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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Prempac C 1.25mg to Indivina 5/2mg to Premarin to Provera 2.5mg  (Read 2692 times)


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Hi everyone

I am 49 and was previously on Prempak C 1.25mg until it was discontinued.  I was great with it, a little weight gain and a two day withdrawal bleed but apart from that I have tolerated it very well and it has been an absolute god send for me.

When it was discontinued I was given Indivina 2mg/5mg, I was on this for 3/4 months and it did absolutely nothing for me but I had to give it a good try.

I went back to the doctors last week and was given Fem 7 conti 50mcg by a locum doctor.  Put the patch on but apart from some spotting there was absolutely no change.  Went back again Monday and saw my normal doctor who has now prescribed me Fem 7 conti 100mcg and Provera 2.5mg as the dosage of Prempac and Indivina were on the high side and the original patches weren't strong enough.

I have spent the last two days searching for these products as there's a manufacturing problem, I have now got the patches and hopefully the Provera but will find out later.  I just wondered if anyone else is on this dose and if so have they worked for you and do you have problems getting hold of them.


Squeezy x
« Last Edit: September 12, 2017, 09:45:49 AM by squeezy »


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Re: Prempac C 1.25mg to Indivin 2mg/5mg to Fem 7 Conti & Provera 2.5mg
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2017, 02:20:04 PM »

Hi squeezy

Sorry you're having problems getting items- it seems to be happening with a number of hrt if you read posts on here....quite worrying really!

I tried Fem seven patches 75mg but I had a itchy skin reaction, couldn't get them to stick for the whole week and the dosage also seemed a bit high for me. I'd been in 0.625 estrogen previously so it looks like you will need a higher dose having been on 1.25.  I did try Provera (MPA) with them which was absolutely fine for me. I previously had it in a combined pill so knew I'd be ok on it. It's also the same prog as you have had in the indivina isn't it? I think it's good to see your doctors not switching everything about. 

Just a question, did you not want to try Premarin 1.25 tablets?? I'm just asking as Prempak C  was conjugated estrogen- would this be closer to what you were on? Then provera as separate tablet?? I only ask as I was on Premique which was also discontinued and worked quite well for me- the best I've used.

 I'm now trying Femoston with the estradiol but it's not getting on top of my symptoms and I seem to be having lots of headaches, but I'm only a month in so going to stick as you have done with Indivina to try and get past this.

 I did try Premarin which was great at getting on top of meno symptoms so I think maybe I suit the conjugated estrogen better!  Unfortunately, just felt a bit dizzy, fuzzy and detached ( I hadn't had this with Premique also a conjugated) but I might give it another go if this doesn't work. It might have been down to other things I had going on at the time.

Are you going to do 2.5 mg of Provera as continual then so you don't get a bleed? I was wondering what your history is and whether you are you post meno now? How long had you been on the Prempak C?

It's interesting that a few of the conjugated have been discontinued, but I'm not sure estradiol, whilst bioidentical, suits everyone. I've seen a few posts by women that have tried estradiol but gone back to conjugated. Premarin remains one of the most prescribed HRTs in America apparently. I always think there must be a reason for that! I know many in here have strong personal opinions about the conjugated estrogen, but if it works well for some then it's down to personal choice.

Hope you can get hrt soon from pharmacy  it's so frustrating!!

SQ xx
« Last Edit: August 23, 2017, 02:44:36 PM by shoppingqueen »


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Re: Prempac C 1.25mg to Indivin 2mg/5mg to Fem 7 Conti & Provera 2.5mg
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2017, 08:30:35 AM »


Thanks for your response and the information you have given me.

I am now post menopause, I haven't had a period for about 16 months and before that had 12 months or so of menopause symptoms but life events that were happening meant I just put it down to the stress I was under.  Finally went to the docs, had the blood tests but because I couldn't remember when I had last had a period, I was put on the low dose of Prempac, this worked well for a couple of months and then everything came hurtling back, so was put on the higher dose and had about 9/10 blissful months until they discontinued it.

