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Author Topic: For those regular/dedicated exercisers - a question....  (Read 3906 times)


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For those regular/dedicated exercisers - a question....
« on: August 08, 2017, 04:22:49 PM »

I've been exercising most of my adult life. Weight training as well as cardio.  Since going through menopause, I do notice my recovery times seem longer.  If I do a particularly hard workout, my muscles take longer to rebound (post workout soreness) and I may feel more tired the next day.  In other words, I feel as though my body does not rebound as quickly and the heavier, harder workouts take more of a toll.  I don't want to cut back or slow down as I feel it's still very healthy to have rigorous workouts.  I usually do all over body weight training twice a week. 
My cardio can be vigorous walks with jogging interspersed, the eliptical machine or treadmill at the gym, or the stairclimber machine as well.

For those of you who have been regular or avid fitness buffs over the years, do you have any suggestions?  What are your experiences and thoughts as you've gone through peri and meno?
As far as I know I am about one year into full meno.  I use the 0.025 patch which is only for bone protection not symptom relief.  I use Progesterone 200mg x 10 days every 5 weeks or so.

Thanks for reading and I really would love to hear from others and their thoughts!  :)
« Last Edit: August 08, 2017, 04:31:07 PM by weathergirl »


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Re: For those regular/dedicated exercisers - a question....
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2017, 04:32:41 PM »

I know that I tire more easily when working in the garden  :-\ which means that I get less done each day [when it's fine enough].

My thighs are my weakest area and my back gets stiff and sore quite quickly if I don't bend correctly.


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Re: For those regular/dedicated exercisers - a question....
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2017, 04:35:16 PM »

Hi weather girl,

Got wet twice today with all the rain but I have to go out every day on bike to de stress and to keep my heart healthy but can't do what I could just a couple of years ago. I used to just up to two years ago ride so fast and up steep hills.   Plus I seem to need sugar when I get back or when I'm out not necessarily sugar but something to eat.  I come back in and could eat a horse, don't know what your take on that is, you seem in the know,  ;D  My brother gave me a fantastic super light road bike which my husband just sold ten minutes ago as now I have L S I can't lean forward on that area now.  So upset husbands are so insensitive.  I seem to have to ride the sit up type bike now.  Feeling old


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Re: For those regular/dedicated exercisers - a question....
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2017, 04:36:09 PM »

There are suitable bikes Guinea girl - how about an electric one that re-charges as you peddle?


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Re: For those regular/dedicated exercisers - a question....
« Reply #4 on: August 08, 2017, 04:42:39 PM »

CLKD, I think what you are describing sounds familiar to most of what I have read about going through meno.  Some deal with the aches and pains or are able to ignore them, some not.  I'm hoping that through watching how we move and use our bodies, that they will adapt to the demands we put on them.  I would think over time, this is likely, no?   I suppose much depends on the exact activity you participate in and how much muscle strength and endurance it requires.  The good thing is that we keep doing these things to the best of our ability.  :)  Sedentary life has been rated right up there with smoking in terms of damage to health.  It's really vital to move when, and where, we can!

Guinea girl, it may be that your energy expenditure requires you to replenish more now that you're in meno because you don't have the same reserves you used to when biking rigorously?  It may just be more taxing on your body, especially if you are going out for rides without much food or nutrients recently consumed.  Why did your husband sell the biike?? Did you okay him doing it?   When you say you have to a sit up bike, do you mean a stationary cycle?   If so, you should see if you can get one.  Used ones are usually quite reasonable and often are being sold by people moving or at local gyms sometimes when they are upgrading their equipment and moving out older models.

I hope you get back to some form of biking, especially if you enjoy it. :) 


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Re: For those regular/dedicated exercisers - a question....
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2017, 04:44:00 PM »

I've been saying it for a long while, but I really want to start doing some yoga.  Even 10 minutes a day.  I do stretch regularly, and always have.  But I want to commit to learning some yoga.


