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Author Topic: new member  (Read 970 times)


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new member
« on: July 27, 2017, 10:19:19 PM »

im new here im 51 and going through a load of different symptoms the worst for me is the anxiety and dizziness along with stomach upset sensitive to noise anger tearfulness aches and pains hot sweats the list goes on and on im also on thyroxine for under active thyroid which i've had for about 15 years after treatment for graves i don't really have any one to talk to about menopause but it's good to read others posts and realise im not going mad and i'm certainly not the only one going through it i like the posts that make me feel positive and hopeful that this will all get better especially when i'm having a bad day which is quite often lately x


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Re: new member
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2017, 10:21:09 PM »

btw i think i already did a hello post a while ago but not sure
i blame my age 🙄


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Re: new member
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2017, 09:28:54 AM »

Well, we're all mad here so you are in good company !

Its a great club  ;D

SP x


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Re: new member
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2017, 10:06:12 AM »

Hi emarose

Welcome to the forum.

I'm sure you'll find lot's of advice and support here.

Love Lanzalover x


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Re: new member
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2017, 06:50:55 PM »

Hi. I just wanted to add my support to you - I am new on this forum today. I am 47 and was hit by the preimenopause about 18 months ago - weird period changes plus IBS and stomach things (can't eat brown bread anymore - chronic gas!). Sick of being checked out for everything. Hit by insomnia, sadness, brain fog - then read about perimenopause - so spooky - just what I had. My local doctors just fire pills off at me . I have  been doing Mindfull ness and reducing caffeine. But must say just went out for a Chinese with a friend and had a pint of larger (I'm not a big drinker) but relaxed for first time all day!  Was convinced I had Dementia - couldn't get any words out today, so down, but felt better than all the HRT I've been gobbling. I think there ARE ways we can over ride these hormones and family/work stress DOSN'T help. Anyways all the best to you.