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Author Topic: Perimenapausal at 39?  (Read 3886 times)


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Perimenapausal at 39?
« on: August 15, 2017, 01:16:43 PM »

Hi All,  I have been struggling with varying rates of mood swings and anger (mostly irrational and aggressive) for the past year or so, since April this year my periods have been temperamental where I have been having a days bleed plus cramping two or maybe three days before period due, then coming on as normal (day 28).  This period has given me 2 separate days of bleeding before my actual (heavy and very painful) period.  My skin has been itchy and dry in places where not before (no change in toiletries) and my body temp seems to be soaring at times.  Seen GP - Not very sympathetic, although she did her job it was just that, gave me swab to check for infection and booked me in for a pelvic scan to check for fibroids etc (which is this Friday), swab came back clear.......I just need to know if anyone else is going through the same at the moment?  I feel like a complete bitch to my husband who is completely supportive but would like to see me back to myself as do I.    :'( :'( :'(


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Re: Perimenapausal at 39?
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2017, 02:52:55 PM »

Hi, your not alone, a lot of women are like this and crying the next minute.
I would ask to check your FSH hormone levels and tell the doctor what you want and be firm with it.


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Re: Perimenapausal at 39?
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2017, 07:48:24 PM »

Hi alizben


Once you've been checked out you might want to think about maybe going on the combined pill which would suppress ovulation and regulate your cycle so alleviating symptoms eg mood swings? I don't know if you've been on this before? Also there a a couple that are similar to HRT in terms of their oestrogen (called QLAIRA  and  ZOELY) though at your young age the stronger ones should be OK if you are medically fit to take them?

Hurdity x


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Re: Perimenapausal at 39?
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2017, 08:39:02 PM »

Lil22 I've been balling like a baby at times too, glad I'm not alone on this.

Hurdity because I suffer with migraines the pill is not suitable, hopefully GP will suggest something else, I am also hoping the GP will not fob me off, always feel anxious when speaking to them, last time I went I had written down my patterns with my period and she wasn't interested, wouldn't really let me go through them and because I was emotional didn't feel like I could challenge her to listen..... x


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Re: Perimenapausal at 39?
« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2017, 08:05:36 AM »

It's hard when your confidence is low, can you take someone with you? Or change doctor?
I've had doctors like this in the past and change if they don't understand me.
I go to the doctors saying what I want etc.
If you can get as much info off here to help you try and go back.
I fought for years as knew my body was not right, as times I was so drained but never gave up. Keep going until you get answers  xxx


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Re: Perimenapausal at 39?
« Reply #5 on: August 16, 2017, 10:39:34 AM »

Welcome. I'm the same age and found out just over a month ago. My doctors were useless in the diagnosis, I found out through a fertility specialist who had a special interest in women's hormones. She recommended elleste duet which I have now been taking for a month.


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Re: Perimenapausal at 39?
« Reply #6 on: August 16, 2017, 04:39:58 PM »

As oestrogen levels drop the muscles may become lax = aches and pains, most of which can be eased with Over-the-Counter pain relief, best ask the Pharmacist for advice.  Fortunately, my aches and pains haven't been all at once  :o  ::)

As the levels drop the body may become dry: inside and out: nostrils, deep in the ears, skin, vagina (lots here on *that* one!).  For me it's insteps, as I step out of socks into the bath most evenings they start to itch and I've been known to wake in the night with one rough heel scratching the opp instep  ::). Also I am aware that my back itches all the while, when it gets bad I use either a knife from the drawer, a knitting needle or a back scratcher .........

Browse round.  Make notes!


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Re: Perimenapausal at 39?
« Reply #7 on: August 17, 2017, 06:10:14 AM »

Thanks for your info guys,this is definitely a difficult transition x

Vieja Bruja

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Re: Perimenapausal at 39?
« Reply #8 on: August 17, 2017, 08:15:46 AM »

mood swings and anger (mostly irrational and aggressive)
2 separate days of bleeding before my actual (heavy and very painful) period
My skin has been itchy and dry in places where not before (no change in toiletries) and my body temp seems to be soaring at times.  pelvic scan to check for fibroids etc (which is this Friday)

I just need to know if anyone else is going through the same at the moment?

 I feel like a complete bitch to my husband who is completely supportive but would like to see me back to myself as do I.    :'( :'( :'(

Blimey, you are describing me ! 

I'm having an ultrasound next week as I have had some terribly heavy bleeding,  my skin is ultra-sensitive just now, particularly on my lower legs (!) and I'm sat here in a vest top (I'm normally wrapped up in layers), my sleep is disturbed and my moods are all over the place.  Everything hurts and I am struggling to motivate myself.

