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Author Topic: Late Menopause Over 55  (Read 50622 times)


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Re: Late Menopause Over 55
« Reply #105 on: July 16, 2021, 01:19:28 PM »

Exactly just as we were late others can be very early, and both groups need to be taken seriously and offered advice.


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Re: Late Menopause Over 55
« Reply #106 on: July 18, 2021, 07:04:23 PM »

I have experienced a lot of bleeding since starting evorel conti ( took evorel sequi before as I was having regular periods when I went on it age 56) I am now 59 and have had episodes of bleeding and on occasions flooding, it coincides with me feeling rough generally so feels hormonal. The gynaes refuse to contemplate that I may not be fully menopausal at may age and keep wanting me to have hysteroscopy and biopsy which I have refused when the need for them is not clearly evidenced.


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Re: Late Menopause Over 55
« Reply #107 on: July 18, 2021, 10:20:48 PM »

You may be better on a sequi regime,at least then you'll know when to expect a bleed and it might be better than the lining building up. Or a mirena which should stop the bleeding even if you're peri. I've had 2 'normal' periods since turning 60 though they were 3 months apart. They didn't want to believe me when I went on hrt at 57, apparently everyone is meno by 54  ;D.


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Re: Late Menopause Over 55
« Reply #108 on: August 04, 2021, 06:13:01 AM »

Hello all,

Coming to this thread late. I've posted a few times on the site and although I know late menopause is happening to others, I do feel out on a limb!

I will be 57 in January.  The longest I've gone without a period is 9 weeks. I stopped HRT a year ago as I didn't feel it was helping and may be why I hadn't gone through menopause.  Well, then the horrendous flooding started. I bled for 8 weeks, had a scan, eventually a hysteroscopy and a polyp was removed. At that point, as I had had 9 weeks bleed free  we decided not to go for the mirena which I've been reluctant to have. But then my periods came back with a vengeance. My biopsy also showed disordered proliferative endometrium which my GP didn't really understand and panicked me about. When I rang the consultant's secretary the senior hysteroscopy nurse told me it's extremely common in perimenopause, wasn't worried at all, and I'm only being recalled for a biopsy after 4 months (later this month) as a precaution due to my late menopause! (I am worried but also wonder how many other women have this who are never biopsied when their cycles are erratic).

I feel a bit of a 'freak' at work as most colleagues younger than me have stopped their periods or are having long gaps. I had two lighter ones, preceded by horrendous breast pain, low mood and migraine (21-24 day cycles) then the last one was heavier (albeit way better than before the polyp was removed) and coincided with much-needed leave from a stressful job and the day of a family wedding! I ended up in tears, had panic attacks and low mood and have felt very low since. On the one hand, I feel young for my age,  am active and have few hot flushes, but I do feel a bit of an outcast for want of a better word and am now dreading my biopsy later this month.
It was so reassuring to find this thread. I really do feel quite alone. I am also dreading going back to work as my break has not been the rest I'd hoped for. I'm loathe to go back on HRT as I feel it made my cycles worse and my doctor just wasn't very good at finding the right balance. Despite being the menopause 'specialist' her views seem quite limited and 'one size fits all'. I may as well just grin and bear it. I at least feel less alone now.  ;D

Love to you all.



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Re: Late Menopause Over 55
« Reply #109 on: August 05, 2021, 08:27:33 AM »

Hello pricey. For a minority there is a lot of us!

That medical term is one for university challenge  ;D . It sounds like the consultant's team know what to do, and I hope that you biopsy is no trouble at all for you.

Reading these posts makes me realise that nobody at work talks about women's health. Or maybe the younger women talk to each other and imagine I am beyond that stage? I can honestly say I do not feel like a part of the group, when I am working in the group having thought about it.


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Re: Late Menopause Over 55
« Reply #110 on: August 23, 2021, 10:28:10 AM »

hello!  I was having fairly regular periods at nearly 55, when I first went to the GP for HRT.  9 months down the line I've just had an HRT review and the GP has said that I should stay on sequential HRT for another year, as I have a very regular withdrawal bleed exactly 2 days after I stop my utrogestan tablets (I take 15 tabs vaginally over 12 days, each cycle). 

I still use contraception too.  I don't want any surprises!