I was then given the Indivina to try because I hadn't had a period just withdrawal bleeds, this didn't work for me at all, I gave it a good try but was still suffering with the hot flushes, night sweats, headaches, brain fog etc and I have put about 1.5 stones on in 3 months as well with it.

The Fem 7 100mcg is to be used in conjunction with the Provera, so I will take the Provera every day, although because I can't get them I am waiting to see from the doctor if there is an alternative, I can see on here there is, its Utrogestan, so maybe I'll get that.

I'll keep you posted  :)

Squeezy x


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Re: Prempac C 1.25mg to Indivin 2mg/5mg to Fem 7 Conti & Provera 2.5mg
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2017, 02:51:36 PM »

Great Squeezy
Keep us posted! Keeping my fingers crossed for you xx SQ


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Re: Prempac C 1.25mg to Indivin 2mg/5mg to Fem 7 Conti & Provera 2.5mg
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2017, 12:49:37 PM »


So I managed to get the Provera and have just started my 10th day on the patches and pills.

The hot flushes haven't gone yet and neither have the night sweats, although they have calmed down a bit.  The headaches are still there and today I have had a little spotting, but only when I wipe.

Will keep persevering, although getting the patches to stick is an absolute nightmare lol!! The first I stuck to my bum cheek, had to cover with a huge clear plaster after two days for it to stay on.  The second I have on my lower back and boy does it itch like hell, have today had to stick something over it as it's ready to peel off, so wont be sticking it there again!!

So will stick it to either my hip or thigh next and see how that goes, have you any tips for sticking.  Have tried the hairdryer to warm up the adhesive and also pressing the warm palm for 30 seconds as well, but if you have any other ideas, please let me know. :)

Squeezy x


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Re: Prempac C 1.25mg to Indivin 2mg/5mg to Fem 7 Conti & Provera 2.5mg
« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2017, 06:46:49 PM »

Hi squeezy

Great to hear you got the provera but not great having to stick the patch down with plasters!

There are a few posters who have had problems with sticking- think I mentioned the problems I'd had with Femseven and itching was awful for me, but I have very sensitive skin so didn't surprise me. Some seem to use surgical tape but there are posters who don't recommend as it could affect your absorption rate.

Lots on here promote estradot much smaller and stick really well, apparently, but I've read some have encountered supply problems. Not sure if this is resolved? I guess they are popular because they do stick.
If they aren't sticking this could affect your absorption?? Worth persevering a while, but the estradiol is the same in patches it's finding one that the adhesive works for you.

Hopefully some other ladies- patch users- will be along soon. A few more days in and hopefully the flushing etc will calm even more. 



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Re: Prempac C 1.25mg to Indivin 2mg/5mg to Fem 7 Conti & Provera 2.5mg
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2017, 12:39:21 PM »

I'm back lol!!!

So third week and I can't get these ruddy patches to stick, third patch went on Tuesday and is already covered in tape to hold in place.

The itching it causes is killing me as well, when the patch and plasters come off the area is red and raised as well, so think I might be allergic to them.

Also have been bleeding for three days after spotting for a few beforehand and the bloating is shocking, I look like I've swallowed a beach ball, however it only comes on about 20 mins after eating and the constipation is a killer.

Still got everything else going on as well.

Back to the doctors tomorrow, will see if I can get some Premarin and take that alongside the Provera, or might change altogether.

