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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Peeing 😣  (Read 4646 times)


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Re: Peeing 😣
« Reply #15 on: August 01, 2017, 09:38:15 AM »

Hi Pompeylou,

It could all be part of VA affecting your urinary system and could possibly be helped with local vaginal oestrogen such as Vagifem. I would see your GP first of all so that you can get your urine tested for infection to start with and then take it from there.


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Re: Peeing 😣
« Reply #16 on: August 01, 2017, 09:45:15 AM »

I wouldn't have a clue..i just feel I'm trying to cope and understand this on my own.. doctors haven't got a clue! Husband can't or won't understand!... I've emailed my gynocolagist who I've not heard from in 2 years to see if she can help... but nothing back.

Ok. I started off with the usual tests for UTI, etc. Your GP can order those.  I then had a transvaginal ultrasound which showed an ovarian cyst and some kidney cysts. The ovarian cyst went away and the kidney cysts are nothing apparently. Very common in people over 40. I also had a stage 1 uterine prolapse which was not causing my urge/frequency. At the very least you should have the ultrasound done. Eventually I was refered to a urologist who did a cystoscopy (look inside bladder) and after 5 years they found the problem. I wouldn't bother emailing your doctor, I would go through your GP and ask for a referal. As your problem is urinary, a urologist would be a good start.

I'm sorry your husband is not being supportive.


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Re: Peeing 😣
« Reply #17 on: August 01, 2017, 10:00:20 AM »

Maryjane, Everything you have just said has been proven false. I had every test under the sun including trans vaginal ultrasound and all was negative. I did have Hunners Ulcers in my bladder which is the physical manifestation of IC . Elmiron only treats IC and I had relief after 5 years once I started it. I was tested for all manner of bacteria and it was all negative. Urologists treat IC sufferers all over the world.

1 It's interesting - The way I read it was that I don't think Maryjane doubted you have IC i.e.  a very painful bladder. It's just that the term IC describes the symptom, not the cause.

2 Maryjane did say she was talking about latest research - medical opinion does evolve over time as shown by the Prof Marshall work on Gastric ulcers.

This is getting a bit insulting now.


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Re: Peeing 😣
« Reply #18 on: August 01, 2017, 10:59:03 AM »

That's ok.. I'm just very touchy and emotional lately.. take every thing to heart...
My doctors are useless.. I've had to ask for a scan of my womb as I was told when I had my ovaries out that because I was taking Livial I needed my lining checked regularly.. well that was 2 years ago! I've felt so tired lately and now with this stinging and pain I know something is not right... if I had the chance I would sleep all day as I have no energy what's so ever.
By doing a ultra sound of my womb could they tell if there is something wrong with my bladder.

You need a cystoscopy (a camera into the bladder) if you want to check your bladder out PompeyLou. A scan of your womb will tell whether it is this pressing on the bladder of course but wont give you a detailed look at the inside of the bladder and the rest of the urinary tract.

It may be that you have got VA. I find that I need both full HRT (I see you are on Livial so you have this covered) plus Vagifem to keep my bladder comfy. It is important, though, to get this checked out especially as you are experiencing back pain. I would think you need both the womb and bladder checks. Have you experienced any bleeding while on Livial?

Taz x


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Re: Peeing 😣
« Reply #19 on: August 01, 2017, 02:02:08 PM »

I'm sorry if I've caused any upset by my post as this was not my intention...
No Taz I haven't experienced any bleeding since I had my ovaries out in July 2015... I'm just really fed up now.. I've been married 4 years in December and we haven't made love for nearly 6 months, which my husband blames me for! I feel my life is now over as one day I feel happy about life the next I feel so down and taking 10 steps back!
Trey when you say antibiotics causing a problem do you mean only these or could misuse of ibuprofen do the same?


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Re: Peeing 😣
« Reply #20 on: August 01, 2017, 02:42:10 PM »

No upset.  We often have spats  ;D ........ but it blows over.

My first thought was vaginal atrophy.  A trip to your Practice Nurse with a list of symptoms and how they affect you 24/7 would be my suggestion.  For me it presented with repeated urine infection-type symptoms but it was in fact dryness and felt like razor blades up there  ??? :o.  My GP has prescribed treatment and as long as I follow instructions, the symptoms have been relieved.

As oestrogen levels drop off the body may dry: skin, deep in the ears and nostrils, eyes, vagina  :(.

Do read the threads on VA and various bladder threads.


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Re: Peeing 😣
« Reply #21 on: August 01, 2017, 05:53:22 PM »

Thank you 😙😙


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Re: Peeing 😣
« Reply #22 on: August 02, 2017, 12:20:44 AM »

When you say you are constantly peeing, do you mean the urge never leaves you? Menopause can cause many symptoms, but a 24/7 urge to wee seems extreme. Have you been tested for UTI?
Also do you have an IUD at the moment? One of the things I was told when I was searching for answers was that I should get my IUD removed as this can cause bladder issues. In my case, I had my IUD removed and I still had urinary frequency/urge/. Have you had any urge/frequency issues prior to this?

There is no simple way for you to get help unless you present at a doctor in person and get examined. At the very least, you should get a referal to either a gynaecologist or a urologist. There are specialists who do both in Australia, but I don't know if that is the same in the UK. At a minimum they should do urine tests and an ultrasound. I hope you get some relief. When I was at my worst (pre diagnosis) I used to take a drug called doxylamine at night. It's called Restavit here and you can get it over the counter. 25mg at night used to get me a complete nights sleep and did not leave me drowsy the next day. It is actually an antihistamine, but it is used as a sleep aid.  I haven't had to take it for a long time now, but I still remember what that constant urge felt like and how exhausting it is.

Suzi Q

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Re: Peeing 😣
« Reply #23 on: August 02, 2017, 10:20:43 AM »

 :) :) :) :) :) :) :) Keep your chin up chick xxxx
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