the end to prescribe more as i was in pain with a bladder that wouldnt function for 2 nights, the original one would have had me waiting over the weekend for one
I have read of women in their 80s still on HRT, so am going to ask anyway
IF i have a flush in the day i feel light headed and hot
I have regular blood tests, had one only 3 weeks ago, as i have Haemochromatosis, [iron overload]
just in case anyone doesnt know what it is,and a full blood count so cant see it being anything else