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Author Topic: Thank you  (Read 2063 times)


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Thank you
« on: August 09, 2017, 04:04:25 PM »

I wanted to say a big thanks to all of you who have posted on this site. I am a new member and reading through past discussions has made me feel so much better, well made me cry actually that I am not going out of my mind.
I am 47 and probably have had menopause symptoms for a while but have put it down to stress and changes in personal circumstances.
I used to be such an outgoing and bubbly person and now will do anything to get out of going out with friends as I become so anxious.
I get night flushes and find it difficult to sleep which makes me more irritable but the best, best news is so do other people.
I haven't been to the GP yet and I am not sure what is to be gained by going. I don't want to take HR and hope I can benefit from a more natural approach. I have been reading about diet and keeping mind and body healthy which is something I have always tried to do. Anyone with ideas on this??



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Re: Thank you
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2017, 04:18:23 PM »

Have a browse round the green treatment menus at the top and read those threads in the Alternative Room. Some find that alternatives help symptoms but once hormones go awry, any benefit may be lost.

Don't dismiss HRT outright, particularly regarding vaginal atrophy! 'cos nowt else works if it gets a hold, for me it was like razor blades up there  :o and if this is untreated, vaginal lips can fuse together due to dryness .........

Browse round. Make notes.


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Re: Thank you
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2017, 04:24:05 PM »


Lots of information on here wend123 - take your time and have a read. It's good to hear you're not alone isn't it  :)


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Re: Thank you
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2017, 04:33:02 PM »

Hi - the most important thing to do is to look at your diet and exercise and make sure these are ok.  Add a bit of relaxation like yoga to help with stress and joints.  Mindfulness is good too (and sometimes you can do this with the yoga  ;) )

It might be worth popping along to the doctor to make sure that it is menopause, and rule out things like diabetes, thyroid etc or low iron or vit D.

Like CKLD says, even if you do not want to use full HRT, make yourself familiar with the options for topical oestrogen and genitourinary symptoms of menopause, as this is something that can come on gradually, especially if you think you have 'gone through menopause'.  These preparations are a tiny dose, and can prevent a lot!


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Re: Thank you
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2017, 06:11:47 PM »

As oestrogen levels drop, muscles may become lax = aches and pains as well as causing the body to become dry: that is, deep in the ears, skin, nostrils, vagina ....... for me I get skin itching usually in my insteps as I get into the bath each night.  This morning it was across my shoulders, it required a very hard rub !!! but I have been aware of background irritation all day  :-\

The Change ...........  ::)


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Re: Thank you
« Reply #5 on: August 10, 2017, 09:16:02 AM »

Thank All,
I will have a read around and will be keeping a good eye on 'down below' seems all ok atm.
I think one of my concerns is I split up with my husband of 24 years 2 years ago which the family is still dealing with. I have met someone new who is fantastic, I am very lucky. He is older than I am and has already gone through this with his first wife!! Anyway it just doesn't feel the best place to come from in starting a new relationship. We have known each other for ten years so he really notices my personality change. I guess I am scared stiff I won't get back to that person.
Sorry for going on!!


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Re: Thank you
« Reply #6 on: August 11, 2017, 10:47:43 AM »

Hi wend123

 :welcomemm: from me too.

Great idea to take steps to keep your mind and body healthy - through diet, exercise, lifestyle etc at this time of life and reduce body fat if necessary!

What are your periods doing - and your cycle - have you skipped any periods, has your cycle lengthened etc? This would give an indication of where you are in menopause.

In terms of HRT - I was like you at first - wanting to do things completely naturally - as we eat lots of home grown veg and organic food, don't eat processed food - so I am with you on the au naturel bit! I tried all sorts of natural remedies and phyto-oestrogen diet etc and symptoms came and went (actually due to my hormones, not the remedies) and eventually in late peri-menopause I started HRT - using the "bio-identical" hormones ie estradiol and progesterone (through NHS) - and still on these hormones 10 years later!

However in your position at the start of a new relationship - depending on what your cycle is doing - I would definitely consider HRT sooner rather than later! What do you have to lose? Please think about this because although you may not get the old you completely back - on the right preparation you will find night sweats and flushes banished and you will regain some of your lost energy and be more like the person you were. You are so young still!

Also at your age if you are near menopause - it is in fact recommended to take HRT at least until the natural average age of menopause of 51/52 in order to protect your heart and bones and the risks (such that there are - these have mostly been down-played now) do not start to be counted until then.

Hope this helps and do ask any further questions if you need to :)

Hurdity x