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Author Topic: Late Menopause Over 55  (Read 50611 times)


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Re: Late Menopause Over 55
« Reply #30 on: October 10, 2017, 08:59:33 AM »

Well ladies start the clock again as PMT followed by light spotting/brown discharge greeted me today. First since April but very hormonal all through this time, especially 2 weeks ago, so was expecting it. If this is the last I will be 58 post in a years time.


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Re: Late Menopause Over 55
« Reply #31 on: October 10, 2017, 05:37:44 PM »

Wow Machair - were you disappointed to see this? I wonder if it will be a proper period? Many of us don't know what age we would experience menopause because we start HRT before getting there eg I had last natural period at 53.5 but started HRT soon after so might have been 55 or so.

Hurdity x



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Re: Late Menopause Over 55
« Reply #32 on: October 10, 2017, 05:58:06 PM »

Hello Machair.

Wow. It's incredible to think that the time between an early and late menopause can be about 20 years!

I used to talk to someone who worked in a supermarket and she told me her periods stopped for nearly a year and then started to be regular again at 57. I haven't seen her for a long time so I'm not sure what happened next. Perhaps she has been approached by scientists who want to study all the intricacies of the menopause and develop effective, safe  and side effect free treatments for the benefit womankind now and in the future, but probably not. Would be nice though wouldn't it!

Whatever happens with this bleed I wish you well.



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Re: Late Menopause Over 55
« Reply #33 on: October 11, 2017, 07:37:35 AM »

Yes Hurdity I was fed up to see this but I have been expecting it. So far I have escaped all hot flushes vaginal dryness and all these other things that indicate late perimenopause so it wasn't a surprise. Still I suppose it is all happening less often now and getting lighter which I guess is the norm- just rather late! As you say maybe you too would have been later if you had not started HRT - were you regular when you started it at 53.5?


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Re: Late Menopause Over 55
« Reply #34 on: October 11, 2017, 07:51:34 AM »

No they were sporadic - I think I was late peri-menopause but very late menopause is in my family (I'll pm you). At least you have escaped the horrible menopause symptoms because you have plenty of oestrogen - and hopefully it means that they won't appear at all! Did I read a couple of years ago or so that you had a period after 11 months - you thought you had finished? Did you get any flushes during this time? My flushes and sweats always came on in the gaps between periods during late peri-menopause.

Hurdity x


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Re: Late Menopause Over 55
« Reply #35 on: October 12, 2017, 04:20:32 PM »

I know and it is struggling to get going and I have PMT off the planet! How are you Sparkle was your scan ok?
I think you will beat me to the finish line in June next year!


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Re: Late Menopause Over 55
« Reply #36 on: October 18, 2017, 10:36:57 AM »

How did you get on Sparkle at the doctors? I was thinking of you. So sorry I didn't post earlier Mum is getting worse so it has been a night and day bedside marathon.x

Suzi Q

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Re: Late Menopause Over 55
« Reply #37 on: October 23, 2017, 12:49:53 PM »

I am starting this thread as recently there have been one or two members joining in the category of women experiencing late menopause with periods going on after 55, and they seem to struggle finding somewhere to gain help and support. I am in this category, and have had the benefit of a wonderful thread on here that I started, but often women can't find what they are looking for as it has become a lovely chatty thread, but in that a new member may find it hard to find information.

It would be wonderful if this forum could have two sections- one for early menopause under 45 and one for late over 55 - I think there would be much support for this. In the meantime please contribute to this thread if you are 55 or over and still not post menopausal. Lets also keep this factual so that other ladies can find help and support.

So with this in mind. I am 57 and still not quite there- last period April. I have no hot flushes and am still very hormonal at times, but my periods are now lighter and much less often, but are only spotting and can be managed with a panty liner. I have 4 children all grown up and have CFS/ME. When my friends were post menopausal at 52 I was still as regular as clockwork. My grannie lived to 102 and her Mum had babies in her late forties. So feel free to join me and let's have a late menopause thread.

You lucky thing you i went over at 37 early meno.
It used to be many 9n here were over 50s and still had periods. But your right they dont seem to be any now! I post normally only on Atrophy but i read your post
I had exactly the same only the other way round.
There will be lots of help 9n here for you xxxx


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Re: Late Menopause Over 55
« Reply #38 on: October 31, 2017, 06:11:51 PM »

Suzi Q, I hope the reason the over 50s have left is because they felt better! 

I'm experiencing a late menopause myself.  I'm 54 and had my last period in August.  I hope it was the last one, because I'm so over the hormonal roller coaster ride.  I'll be 55 in December.

Believe it or not, my gynecologist said to me, "You know most women have had their last period at 50-51, don't you?"  As if I had any control over my still cycling ovaries!!  I know there can't possibly be any eggs in there to push out, but they keep trying.  My gyne also said I'll be having a scan and possible biopsy at my next appt.  I'm just praying that my twitchy ovaries are not causing my endometrium to thicken. 


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Re: Late Menopause Over 55
« Reply #39 on: November 09, 2017, 07:05:56 PM »

I wonder how some of you are doing- Happytobe, Funnell, Ancient Runner or anyone else in this over 55 group are you near the finish line yet?  I wish I was - still no sign of the end!


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Re: Late Menopause Over 55
« Reply #40 on: November 16, 2017, 11:56:45 PM »

Great idea for a thread. I am 56, most recent period was in June but have gone 10 months without a bleed twice in the last few years. Really hope this is it this time. Most of my symptoms have settled apart from the dreaded palpitations which I still get for part of every single day and has been this way for 15 months. Am so fed up of it, especially when it affects my sleep. Would love to hear from anyone else struggling with this symptom.


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Re: Late Menopause Over 55
« Reply #41 on: November 17, 2017, 08:17:26 AM »

Hello Rustysmum
So lovely to hear from you and what a relief to hear from someone going through the same thing! I am so looking forward to this being over! Do you still feel hormonal and what was your June period like? There are several of us in this boat, and several of us are finding our periods have become much lighter - more like spotting only needing panty liners and often brown rather than red and heavy. I had a long gap in the past as well so you are not alone in that either! Thank you so much for posting and so sorry you are having the palpitations. Do you have night sweats at all with them?


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Re: Late Menopause Over 55
« Reply #42 on: November 18, 2017, 02:10:56 PM »

Hi Machair. Thank you for your very understanding comments. Yes, I still get odd days of crying for no reason, my sleep quality varies and still struggling with the weight that suddenly piled on! But all better than it was, but can tell there is still a cycle of some kind going on. My last period was a normal one, which was good for me as the previous ones had been ridiculously heavy to the point of not being able to leave the house the first couple of days because of flooding, so I guess yes it was lighter but nowhere near panty liner only level yet ! It is a big relief to find others who have the same issues as my GP looks at me like I am totally weird to still be menstruating at this age!


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Re: Late Menopause Over 55
« Reply #43 on: November 18, 2017, 02:12:33 PM »

Oh and I very rarely get night sweats now. I had them in the early days before the hot flushes hit. They too are a rarity now.


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Re: Late Menopause Over 55
« Reply #44 on: November 19, 2017, 07:16:20 PM »

Hi  Rustysmum, I just saw your post. I have the same problem as you regarding palpitations. I've had a few ecg's and everything seems to be okay. Sometimes they are really bad and sometimes just the occasional one throughout the day. I'm taking magnesium which helps a little.
Sometimes when they come I try to ignore them and other times I can go into panic mode.
I am four years post menopausal and have had them since my period stopped.
I just read that someone tried mag phos homeopathic salts and they put them away so I'm going to buy these and give them a go. I'll let you know if they do the trick. 😉
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