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Author Topic: New and so worried about rapid weight loss!  (Read 1801 times)


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New and so worried about rapid weight loss!
« on: July 30, 2017, 03:23:20 PM »

Hi there,
Thus is my first post on here, although Ive been referring to this site for reassurance for quite some time, I've finally plucked up the courage to say hi!!
I am 42 and I think I've been peri menopausal for some time. A couple of years ago I would get hot sweats all through the night every night, that seems to have stopped but the last year or so it's been one thing after a other and I think after reading some of your posts, it's the dreaded menopause. I've had blood tests a few times to try to confirm but they've not showed anything. I'm still having periods every month although sometimes they're late, and sometimes only last a couple of days. My main problem is I also have ME or chronic fatigue so a lot of the symptoms overlap and I dont know what's causing them.
I just had bloods done on Thursday, awaiting the results but they were done for several reasons, I've started getting nose bleeds (never had one in my life before!), really bad acne all over my scalp, shortness of breath, lack of appetite and fatigue.
The last couple of weeks have been stressful with work and I've been really worried about different aches and pains so my anxiety levels have been super high, but weighed myself this morning and have lost 6lb in the last 2 weeks, this of course has sent me over the edge and my anxiety is now full blown panic! Hence the reason Ive been stuck on the loo with diahorrea most of the day (sorry tmi!)
Has anyone else experienced such rapid weight loss? I can definitely put some of it down to anxiety but Ive been eating normally so it seems a lot to lose in such a short space of time.
I should hear from docs in next few days re blood results but in the meantime I'm going to drive myself crazy. Any thoughts much appreciated and sorry for rambling on!!


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Re: New and so worried about rapid weight loss!
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2017, 04:22:25 PM »

It's always best to get rapid weight loss checked but at the start weight fell off me too, unfortunately it's been yo-yoing  ever since and although I still fit in 10s, I look podgy


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Re: New and so worried about rapid weight loss!
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2017, 04:33:14 PM »

Thank you for your reply, did you notice it all of a sudden? I weighed myself 2 wks ago and weight was fine, weighed myself again this morning and had lost 6lb! Anxiety has been bad as I said in my post but I've still made sure I'm eating normally which is why I'm worried! I have pretty bad health anxiety which has got much worse over past 6 months or so which I'm sure is peri related.
I used those scales that measure weight and body fat, it says my body fat mass has gone down by 5lb, so I'm losing body fat. Not sure if that's worse or better!!! As you can probably tell, my anxiety has reached ridiculous levels!


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Re: New and so worried about rapid weight loss!
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2017, 04:40:33 PM »

Menopause seemed to hit me hard and fast and I really think when it gets you like that you're totally justified in having health anxiety, I certainly did as I literally overnight went from a 'young' healthy women to a frail shadow of who I was.  I think anxiety itself might burn off calories as nervous energy maybe?

I remember clothes hung off me but as I realised I wasn't dying I calmed down and weight started going back on again


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Re: New and so worried about rapid weight loss!
« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2017, 04:56:08 PM »

Yes Ive had periods of extreme anxiety before where the weight has quite literally dropped off me but this time I didn't think I had been as anxious, although I have had anxiety related diahorrea for the last 2 weeks (sometimes going up to 5 times a day), so I guess I may be more anxious than I realise! Thank you again for your replies, I guess I'll just wait for blood test results and see what they say!


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Re: New and so worried about rapid weight loss!
« Reply #5 on: July 30, 2017, 06:09:13 PM »

I hope everything settles for you x


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Re: New and so worried about rapid weight loss!
« Reply #6 on: July 30, 2017, 06:10:09 PM »

Thank you x


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Re: New and so worried about rapid weight loss!
« Reply #7 on: July 31, 2017, 10:20:13 AM »

Hi KAH, sorry to hear you are poorly.  Though you say you are taking care to eat normally, the lack of appetite you mentioned in your original post coupled with a revved up system from anxiety could perhaps account for your weight loss, and diarrhoea won't help - especially if you are becoming dehydrated as a result. 

Already skinny but not by choice, throughout peri I was shocked at how much weight I could lose in the 10 days-2 weeks before a period - 7-8 lbs, during the years when other peri symptoms such as night sweats & insomnia were at their worst - used to pass so much water it was impossible to imagine where it was all coming from & I think this accounted for the weight loss.  Wonder whether you have noticed anything similar.  Not sure whether fluid loss (hormonal or from the diarrhoea) could fool your scales into thinking you'd lost fat, or whether they are more sophisticated than this - sorry. 