Any suggestions, what to try next lol


Oh and have also developed this insane itch on my bottom (poo hole, sorry if it's TMI)
« Last Edit: September 07, 2017, 12:41:32 PM by squeezy »


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Re: Prempac C 1.25mg to Indivin 2mg/5mg to Fem 7 Conti & Provera 2.5mg
« Reply #7 on: September 07, 2017, 09:58:51 PM »

Hi squeezy
Well, you must get that itching sorted- I found it irritating and the itching carried on long after I stopped patches weirdly- it was a constant reminder of my meno having that. I prefer the simplicity of tablets but struggle some days of my IBS flares.
Fingers crossed the doc has some suggestions but the Premarin might be a good one to try with the provera. It's my back up.
Let us know what happens you deserve to feel better xxx


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Re: Prempac C 1.25mg to Indivin 2mg/5mg to Fem 7 Conti & Provera 2.5mg
« Reply #8 on: September 08, 2017, 07:20:47 AM »

Thanks SQ

I have an appointment this morning, so will update as soon as I have finished.



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Re: Prempac C 1.25mg to Indivin 2mg/5mg to Fem 7 Conti & Provera 2.5mg
« Reply #9 on: September 08, 2017, 11:50:42 AM »

Appointment over and have been given Premarin 1.25mg and to continue with the Provera 2.5mg as well.

Doctor thinks I have had an allergic reaction to the patches and that also maybe because I haven't absorbed the oestrogen from the patch properly, the progesterone side effects have been greater, so he has advised me to persevere with it and see how I get on with the Premarin.

Fingers crossed this works, I remember Hurdity recommending this months ago because I'd already been on conjugated oestrogens, the chemist at the time told me the Premarin wasn't available, never mind I've got it now  :)

Fingers and toes crossed xx


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Re: Prempac C 1.25mg to Indivin 2mg/5mg to Fem 7 Conti & Provera 2.5mg
« Reply #10 on: September 08, 2017, 09:05:34 PM »

Hi squeezy
Fingers crossed you can start to feel better now! Think I was the same with patches and skin reaction and not absorbing properly!
Yes, Hurdity had suggested this combo for me post Premique when I was struggling with kliofem. Premique had been good for me for over 18 months so gutted it was discontinued- I did do the Premarin as I'd said- it was great for my symptoms and worked really quickly. Sleep was great too! I hope it does the same for you- please keep with the updates. I want to know how you get on. You going to do 2.5mg provera continual out of interest?
SQ xx
« Last Edit: September 08, 2017, 09:18:52 PM by shoppingqueen »


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Re: Prempac C 1.25mg to Indivin 2mg/5mg to Fem 7 Conti & Provera 2.5mg
« Reply #11 on: September 10, 2017, 08:56:19 PM »

Hi Squeezy and Shopping Queen

I was also on that brilliant Prempak C (for 15 years) until those wankers at Pfizer discontinued it. Elleste Duet gave me tender breasts so I ditched that pretty damn quick. I'm trying Femoston but am thinking I may be better on the conjugated oestrogen in other words Premarin. Plus I'd have to take Provera. Are you taking both drugs every day Squeezy? Will you get a bleed? Please keep me updated.


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Re: Prempac C 1.25mg to Premarin 1.25mg & Provera 2.5mg
« Reply #12 on: September 11, 2017, 09:25:32 AM »

Hi SG & Viv

So have been on the Premarin 1.25ng since Friday, couldn't wait to get rid of the patch that wouldn't stick lol!!

Had a bit of a hormonal dip on Saturday, however back up and running now, bit soon to tell about the sleeping and hot flushes yet but hopefully it will settle down shortly.

However I am really suffering with terrible constipation, bloating and feeling sick 24/7, however my stomach blows up like a balloon more after eating, be great to hear if anyone else suffering the same side effect. 

I am taking it continuously, every day as well.

I did have a bleed from about day 3 but that has stopped now and it wasn't much to be honest.

The doctor did give me Ustrogen, but I'm loathed to change again, but can't continue feeling like this either.



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Re: Prempac C 1.25mg to Indivina 5/2mg to Premarin to Provera 2.5mg
« Reply #13 on: September 13, 2017, 07:23:43 AM »

Just a little update, the bloating and sickness has calmed down, however still constipated lol!!

I was thinking if it didn't calm down to go back and get some Ovral, if it's available as this is the same progesterone that's in Prempak c.  Will keep it reserve for now anyway

S xx