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Author Topic: Mammogram Recall  (Read 12037 times)


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Mammogram Recall
« on: August 17, 2017, 10:04:37 PM »

This a long post, (sorry!) but is intended to reassure anyone who is recalled after a routine mammogram.

On my birthday in June I received a letter recalling me after a recent routine mammogram - not great timing! I now understand the saying “my blood ran cold”. I spent a worrying week until my recall appointment, with everyone reassuring me that there was probably nothing to worry about. However I do get health anxiety so it was a trying time. I went to a wonderful breast clinic for my appointment, where they did further mammograms, ultrasound and manual exams, followed by a biopsy. It turns out they had found small areas of calcification - which can indicate that cells are starting to change. If that had happened, they would recommend surgery as a day patient to remove the dodgy cells. Everything was fully explained in a calm and friendly way. A week later I phoned for the results of the biopsy. It was confirmed that the cells had changed, and they had arranged an appointment for me to see a surgeon that afternoon. No hanging around! It was only after seeing the surgeon, when I was talking to the breast care nurse that she handed me a leaflet about “Ductal Cell Carcinoma”. I had not realised until that point that it was a cancer. However, it seems that this is a non-invasive cancer, which does not spread - BUT it can change to invasive breast cancer, so they advise removing the cells.

Just over 2 weeks later I presented myself at the day unit at the hospital for the surgery - absolutely terrified as I had never had a general anaesthetic before. However it all went very smoothly, and I was extremely pleased to wake up after the procedure! I was home by 4pm, and can honestly say I have had absolutely no pain. The scar is about 3 inches long, but as it was stitched on the inside and glued on the outside, is so neat and I'm sure will be barely visible in time. At the follow-up appointment I was extremely relieved to hear they got a clear margin around the cells, and no invasive cancer was found. I was off work for a week but 3 weeks on now feel completely back to normal. They have recommended some radiotherapy as this will make it much less likely that the cancer will return.

The reason for this long and rambling post is to encourage everyone to go to mammogram appointments. They are horrible and uncomfortable, but this would never have been detected so early otherwise as there was no “lump” to feel. If it hadn't been found so early, it might have been a different outcome. Although it has not been my best summer, I am extremely relieved that it was caught when it was, and could be dealt with so quickly.

The NHS gets a lot of knocks, but I cannot complain at all about the treatment I received, and I was so impressed at how quickly everything happened. There are also some fantastic women working in breast clinics, who go out of their way to reassure you, and make sure you have all the information you need.


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Re: Mammogram Recall
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2017, 08:27:26 AM »

Sorry, I do not find that reassuring at all  :(


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Re: Mammogram Recall
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2017, 09:02:21 AM »

Thanks for letting us know of your personal experience. So glad that you are doing well now as you say it might have been a different outcome for you had you not attended your mammogram.

Ju Ju

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Re: Mammogram Recall
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2017, 09:20:18 AM »

I was recalled for my last mammogram as they detected a change and needed a closer look. I received my letter the day before my appointment, which is concerning as I could easily have missed the appointment, but it did give me little time to get worried. They were lovely and immediately told me all was well after a more extensive mammogram. I was shown the X-rays to show what they were looking at. I found it reassuring that they really look carefully.

In the past, I have had a benign lump removed, but without a GA, only a local because of my asthma history. I was a bit alarmed, but it was fine. Lots of dark humour and me trying to not to laugh!


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Re: Mammogram Recall
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2017, 10:22:29 AM »

Do you have to have a re check in six months or something Fintimara?  It's good you are positive about it.  I had a duct checked out a few weeks ago, it was ok though.  My sister in law had breast cancer picked up by mammogram she is doing fine now, x


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Re: Mammogram Recall
« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2017, 10:49:04 AM »

I think it will be annual mammograms for the next few years, and if nothing shows up it'll be back to every five years.

I do feel positive about it (although I've had my moments!). Even if you don't get the outcome you'd hoped for - i.e. Clear mammogram - it doesn't have to be the worst case scenario. x


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Re: Mammogram Recall
« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2017, 01:02:18 PM »

Sorry, I do not find that reassuring at all  :(
That was my thought too. I was also recalled after my 1st one but it was a false alarm and they didn't find any problem 2nd time. I was told that it was because I was a 1st timer and so they had had nothing to compare it with.
Fintimara. Does this mean that you have had a cancer diagnosis and so would have to declare it for insurance purposes?


