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Author Topic: HRT for Anxiety?? Advice please  (Read 8581 times)


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Re: HRT for Anxiety?? Advice please
« Reply #15 on: August 05, 2017, 12:59:16 AM »

Clkd can you let me know what the 1mg tablet is that puts you to sleep as you know I have zopiclone which I take every 6th night but the ones in between forget it..he won't give me valium ever...thanks


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Re: HRT for Anxiety?? Advice please
« Reply #16 on: August 05, 2017, 11:12:43 AM »

I started with zopiclone and then tried zolpidem. Both only gave me 2-3 hours sleep at best then a few nights nothing. A different doctor advised me to switch to the 'old fashioned' pill Nitrazapam which is one of the ' Benzoates' sleeping pill. (He said the Z drugs are tried first becasue they are less addictive. I think also the Benzoates have a reputation of being over used in the USA on a regular basis so people just take one every night for years - so basically the have to be used responsibly as a short term fix). For me it was great as I was exhausted. Slept for 6 hours straight the first night...bliss after two awful weeks. I took 2 tabs for about 4-5 days to get my sleep bank up then over about 3 weeks started to cut back slowly e.g. Take 1.5 tabs for 3 days, then 1 for a day, then 1.5 for 3 days then reduce from 1 tab.  He said not to be worried about having a night where you up the dose again or if you have a day where you must sleep. Over about 3 weeks I was down to 0.5 tab .. I think by this stage I just felt I needed SOMETHING at night...was almost a placebo effect. So started taking my 40mg Proprananol (Anxiety) at night rather than morning and stopped with the Nitrazapam. I  have had a couple of more patchy nights since but nothing like the run of insommnia so the Nitrazapam was the right thing for me at the time. Also don't touch caffeine after midday now and sleep MUCH better with no booze. I think Anxiety about sleeping played a large part, plus maybe hormones and I had a big family bust up 6 weeks earlier which was preying on my mind. I never thought it would pass at the time but it did.

onion relish

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Re: HRT for Anxiety?? Advice please
« Reply #17 on: August 05, 2017, 01:07:05 PM »

Roseneath - Elleste nearly killed me. Literally. I was so anxious and depressed on it. The worst anxiety I have ever suffered. Made me a completely different person. I couldn't believe the GP I saw this week told me I should go back on it as I had no choice other than them or the patches I've been using that haven't caused me to have mental meltdowns.

Come off them and try something else.


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Re: HRT for Anxiety?? Advice please
« Reply #18 on: August 05, 2017, 03:54:56 PM »

I think it's Lorazepam?  1mg works within 20-40 mins. and calms me.  If I am particularly anxious it sends me to sleep which allows my body and head to relax.

I have used Kwells or an anti-histamine for a good night's sleep.  Because I know they work I don't need to use 'more' than is necessary.  Lavender pillows supposedly work too  ::).

Relaxation therapy has been useful for me too ........ I started a thread about this but it has probably disppeared  >:(. Good exercise regime is also good, VitD and brisk walking or swimming have helped.


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Re: HRT for Anxiety?? Advice please
« Reply #19 on: August 05, 2017, 06:41:41 PM »

Thanks clkd....already exercise and no caffeine and lavender and essential oils are lovely but make no difference to getting to sleep?..I have tried the antihistamines even bought some from abroad on recommendation but they just make be feel dizzy and my restless legs go through the roof...I've got delayed sleep phase disorder though that isn't affected by warm bath calming music dark room etc....anything with a 'pam ' At the end my doctors won't prescribe sadly but it was worth an ask...😔


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Re: HRT for Anxiety?? Advice please
« Reply #20 on: August 05, 2017, 07:49:11 PM »

You're welcome


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Re: HRT for Anxiety?? Advice please
« Reply #21 on: August 06, 2017, 10:42:50 AM »

Do you sleep better on holiday Peroxibladder? I had a terrible week of not sleeping. I had a week away and from Day 1 I slept much better. I think a lot of the anxiety for me is assocaited with feeling terrible in the house so when I get away all that just sheds away.
( I work from home so that dosn't help).


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Re: HRT for Anxiety?? Advice please
« Reply #22 on: August 06, 2017, 11:03:15 AM »

Thank you so much for your wise words Hurdity. My husband and I are like chalk and cheese so it is never dull...I think it scares him when I am not happy, organised old me; he says I am the glue that keeps the family together. Problem is at bad times this just feels like pressure not to be ' weak' - let alone have the odd nap / cry!  I got a call back today from the GP and wa told it's best to quit the Ellestre Duet if it might be causing bad symptoms I didn't previously I am going solo. He thought the dizzy/low mood/heavy periods of the last 4 weeks were side effetcs. Will be interesting if things get better or worse!