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Re: For those regular/dedicated exercisers - a question....
« Reply #6 on: August 08, 2017, 04:52:18 PM »

Hi weather girl,

Sorry didn't explain myself, btw thanks for the reply.  I need a moan ::) I still ride I've rode a bike all my life but since 2010 have road about eighty to ninety miles a week but now I've got older just since 2014, shoulder has got bad and now have Lichen Sclerosus so I ride one of this Dutch type ones.  I have a specialised mountain bike for special rides but the road bike was so brill for speed and was so light but because I can't use it because of the saddle on it and leaning forward on privates ;) Hubble said he'd sell it and it was more telling me rather than asking, my brother gave it to me and feel so sad about that, he doesn't get these emotions, neither do I if I'm honest, change I hate it.  I have a stationery bike but love getting out on bike.  Sorry to moan you are a good listener.


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Re: For those regular/dedicated exercisers - a question....
« Reply #7 on: August 08, 2017, 04:53:12 PM »

You mentioned food, I have toast and go out but shattered when im back, I just can't eat much more in a morning x


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Re: For those regular/dedicated exercisers - a question....
« Reply #8 on: August 08, 2017, 04:58:06 PM »

CLKD I'll end up with one one day  :). Sometimes people on those overtake so fast, I think how do they do it then look and see it's one of those.   ;D


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Re: For those regular/dedicated exercisers - a question....
« Reply #9 on: August 08, 2017, 05:06:55 PM »

Ah, I see Guinea Girl!  Good for you that you keep riding and make accommodations for the LS.  Moan away - and I did not take it as a moan anyway!  I think it's a credit to your love of riding and determination to stay fit that you push through.  :)  I'd be sad too if something was sold that had sentimental value to me.  It sounds like your really loved that bike.  It's okay to feel sad.  But I'm glad you have the other bike to ride and that it seems to work for you.  :foryou:

Sparkle, I'm sorry to hear about the CFS diagnosis as I imagine that just makes everything more complicated.  :-\  I also have a hiatal hernia and life long issues with GERD.  Mostly controlled by diet and stopping eat well before bed, sleeping with propped pillows, etc.  But I hear you about the poses! I will NOT be doing inverted poses - LOL!!  I plan to do mostly upright ones and certainly the yoga head stand will never be in my repertoire!  ;D  I will just modify whatever yoga workout I choose to watch and make it work for me.

Thank you ladies for sharing your experiences!!


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Re: For those regular/dedicated exercisers - a question....
« Reply #10 on: August 08, 2017, 05:16:52 PM »

I danced from 9 until I was 18.  We had cycles and walked, Dad had a car from 1952 so we were restricted to when he was at home and could take us places, living in the wilds as we did.  Swimming was a regular activity at School, singing and music too - my Music Teacher told me when I was 11 that not many people breathed thoroughly which would have an over-all effect on our bodies.  I sang regularly until I had surgery in 1995.

We had a car as a couple in the 1970s but still walked/cycled regularly.  I had dogs for 18 years so walked 2-3 miles nearly every day, more if we went on holiday in the UK.  Despite the weather  ::).  I hardly walk at all these days  :-\  .  Laziness.  As a result of the above, neither of us has aches and pains in the joints other than my back due to not bending correct [note to self  ::)] and the odd stiff neck (both of us).  I would love to see my joints on X-ray  ::).

Many years ago yoga was 'way out' but it can be really useful, if nothing else it gives one time to oneself ;-).   For me it's lack of enthusiasm.  Plus doing other things that take up the time used years ago for walking.   Sorry - what was the question  ;)


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Re: For those regular/dedicated exercisers - a question....
« Reply #11 on: August 08, 2017, 05:29:58 PM »

Hi there weathergirl

I don't do intense exercise but I do attend 2 classes per week - used to do 3 but now I'm mid sixties I do find it too much (the intense classes that is). I do (Fitness) Pilates - which I would highly recommend  (I don't have the temperament for yoga). You don't have to do headstands or anything - the exercises are either standing lying on back front or side! They are amazing for general joints and muscles. The other one I do is Zumba for cardio. The intense body conditioning one I stopped due to migraine the next day - from the neck exercises - now that never used to happen!