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Re: Late Menopause Over 55
« Reply #111 on: September 02, 2021, 09:01:08 AM »

Hi ladies

So glad to have seen this subject  " Late Menopause over 55"

Been 55.7 yrs young  ;) and always suffered with heavy periods I'm now 88 days and counting with no period
It was only 2 mths ago that I started having Hot flushes mostly at night . The last 5 days I've been having a clear discharge like Ovulation so now I'm thinking will I get a period  :'( Two years ago I went 60 days without a period and when it came it was SO BAD I couldn't leave the house so I'm worried if I do get another with the large gap it will be really heavy 
I've taken Evening Primrose oil for over 20yrs but since starting hot flushes I increased my dosage and changed to decaf coffee and not had a hot flush now for 7 days ......dont know if its coincidence or part of this journey  . Not wanting HRT because I'm coping even with lack of sleep and aches and pains .
I did read benefits on late menopause but also read it could lead to higher risk of Breast/Cervical cancer
Would love to hear your thoughts 


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Re: Late Menopause Over 55
« Reply #112 on: September 03, 2021, 04:05:16 PM »

I hate to burst your bubble but it sounds as though your own hormones are kicking in again so perhaps your symptoms have gone because you have enough of your own oestrogen. I don'ttthink there's been much research into benefits/risks of late meno has there? Most doctors seem to think everyone is meno by 54. Hopefully the next bleed won't be so bad, the build up should reduce as oestrogen levels fall. Taking hrt is a personal choice but don't rule it out completely. I decided quality of life was the most important factor but you may be lucky and not suffer too much.


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Re: Late Menopause Over 55
« Reply #113 on: September 06, 2021, 03:52:13 PM »

Hi ladies l had my last period at 58 have gone 4 yrs post menopause no hrt thought l was too old but not too bad with symptoms .Until l had smear test which was fine one week later was hit by what felt like a axe in my skull my god anxiety depression neg thoughts hot sweats more facial hair than chewbacca and most other symptoms too.Have had to take ads since cant take tbe negative thoughts just starting feel some relief
last couple days wondering if anyone has similar story this has completely floored me .


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Re: Late Menopause Over 55
« Reply #114 on: September 12, 2021, 01:59:50 PM »

hello Dee. almost same as me.  Ive had to start on A D s also.last period age 59 and 6 months. then thinking now thats all over im ok. Then the
morbid thoughts ,sheer anxiety,ocd , ptsd, etc all started with a vengeance 2 years AFTER last period. women should be
made aware that once the last period arrives, you can feel ok for few  years after,become complacent, then WHAM!
it seems never ending.


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Re: Late Menopause Over 55
« Reply #115 on: September 12, 2021, 02:26:49 PM »

Hi funnell hope we get over this which lm sure we will have been taking cialopram for 6 going into 7th week feeling some good days but bad ones too .Hoping effects build up soon .Helps to know lm not alone but hate the fact that you suffering too.Would be able to cope if the mobid thoughts would go .Fingers crossed we will be over it soon will keep updating  you update too take care
Dee x


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Re: Late Menopause Over 55
« Reply #116 on: September 12, 2021, 04:06:40 PM »

You're not too old to start hrt. If your gp won't help ask for a referral to a monopause clinic.


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Re: Late Menopause Over 55
« Reply #117 on: September 12, 2021, 04:28:50 PM »

Thanks Sheila will do that .will do anything get rid of these thoughts feel like l cant live my life need to feel normal
Will see what dr says
Dee xx


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Re: Late Menopause Over 55
« Reply #118 on: September 16, 2021, 09:49:08 AM »

Hi Funnell hope you are getting some relief with ads lm on citalopram 20mg been on them for 7 weeks now just starting having days without the morbid thoughts still have blips but definately getting better slowly out walking every day so that helps too .At least the dog happy .Just hope the thoughts go completely let me know how you are
Dee x


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Re: Late Menopause Over 55
« Reply #119 on: September 19, 2021, 10:21:11 PM »

Delighted to find this thread too. Thanks for all the input. Amazing to see the symptoms that can even occur after menopause. Hope Sheila and Dee are doing better.

I did not know how many women kept on having periods after age 53/54. Am 56 and six months . I do go a few months without a period and then they kick in again. Feel like that is happening just now.

Feel very fortunate in that Evorel patches work great for me so feel in a good place. Just upping the moisturising as getting drier everywhere.

Hope to keep chatting to you all on this thread as we go through it!
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