You mean your doc has not suggested anything else instead? It may well have been the Elleste causing additional side effects but there are other alternatives like I suggested - better to try a different HRT than all the other meds - if it is hormones causing your symptoms? Do consider other possibilities and the other suggestions re Femoston or the CCP types I mentioned?

Sounds like you would benefit from doing something away from the house regularly - perhaps go for a daily walk after you've finished your work from home - to clear your head, or maybe an exercise class or the gym or something like that - to help reduce your stress and anxiety, and improve your feelings of well-being?

I hope things improve for you soon anyway :)

Hurdity x


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Re: HRT for Anxiety?? Advice please
« Reply #23 on: August 06, 2017, 11:24:15 AM »

Roseneath - Elleste nearly killed me. Literally. I was so anxious and depressed on it. The worst anxiety I have ever suffered. Made me a completely different person. I couldn't believe the GP I saw this week told me I should go back on it as I had no choice other than them or the patches I've been using that haven't caused me to have mental meltdowns.

Come off them and try something else.

(First time I've used quote so I hope I'm using it in the right way). How long did it take for you to feel better once you came off it Onion Relish? I'm two days off and already feel brighter and less foggy.  I stopped taking them on day 2 of my period (co-incidentally) so it will be interesting to see if the same symptoms occur in 4 weeks as that will suggest it is my natural hormone system causing the upset.  It took almost 3 months on Elleste for me to feel so bad; first 6 weeks was fine - no different. I was only put on it for Insomnia so after reading this excellent forum think I should have done more research into different options as per Hurditys wise mail. I always feel a bit like a  school girl (47 year old one!) in the doctors office though.


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Re: HRT for Anxiety?? Advice please
« Reply #24 on: August 06, 2017, 12:01:26 PM »


I was put on Elleste Solo 2mg a week ago and I've had the worst anxiety ever this week and just feel awful. Spoke with meno dr on Friday and she suggested I either try and ride it out or change to Estradot patches. I know you are on the Estradot patches and wondered what your thoughts are on this?



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Re: HRT for Anxiety?? Advice please
« Reply #25 on: August 06, 2017, 07:41:47 PM »

How does everyone get their Gp to change their HRt? I've asked several times and have been refused. My sleep is appalling!


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Re: HRT for Anxiety?? Advice please
« Reply #26 on: August 06, 2017, 07:49:17 PM »

It seems that sleep problems become more apparent at this stage of life,Meno might just be coincidental ! My DH who could always sleep for England has started to suffer insomnia last few months for no good reason,certainly not menopause !😁


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Re: HRT for Anxiety?? Advice please
« Reply #27 on: August 06, 2017, 09:08:22 PM »

Poppy - ask your GP for a referral to a Gynaecologist who understands menopause or to a Menopause Clinic in your area?  Or see your Practice or Prescribing Nurse?  If you have a Chemist close by, make an appt. with the Pharmacist to discuss various types of HRT as well as who is the best surgery at supporting menopausal women.


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Re: HRT for Anxiety?? Advice please
« Reply #28 on: August 06, 2017, 09:11:40 PM »

My advice for when your gp refuses to change your hrt is to research it yourself, tell them the specific hrt you have in mind.  Then they can either agree to prescribe or get info from another gp/gynaecologist.  Usually their refusal or reluctance to change hrt is because they don't have the knowledge or experience


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Re: HRT for Anxiety?? Advice please
« Reply #29 on: August 07, 2017, 04:16:56 PM »


I was put on Elleste Solo 2mg a week ago and I've had the worst anxiety ever this week and just feel awful. Spoke with meno dr on Friday and she suggested I either try and ride it out or change to Estradot patches. I know you are on the Estradot patches and wondered what your thoughts are on this?


Hi Wantmylifeback - I've never taken tablet HRT so can't comment on the comparison except that transdermal HRT should give you more of a stable dose of oestrogen than tablets. I would swear by my Estradot patches and have never experienced any unexpected anxiety when using them - (other than my normal worries that I've always had - being a worrier by nature!). I presume you are post-menopausal and have no uterus - maybe ovaries - hence the oestrogen only? However if you started straight away on elleste 2 mg from no HRT, that is quite a high dose (depending where you are in menopause) so it could just be your body getting used to having oestrogen again. It is after all a stimulating hormone - and is associated with feeling good and contributes to our well-being. Suddenly increasing the dose by tablet may need some acclimatisation so perhaps give it a few weeks before deciding whether it's for you or not?

Hurdity x
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