If you haven't had your thyroid checked out, that might be worth asking your GP about - if overactive, this can cause rapid weight loss, exhaustion & anxiety.  I hope your GP is able to help and that you start to feel much better soon.  Meanwhile, please keep trying to eat as well as you can, get as much rest as you can & take care not to get dehydrated.  Oh, and anything you can fit in that you enjoy & diverts you from entirely understandable worrying, is a no-brainer!


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Re: New and so worried about rapid weight loss!
« Reply #8 on: July 31, 2017, 10:37:36 AM »

Thank you so much for your reply, it has eased my mind some.
I think the main problem is all you hear is about putting on lots of weight, so when it's the opposite it is obviously a worry! I haven't even had a peri diagnosis either so my anxiety filled mind is thinking that maybe all these things I'm putting down to peri, could in fact be something else much more sinister. I no longer have night sweats so I don't think it's from fluid loss, but going to the loo 3 or 4 (sometimes more) times a day definitely won't help, I do drink lots of water every day though! I used the scales in Tesco that measure fat index too. Had a bunch of bloods done last Thursday and one of those was thyroid, so it's just a waiting game 😭. I was reading last night about how anxiety changes the metabolism, it kind of made sense and did ease my mind a little. I too am quite skinny so can't really afford to lose any weight, so fingers crossed the test results come back quickly as my stomach is in knots. Thank you again for replying x


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Re: New and so worried about rapid weight loss!
« Reply #9 on: July 31, 2017, 05:42:24 PM »

Hi again KAH - no problem.  It can be difficult to get a diagnosis of perimenopause because hormones can fluctuate so wildly during this time that blood tests we might hope could throw light on symptoms, are largely useless.  We may be tested at a time when our cycle is relatively normal, so in spite of classic symptoms the results are inconclusive, or GPs may be reluctant to test at all, for good reason. 

Unless there is a particular suspicion that something else is awry, I think the guidelines these days are not to test FSH levels while periods are relatively regular (the pituitary hormone that rises significantly at/after menopause proper, at which time a consistently high result gives a more reliable diagnosis) but to go on symptoms alone.  So, just as you are finding, the not knowing for sure what is going on can really add to the worry.  If you have other conditions muddying the waters, as you do (& I did - thyroid) the worry is compounded, so I do feel for you.  Your GP sounds thorough though - thyroid function test amongst others in the pipeline you say.  So if this comes back normal you can at least cross that off the list. 

All I can suggest for now is to have a look at your life & see whether you can make any changes to reduce stress.  Easier said than done, I know, but regular relaxation is so important and should help your body cope with any changes that may already be ongoing, or if you are not yet in peri, put you in the best condition to cope with it when it does begin.  Obvious, I know, but easy to forget when busy - gentle exercise should help relax you, within the limits your ME allows.  Don't skimp on sleep either, if you can control this!

Stabilising blood sugar becomes especially important at this time in our lives & can also help keep anxiety under better control.  When your tummy can tolerate the fibre - complex carbs rather than white bread/rice/pasta, minimise sugar as much as poss, try to have good quality protein at every meal & a good range of colourful fresh veggies & fruit.  Also eating little & often - don't go too long between meals or a blood sugar crash could make you faint, sweaty & anxious! 

Though we may not be used to it, it's a time when we have to start to take really good care of ourselves & this is not selfish, but essential  :)!


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Re: New and so worried about rapid weight loss!
« Reply #10 on: July 31, 2017, 06:50:22 PM »

When I was peri meno I went through anxiety like I had never had it, panic attacks etc I dropped down by 8kgs in a matter of weeks, Dr put me onto the OCP to sort my lack of oestrogen out, it really helped and the weight came back, sadly it all goes with peri...


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Re: New and so worried about rapid weight loss!
« Reply #11 on: July 31, 2017, 07:07:03 PM »

Thank you ladies, your posts have really helped give me the reassurance I needed! Thank you x


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Re: New and so worried about rapid weight loss!
« Reply #12 on: August 01, 2017, 07:06:44 PM »

I can really relate to health anxiety going through the roof during peri. Before I turned 45 I never worried about anything. Since peri I have convinced myself I have had Dementia, Cancer, MS you name it...even after going on a health anxiety course .The only thing is to STAY OFF GOOGLEe  and don't use the scales....I find this so hard but have spent so long at the doctors in a panic and frozen withe  fear. With me I have been through all sorts of tests in a panic then find out it is slightly low iron....or a small ovarian cyst..all of which just sort themselves out. You just have to trust the GPs and throw away the scales. The worry does make you mentally and physically worse and the hormones are fuelling the worry. Write I list of positive things you can do and negative things that dosn't help. Hugs to you. It's not you. We're all with you.