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Author Topic: Prolapsed spinal discs update  (Read 7807 times)


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Prolapsed spinal discs update
« on: August 14, 2017, 07:31:56 PM »

My ongoing saga of squidgning discs!  Last year i spent 4 months unable to walk due to severe leg and back pain from my L5/S1 disc prolapsing but eventually the sciatica went away and I could walk for 10-15 mins at a time.  I knew the longer my back had not siezed up on me the closer it was to doing it partly because I was not behaving and doing far too much walking and standing. Sure enough end of June my back siezed up but I was able to straighen up after 2 weeks and no sciatica a few weeks later it went bang and I was totally bent double for 2 weeks unable to walk more than a few steps.  I thought I was getting better as I was able to be almost upright by lunchtime and then the severe sciatica pains hit, 90% left leg ( back pain is left sided) but also affecting same place on right leg plus severe pins and needles and twitching muscles.
Saw GP last week and I have weakness in left foot as well and am being referred for yet another mri scan ( I will be magnetic soon).  It's either the same disc as last year that has collapsed more or the one above it and only the mri will say for sure.
I cannot find any pain relief that touches the pain.  Codeine and morphine affect my breathing so not allowed to take them. Tramadol does nothing, I cannot metabolise it.  Tried gabapentin last year but never got a high enough dose for pain relief becaue of the side effects. 
The neurosurgeon I saw last year said wait 4-6 months and if no better to have spinal injections before considering surgery as at that time I didn't have any weakness just pain.  The waiting times on nhs for neurosurgeons
 here is horrendous up to a year!
So if you have managed to read to end of this diatribe,many thanks!
I am struggling with the level of pain and the mental effect of being even more useless than usual and having no social life!
Any words of wisdom or cheering up would be appreciated.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2017, 11:57:43 AM by countrybumpkin »


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Re: Prolapsed spinal disc, severe sciatica
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2017, 08:54:48 PM »

I really sympathise as my life has been halted these past few years with 4 episodes of slipped discs and daily back pain where I spent most times resting it as any activity, carrying, standing, sitting , getting on and off sofa caused the nerve pain

Naproxen didn't touch the pain so dr referred me to a MSK dr.  I've not had any MRIs but he said I have a lower dysfunctional/ arthritic facet joint that is next to the disc that herniates and the nerves there are what is causing the pain.  Because I cannot tolerate opium pain relief I had 2 options: try amitriptyline or be referred to the pain clinic to have steroid injections or the epidural type

I'm trying amitriptyline, it's changing my life.  It's not stopping all the pain but I can do so much more now.  I'm up and down off the sofa so much better.  Yesterday I carried shopping in from the car with no problems.  As I say not pain free but so far I'm managing to push through what pain I have

I hope you find a solution x


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Re: Prolapsed spinal disc, severe sciatica
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2017, 09:08:35 PM »

Oh - I have intermittent sciatica due to not bending properly [note to self  :kick:]

Look round your home and make sure that all your seating is 'correct' for you.  Are the places that you sit regularly 'correct'?  Shoe wear can make a huge difference to stance.  Compensation etc. which aggravates any slight weakness!  Are you easier sitting or standing, 3 weeks ago I had to stand for hours every day as I was unable to sit in any comfort, sleeping wasn't a problem.

Do you drive, if so, how is the car seat?  [Some men developed sciatica due to having their wallets in the back pocket whilst driving  ::) ]

Ice packs? or heat on the area?  One can buy 'toppers' for camping, maybe one on your side of the bed?  Himself has one when we are in the camper as extra padding  ::)



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Re: Prolapsed spinal disc, severe sciatica
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2017, 09:25:01 PM »

Its painful in my lower back when I stand up and try to walk and within about 3 seconds of standing I get severe pain in my left leg focused at the back of the lower leg and then after a few steps I get pain in the front of the right ankle. I also get severe pins and needles in my left foot. If i continue to stand or walk I get stabbing pain in pelvis and down front of thigh.
Because I have had many years of discs herniating I have the best of everything in the house!  Stressless chairs and tempur cloud mattress.  I don't drive ( partially sighted) have a cushion on the car seat as I find new cars have hard seats especially leather ones.

Annie, I cannot take any anti depressants as they cause severe acid reflux.  This is why I was given gabapentin last year. There is also pregabalin which I may ask about - they want you to try gabapentin first as its cheaper. Both drugs come with some nasty side effects and I know so many people who have had to come off them because they produce dementia like symptoms :o  they are also a drug that is hard to come off as well even when done slowly but given the level of constant pain I am in it could be worth it!

