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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Evorel Conti advice please  (Read 1981 times)


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Evorel Conti advice please
« on: July 24, 2017, 06:30:43 PM »

Hi, It's been a while since I posted here. My story is.. I started Evorel Conti when I was 53 (I am 66 now) so 14 years now. My GP wanted me to come off altogether in October 2015 which I wasn't happy to do but he said I HAD to try.. (I had been cutting my patch in half for 5 years or so until that time, so only a small dose of HRT).. I was sailing along quite nicely until I stopped cold turkey. The sweats came back, I spotted and felt pretty awful. So because I couldn't cope with the way I felt after only a few days without it, I slapped on a full patch.. well, I started to spot and my boobs hurt, a list of things to be honest.. so I started to cut my patch down gradually and have ended up on half a patch again but with continual spotting every few weeks.. I am so fed up with it I feel like ripping it off but am nervous of doing so. My GP does not like HRT so I really could use some advice please. I have had the occasional hot flushes, dread feelings in the morning and achy joints..I really am in two minds as to what to do.. I cut the patch down to half on 25th April this year, so should I stick with it for a few more months and see if I settle down?



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Re: Evorel Conti advice please
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2017, 09:22:26 PM »

Thank you for your reply and the links. It's the spotting every few weeks that's getting me down, I can tolerate the flushes and mood swings etc. If anyone can identify/has experiences they can share, I would be very grateful to hear from you.


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Re: Evorel Conti advice please
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2017, 09:33:37 PM »

Could it be that you are not absorbing the progesterone through the patch and this is causing the spotting. I had something similar and after a email consultation with Dr Currie I swapped to Utrogestan and Evorel 25. Flutterbyx


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Re: Evorel Conti advice please
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2017, 10:22:13 AM »

Hi Pat, I'm so sorry to hear about your GP's aversion to HRT for ladies at an older age - it's a situation I dread.  I assume there are no medical reasons for stopping HRT? 

Though I'm younger than you by about a decade, I started Evorel Conti 3 years post-menopause, i.e. nearly 2 years ago and have had either spotting or bleeding intermittently for the entire 2 years.  As my meno symptoms are not well-controlled, I have had brief trials of other regimes during this time but have had to return to the Evorel as so far, nothing has suited me better & I cannot manage without HRT.  Another change is in the pipeline!

I wonder whether it's possible that the spotting could be due to atrophy if you have had to cut your dose & need the oestrogen - there is no need to answer this - I know it's a very personal matter, I just thought perhaps it might be something to think about.  I have sometimes found it impossible to know whether my spotting is vaginal or uterine (the bleeds proper are obviously uterine but these have been related to regime changes or occurred during the initial 3 months acclimatisation to HRT, so are more or less explainable). 

Because of the bleeding & spotting, I had to be scanned (ultrasound) after a few months then scoped (hysteroscopy) when it continued after the first 6 months, but nothing worrying was found, though I do have atrophy & it's been suggested that the spotting is due to this.  I also had a recent normal (though difficult) cervical smear.

If you feel you really need to continue with HRT, I think I would try to find a more sympathetic GP or ask for a referral to a Menopause Clinic, as feeling obliged to muck around with the dose will be a worry for you and is possibly confusing your body.  It could just be the changes of dose that have caused the spotting, but I think if you can bear it, I would want to discuss this & future use of HRT with a meno specialist or at least a supportive GP with an interest in the subject, who should be able to help determine the source of the spotting & perhaps carry out one or two minor investigations, just to be on the safe side. 

I don't know whether you also use Vagifem or some other local oestrogen product, but if not, this might be advisable for the health of the GU tract, especially if you are having to reduce or stop HRT altogether.  If you already use local oestrogen, any reduction in systemic levels (through being obliged to cut your patch) might mean you need a higher dose locally.

A clued-up practice nurse might be a good first point of contact if you can ascertain whether your surgery has one, but whatever you do, I feel you need support with this.  Please try not to worry, but do push for help - I think it can be hard for medics to grasp how difficult menopause can be if they have not been through it themselves or didn't have an especially hard time of it.  If you need to stay on HRT then you may need someone in authority to support this decision if your GP doesn't approve or understand.  I wish you luck with it and have fingers crossed that you will get the help you need.


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Re: Evorel Conti advice please
« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2017, 12:46:50 PM »

Thank you so much Wrensong for your reply. I have a feeling it's because I have been reducing the dose of Evorel but only by a slither and then not giving my body enough time to adjust (so my fault).. It is very comforting to hear from other ladies with similar problems. I don't have any medical reasons for stopping HRT.. my GP just thinks I am too old and have been taking it for too long. The atrophy question is interesting.. It could be. All I can tell you is that the spotting is almost like clockwork .. it always starts on a wednesday and will spot for anywhere between 10 days to a couple of weeks, that's why I'm inclined to think it's the hormones. I know i can take up to 6 months for a change in dose to settle down and so maybe I should give it until October and after that is I am still spotting/bleeding then I will have to think again. Thank you all so much for your support and help with this, I really do appreciate your thoughts and advice.Also I'm going to be a Grandmother for the first time daughter is expecting her baby in early December so I would really like to be in a good place physically and mentally to help her look after the baby. x


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Re: Evorel Conti advice please
« Reply #5 on: July 25, 2017, 06:06:37 PM »

Hi Pat, you are welcome.  If your instinct is that it's hormonal chaos due to having felt obliged to alter the dose, you are probably right - we get a feel for these things and this can often be the best guide.  The Wednesday timing for onset is perplexing, unless monthly(!) or there is some fragile tissue there & you routinely do something strenuous leading up to that that might cause it to start like clockwork.  Though if just due to fragile tissue, I'd have thought the spotting less likely to continue for that long each time.  Though I'd had no bleeding at all for 3 years before starting the Evorel Conti, I had a bleed at monthly intervals for the first 3 months - the sudden increase in hormones made my body respond as though it were fertile again!  As you say, this is not uncommon in the first 6 months of any new regime. 

It does sound as though yours is probably due to the disruption caused by the dilemma your surely only well-meaning GP has created, but if you have any doubts, the investigations for post-meno bleeding are fairly quickly over with, in case you haven't had these before & are at all apprehensive.  Please don't leave it long if you do become at all concerned - you will know this of course, but anything that needs treatment will be easier done sooner rather than later & if atrophy, it will cause you fewer problems in the long run if you get it sorted pronto.

Congratulations on the impending birth of your grandchild - how lovely for you all.  I hope the spotting stops well before that & you are able to make a decision with the support of good GP about future use of HRT, whether that be stopping or continuing.


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Re: Evorel Conti advice please
« Reply #6 on: July 26, 2017, 01:23:35 PM »

Thank you Wrensong, just to try and clarify the 'Wednesday' thing.. whenever I start to spot no matter if it is 10 days after my last spotting or 5 weeks.. it always seems to happen on a Wednesday.. very odd and there isn't anything I am doing beforehand that is out of the ordinary .. actually the current spotting seems to be tapering off today, fingers crossed!.. let's hope it will all settle down eventually. I'm pretty sure it's not down to atrophy.

Thank you once again for your support and advice, it is very much appreciated. It's so helpful to be able to talk about these problems with others who have had experience and seem to be more in the 'know' than some of the GP's.