I did start to feel a lot more aches and pains after exercise eg digging the garden and after exercise classes but when i started to take testosterone this helped enormously - especially with the back-ache after exercise and the utter exhaustion. I still get more tired now but I expect that is due to age.

I srill ache after unaccustomed exercise eg on holiday I was rowing/paddling a canoe quite a lot and my arms ached but soon got used to it. Ditto we were cycling - and thighs ached. I think this is normal but you are right that it does take longer to recover or build muscle following exercise as you get older and I am sure partly down to sex hormones and also thyroid function.

I do a fair bit of gardening but have stopped the really heavy stuff - digging - although I do dig compost out of the compost heap and wheel heavy barrows of it so that it quite intense!

I should do more and would like to so maybe I'll find something of medium intensity..... I dread to think how I would feel without HRT and T though - in terms of exercise now - think I would be knackered and pathetic!

Your exercise regime sounds really intense and I'm full of admiration that you manage all of that - do you have a job too?

Sparkle - sounds like maybe you need to eat a better lunch (especially more protein and something slow release?)  to avoid the low blood sugar - I know those feelings and I get them mid morning if I take a decent amount of exercise with only muesli for breakfast or something.

Hurdity x


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Re: For those regular/dedicated exercisers - a question....
« Reply #12 on: August 08, 2017, 05:41:07 PM »

I do weight training and find now what works best for me 3x a week full body weights work out and on the other days a brisk walk for cardio. So far not gained any weight and still have good muscle tone!

I'm taking 3 pumps oestrogel, 100mg Utrogeston daily and a blob of testogel.

I'm having surgery in October to remove my ovaries from my bowel due to endometriosis (already had hysterectomy) so trying to keep as strong as possible before I can't train for a while!

« Last Edit: August 08, 2017, 05:45:21 PM by Otes73 »


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Re: For those regular/dedicated exercisers - a question....
« Reply #13 on: August 08, 2017, 05:53:26 PM »

Hurdity, yes I work a full time job. I do the workouts mostly after work (sometimes before if I plan it right) and both weekend days.  I took a Pilates class about 3 years ago and loved it.  :)  It was very rigorous and it really challenged me.  The thing that I wanted with yoga was to gently build additional strength and stamina (in muscle I may not be using all the time) and the stretching aspect.  I'm already very limber, but I'm sure many of the movements will be quite challenging.  I may try to add some Pilates in with this if I can find a video that works for me (time wise and beginner status).  Thank you for the recommendation!

I am trying not to dread how lack of estrogen/sex hormones will affect me.  I feel like my body is well cared for and I am hoping it returns the favor.  ;)  I think there is a lot of fear about what's on the 'other side' of menopause but my guess is it's entirely different for each of us!  For me, the decision to drop to the very lowest patch was partly to see how I fare (the next higher patch is out of stock for a while!), partly because I am tired of having to use progesterone and cycle it in, and as I've mentioned before (another post somewhere), I'm not completely comfortable with the extended use (permanent, long term, etc.) of HRT.  For me, it's not something I think is best. (I say that now! LOL!)   I may have longer recovery from exercise or more fatigue with heavier workouts, but who's to say that's not a transitional thing?   Only time will tell.  I try to just keep my mind open and neutral and not feel apprehensive. 

I'm glad you are having such good results with your classes and enjoying them!  I love hearing how other women are doing and what activities they like!  :)
« Last Edit: August 08, 2017, 06:01:22 PM by weathergirl »


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Re: For those regular/dedicated exercisers - a question....
« Reply #14 on: August 08, 2017, 05:55:19 PM »

Otes73, good luck with your upcoming surgery!  I hope your recovery is quick and uneventful.   :)
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