I have been offered steroid injections via the pain clinic as well and again if this does not improve soon I could be willing to try them. I also have a prolapsed neck disc making it incredibly difficult for me to lay on my front ( causes severe vertigo) but they said they would not put me on my front until they were ready to do the injections. 


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Re: Prolapsed spinal disc, severe sciatica
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2017, 09:27:51 PM »

Steroids are used to reduce any swelling ?

Maybe amitriptelene [sp] would work with a gastric liquid prior to taking? like lining the gut .........


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Re: Prolapsed spinal disc, severe sciatica
« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2017, 05:07:49 AM »

I read the leaflet on amitriptyline.  As an AD standard dose is 75mg.  I'm on 10mg but can increase to 20mg if needed so maybe side effects wouldn't happen at such a low dose?



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Re: Prolapsed spinal disc, severe sciatica
« Reply #6 on: August 15, 2017, 09:39:11 AM »

How awful countrybumpkin  :(

Have you tried fentanyl as a painkiller - I had patches which were effective, a bit hallucinogenic but better than the pain, alongside anti sickness tablets.
I then had an epidural (steroid) which helped dull the excruciating sciatica pain and allowed me to start physio, which really helped.
When I had a flair up about three years ago (bulging C6 and L4/5) I had a course of acupuncture which despite my scepticism, 'cured' me  :D. I now do Pilates and Tai Chi to keep mobile.

Good luck and I hope you get some relief soon x


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Re: Prolapsed spinal disc, severe sciatica
« Reply #7 on: August 15, 2017, 10:08:18 AM »

I tried amyltriptylene at minimum dose and still got severe acid reflux!

Not sure if I can have fentanyl as I cannot take morphine or similar drugs?  Will discuss drugs further with gp tomorrow at my appt.


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Re: Prolapsed spinal disc, severe sciatica
« Reply #8 on: August 15, 2017, 11:36:06 AM »

I can't have anything that will make me ultra drowsy, weirded out etc, as I drive, work in payroll so need to be on the ball, plus babysit grandchildren.  Because codeine weirds me out I can't take anything else like that.  I'm also waiting on a physio referral.  Since starting the amitriptyline it's become apparent just how debilitating my back pain was.  I'm chirpier, more active and just all round happier


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Re: Prolapsed spinal disc, severe sciatica
« Reply #9 on: August 15, 2017, 11:37:19 AM »

Let us know how you get on!


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Re: Prolapsed spinal disc, severe sciatica
« Reply #10 on: August 15, 2017, 02:57:04 PM »

Not sure if I can have fentanyl as I cannot take morphine or similar drugs?  Will discuss drugs further with gp tomorrow at my appt.

Might be worth having a chat with doctor. I had an anaphylactic reaction to morphine but can tolerate Fentanyl and Tramadol

Good luck  :)


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Re: Prolapsed spinal disc, severe sciatica
« Reply #11 on: August 15, 2017, 07:01:37 PM »

interesting re fentanyl when allergic to morphine, I assumed it was connected. Will see what Dr says tomorrow. I am at my wits end with the level of pain, the codeine is not touching it at all >:(


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Re: Prolapsed spinal disc, severe sciatica
« Reply #12 on: August 15, 2017, 08:33:25 PM »

CB, I know we share a common problem, except I have been down the surgery path.. I rattle with pain meds.  I really wish I could get up to the higher dose of pregabalin as it does help, but the side effects are just to bad......but that's not to say you won't tolerate them......Worth a try?


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Re: Prolapsed spinal disc, severe sciatica
« Reply #13 on: August 15, 2017, 09:06:48 PM »

Thanks Ellie.  I had a google of fentanyl and its a big no no for me as just codeine makes me feel I can't breathe and the one time I took 5mg of oramorph which is half the starter dose I def felt very tight chested for 4 hrs so they won't give me anything that has this effect as I am super sensitive >:(


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Re: Prolapsed spinal disc, severe sciatica
« Reply #14 on: August 15, 2017, 09:35:48 PM »

My doctor won't give me fenatol  patches, saying they are highly addictive.  I am on Butrans patches, but I doubt you could tolerate them either. To be perfectly honest, nothing really helps much with chronic pain,  in my case anyway,I am waiting to go to the pain clinic and maybe have a trial for a spinal cord stimulator.
      Have you been referred to the pain clinic CB?   It seems you are having to wait a long time to see a neurosurgeon, could you perhaps phone his/ her secterory?.......if you are having numbness you should be seen.
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