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Re: Mammogram Recall
« Reply #7 on: August 18, 2017, 01:06:51 PM »

I checked travel insurance, but it would only add about £20 to my normal rate- and that may be partly because it's less than 3 months since the surgery.


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Re: Mammogram Recall
« Reply #8 on: August 18, 2017, 02:17:55 PM »

I think it is positive because you caught it early. Same with my sister she found a lump from routine mammogram & had it removed & is doing great now. She also said the NHS were quick


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Re: Mammogram Recall
« Reply #9 on: August 18, 2017, 02:28:17 PM »

Why don't you find it reassuring?  Breast cancer isn't the biggest cause of cancer deaths of course, but it's important to get checked.  Every 'out of the ordinary' result is helping the next Generation ;-).

For me my lump was found on palpation and never showed on mammogram, cells were normal when drawn via a deep needle  :o and the lump at surgery was 'normal'.  It was only when it got to histology that there were 'changes' around the margins.  Without histology who knows if I would still be here  ::)

I too had 4 weeks of radiation treatment to zap any cells that had gone astray.  I opted for 'tattoos' for the laser beams to be lined up exactly the same each time.  The option of blue dye meant that I would have been unable to wash  :-\  :(.   It took me longer to get undressed/re-clothed than the actual zapping!  I was given a tube of steroid cream to apply as the radiated area looked like it had been in sun for too long  :D and itched a bit. 

Let us know how you get on. 
« Last Edit: August 19, 2017, 08:35:32 PM by CLKD »


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Re: Mammogram Recall
« Reply #10 on: October 21, 2017, 04:13:25 PM »

I have actually found all of the above posts a bit reassuring.  I have been called back following a mammogram, having received the letter this morning.  I am 61 and this has never happened on previous checks.  I have had a frustrating couple of days with lots of (minor) things going wrong, and before I opened the letter I just felt it wasn't the all clear I was hoping for.  I have been reading/seeing a lot on tv recently obviously because it is breast cancer awareness month, and thinking there for the grace of god etc.  and I can't pretend I am not pretty concerned.  I have recently felt that I am fortunate, having come to terms with the big 60 last year and still working part time, doing a job I enjoy, no real problems to speak of, usual ups and downs of life and now just scared that something is about to bite me on the bum and tip everything upside down.  My lovely daughter has tried to reassure me that it could well be nothing and says she wants to come with me on Friday for the recall.  A lot of hours before then to brood over.  Think I might need to embark on some 'Autumn cleaning' or something to keep me busier than usual.  Sorry for the moan :(


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Re: Mammogram Recall
« Reply #11 on: October 21, 2017, 07:36:01 PM »

I also had an abnormal, (not cancerous but not benign)  lump removed. This is the second time; the first cells were in the nipple duct which I've had removed, the second in the breast itself.

I'm currently having monthly scans and or mammograms. Yes it's scary but knowing that if anything pops up it'll be detected quickly is reassuring. I can neither fault or thank the breast care clinic nurses enough.



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Re: Mammogram Recall
« Reply #12 on: October 21, 2017, 09:40:43 PM »

Will you hop over here with your mop and broom please, our house will keep you busy until your appt. ;-).

How long until your appt. Lizzieb60.  ?


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Re: Mammogram Recall
« Reply #13 on: October 21, 2017, 09:49:41 PM »

CLKD It's next Friday.  Was tempted to call to see if they had any earlier slots but I expect they are busy.  By the time I could contact on Monday I guess it's only a few days away and although it would mean less time to be anxious it isn't going to make any difference whatever the result is.  Bit annoying really as after a lifetime of stressing about the small stuff I was finally getting somewhere with getting stress and anxiety under control. The next week will surely test me.


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Re: Mammogram Recall
« Reply #14 on: October 21, 2017, 09:51:08 PM »

You will be fine!  What ever the outcome, those few days won't make much difference.  Although once I was told I needed treatment I wanted to get on with zapping those cells  ::) and felt that I was being active in healing myself.   :foryou:
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