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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Anxiety, crying alot, peeing blood  (Read 1883 times)


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Anxiety, crying alot, peeing blood
« on: August 10, 2017, 03:42:00 PM »

Hi everyone
I'm new here and looking for advice and support. I'll try and keep my post short but I've had so much going on health wise this year i cant promise... ???

It all started in december with constipation, i hadnt 'been' for 2 weeks but didnt get too bothered and ate prunes which helped a bit but i still wasnt too bothered. Id also just finished a period just before xmas and wasnt due again until end of January as my periods are reasonably regular.  Anyways a few days before New year i had a brown gungy period for a few days and again i didnt worry until just into January i went for a pee and the bowl was blood red.  I was somewhat confused as the gunge i was shedding had all but stopped, i went into instant panic mode, shouted for my partner to bring an old tupperware pot up and proceeded to pee in that. Blood red again, i drank bottle after bottle of water that day and it went away. Three days later it started again, bought some tampons so i knew for definite it was my bladder and not period and there it was, blood red pee.  Since then, every month apart from May ive peed blood when i have a period. its not just a little bit either, its like my period is coming out of my bladder, clots and all. 
Since then ive had a camera in my bladder and an anginoma was seen which looked like a tiny cluster of blood vessels on the screen. Ive also just been for bladder surgery 2 weeks ago to biopsy the anginoma and apparently there was 2 to remove. On top of all that the past 3 periods when ive peed blood ive developed bladder infections ascwell, extremely painful and had to go to A & E on one occasion as it was that bad. I had the mirena coil put in 1 week before the bladder surgery to try and stop my periods which set a period off and peeing blood and an infection and then i had the coil removed 2 weeks later as the pain was unbearable and i couldnt even walk the dogs with it in. After the coil was removed it set another period off, peed more blood and clots with another infection, the doctor at our out of hours was horrified at how much blood and infection was in my pee. So im currently taking 2 antibiotics one for bladder infection and one for bacterial vaginosis as the antibiotics for the bladder have upset my vaginal flora.  On top of all this ive had a CT scan today for my whole abdomen as the constipation hasnt stopped, i have extremely bad acid indigestion and take omeprozole, have pain after ive eaten, random stabbing pains in stomach area, back and under my ribs and a poo test came back as slightly elevated fecal calprotectin.  The gastroenterologist doesnt think anything nasty is going on but I have also gone from 9st 7 to struggling to stay at 9 st and developed really bad anxiety with all this and cant help but think the worst.  I was at docs yesterday for gabbapentin and my biopsy results were in that said nothing horrible in bladder and no endometriosis which is what the urologist was looking for. I have stopped taking my cabergoline as i have a prolactinoma on my pituitary gland which stops my periods unless i have the meds and im hoping if my periods stop so will the bladder problems. my blood tests have shown im probably in perimenopause as my oestrogen showed <44 and all the others were out of sync. My hair has been falling out for 10 years, my skin is drying up.  I know theres alot of information here and I think as much as anything i think i just need to vent as well as see if any one else has heard of these problems during peri. Im 47 and feel like ive aged 10 years this year, i cry alot especially in the mornings and have impending doom feelings.  To be honest im frightened of everything right now. Thank you if you've read all this  :-\ xx


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Re: Anxiety, crying alot, peeing blood
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2017, 03:58:35 PM »

Hi Jane

I couldn't read and not post.  I can't help you with anything that is going on with you, your poor thing but just wanted to give you a virtual hug xxxxxxx


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Re: Anxiety, crying alot, peeing blood
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2017, 04:11:54 PM »

Thank you  :) I'm trying not to feel sorry for myself and just want to feel well again. This time last year I was fine and want to be there again. I can't really find anything anywhere on the net with what's happening to me so was hoping someone on here might know something. I'm sure it's hormone related. Fingers crossed someone will come along x


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Re: Anxiety, crying alot, peeing blood
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2017, 04:14:46 PM »

Hi jane  :welcomemm:

You've certainly been through the wringer with all of this. I sounds as if you are being investigated thoroughly which is good. It's excellent news that nothing is wrong in the bladder especially that the biopsy came back clear from your angiomas. Hopefully now that you have got rid of them you won't be seeing blood in your urine which can be really frightening.

I am a bit confused about stopping the cabergoline. Did you stop this before the mirena was put in as it seems that you were putting something in to stop your periods while taking a medication to keep your periods coming  :-\ 

As we get towards menopause the bladder and urethra can become effected by lack of oestrogen and lots of us have suffered from UTI's repeatedly before being prescribed a topical HRT such as Vagifem or Ovestin which plumps the tissues back up without the possible risks and side effects of full HRT.  You might want to ask your doc about this once things have settled down.

Some of your symptoms are common to peri but you are also dealing with the prolactinoma and having to take the cabergoline which can have side effects of it's own. One of the common ones is indigestion and constipation so this may be why you are suffering like this. How long have you been on the cabergoline for? I think I had that many years ago to dry up my breast milk? The name sounds familiar!

You will find lots of help and friendship on here and I hope you feel better already just by sharing.

Taz x  :bighug:


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Re: Anxiety, crying alot, peeing blood
« Reply #4 on: August 10, 2017, 06:58:29 PM »

Hi Taz
Thanks for listening  :)
Unfortunately I'm still getting blood after the biopsies and it's funny you should mention low oestrogen as I've just read an article online about low hormones and UTIs, I'm going to mention this at the doctors. I have been on cabergoline for 4 years now. Got diagnosed with pituitary tumour at 24 but didn't like the meds and went without periods for 20 years until docs mentioned osteoporosis and advised starting cabergoline mainly for this reason. I felt great at first, libido came in with a vengeance felt good about myself but after a while I started with pain and heavy periods and then all this started. The stomach problems are a new thing unrelated to cabergoline. Yes the mirena and cabergoline seem to be a bit weird together but cabergoline is to reduce prolactin caused by a tumour, I haven't had it now for a few months and my levels are back up too 1800 and normal range is around 400 so I'm hoping periods stop soon and then I'll see if the peeing blood stops x


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Re: Anxiety, crying alot, peeing blood
« Reply #5 on: August 11, 2017, 10:48:19 AM »

Hi jane980


Hurdity x