However, this morning I'm booked in for a Swedish massage, its my monthly treat and helps with my aches and pains.  I'm determined to get through this though, I've bought a yoga DVD and have a two year plan to lose weight and get fit for my daughter's wedding.

Sending you love and strength x


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Re: Perimenapausal at 39?
« Reply #9 on: August 17, 2017, 10:06:50 AM »

hi new to the forum.  I'm 43 years old. had the lining of my womb removed when I was 39 due to fybriods embedded so had no periods since then. had various menopause symtoms for last couple of years but just ignored them.  due to very high levels of anxiety in my life  (terminally ill mother ) I finally had a meltdown  about 3 months ago felt like I was losing all control of my life. my gp was sympathetic and after ecg to rule out heart issue as my palps were so severe and various tests they recommended hrt as anxiety and menopause symtoms clashing.  anywsy I have been elleste duet for 2 1/2 months. I have to say the within weeks of taking I felt so much better. very few palps and no sweats and in general my wellbeing so much better. my question is after 3 weeks of taking hrt my skin started to feel ****ly stingy and sometimes burning. its worse in my legs. my gp wants me to change hrt to different one but I'm so frightened to do this in case other symptoms return. has anyone ever experienced this problem and is any suggestions to help ? I have took antihistamines which help but not completely.  thanks for any help


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Re: Perimenapausal at 39?
« Reply #10 on: August 17, 2017, 01:05:38 PM »

Hi Clouston22, welcome to the forum.  Sorry to hear about your Mum's illness and also about your horrible menopause symptoms.  There are many friendly women here who will want to help.  Nothing wrong in posting on this thread, but you might get more replies if you start up a new thread in the New Members section. 

In answer to your question about the burning legs - I get an intermittent, mild burning sensation in legs & feet but also arms, have had it on & off from the start of perimenopause (with & without HRT) & I'm now well post-meno.  For me, it feels as though the skin has been scrubbed with a scouring pad & I sometimes feel a bit nauseous with it.  I googled it a few years ago and found it might be a variant of what's called formication, usually described as a sensation that insects are crawling under the skin.  However, if you have a look at Wickipedia, formication can apparently include ****ing & burning sensations.

Formication is a symptom of menopause, but you can get burning in limbs as a result of other conditions.  Has your thyroid function been checked, also Vit B12 status & blood sugar? 

Get the impression both you & your GP think it might be an adverse reaction to the Elleste & as you get some relief from antihistamines, this does seem possible, but I can understand why you're reluctant to switch to another type of HRT.  I'm not sure whether formication is a likely explanation in your case, but thought you might want to Google it to see what you think yourself.  Good luck with the HRT, whatever you decide to do - the right one can absolutely transform life, but it can take a bit of trial & error to get there.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2017, 02:14:07 PM by Wrensong »


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Re: Perimenapausal at 39?
« Reply #11 on: August 17, 2017, 01:26:25 PM »

Lil22 I've been balling like a baby at times too, glad I'm not alone on this.

Hurdity because I suffer with migraines the pill is not suitable, hopefully GP will suggest something else, I am also hoping the GP will not fob me off, always feel anxious when speaking to them, last time I went I had written down my patterns with my period and she wasn't interested, wouldn't really let me go through them and because I was emotional didn't feel like I could challenge her to listen..... x

I think it's only migraine with aura that is a contra-indication to the pill although i think guidance might have changed a bit recently? Your doc should know anyway. Also depends on your age. Sorry to hear your doc wasn't interested. I would go to a different doc in the practice - try to find out one that is knowledgeable about menopause and HRT if you can.

Hurdity x


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Re: Perimenapausal at 39?
« Reply #12 on: August 17, 2017, 01:28:41 PM »

Hi clouston22

 :welcomemm: from me too.

You might want to repeat your introductory post on a new thread in this section as it might get lost amongst alizben's discussion and it ends up with posts jumping over each other  ::)- and more members will be able to welcome you and give advice?

You will find lots of friendship and advice on here as well as information on the main website :)

Hurdity x


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Re: Perimenapausal at 39?
« Reply #13 on: August 18, 2017, 08:28:33 AM »

Many thanks folks. yeah think I need to have a good look around the site. I was so relieved when I found the website so probably a bit hasty when posting. I have had all bloods done and everything came back clear. I do have a new supply of hrt called femoston which I am going to go on to at the end if the last packet of elleste. had really bad nights sleep again last night so going to stop being so frightened and transfer to see if it is the hrt causing the problem. Thanks for your replies having a read of other posts make me feel like I'm normal and not losing the plot.  x