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Author Topic: Taking the next step  (Read 4853 times)


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Taking the next step
« on: July 20, 2017, 11:17:47 AM »

I just thought I would let you know how I am getting on. I had my review with my GP yesterday and I must say she was brilliant, she went way over the allotted appointment time to really listen and ask questions about where I am now with regards to everything that's happened over the past two years.  We talked about how I had settled on the sertraline. I have been taking it for over two months now and only really have one side affect which is slight restless legs in the evening (not major). AD's have definitely got me to a better place and as I have said before the anxiety is pretty much under control. We talked about what symptoms continue to be an issue for me. Aching bones, hot flushes and constant vaginal itching still cause me a lot of discomfort

I had taken the advice from everyone who replied to my initial post and did some research on HRT so I knew what was out there and what all the possible side affects were, also what the pro's were. My GP said that she felt now was a good time to think about introducing Oestrogel and prescribed one pump per day for the next 3 months to see how I get on and then have another review to discuss if has made a difference. I must say I left the GP surgery feeling like I was holding a golden ticket to Willy Wonkers chocolate factory!!

I had my shower last night opened the pump bottle, looked at it for 20 minutes and then put it back in its box  ::) ........... What is that all about? I'll sleep on it was my next thought. This morning I did exactly the same thing. Is it the apprehension of what it may or may not do for me. Is it because of possible side affects? What will happen when I have to come off it? Is it because its the start of another type of journey in this ever changing period of my life? Will I grow horns?

Has anyone else got to this point and felt the same way?



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Re: Taking the next step
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2017, 11:23:10 AM »

Hi Tracey

I am so glad you were listened to and had a good consultation with your doc and I felt exactly as you did when I first started HRT - I was very nervous and knew very little about it! The good news is you don't have to have progesterone which is the part of HRT which causes many of the problems. Take a deep breath and take the plunge! It might take your body a few days or weeks to adjust to the excitement of having oestrogen again - as it wakes up - but stay with it and I am sure you will benefit long term.

Don't worry about the coming off it - if/when that occurs some time in the future - was only saying to someone yesterday that it is the here and now which is important - you won't be able to take away the years of feeling better in the meantime. I am still on it in my mid 60's  ::)

All the best as you start this new path and do post about how it goes and hopefully you will feel better very soon :)

Hurdity x


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Re: Taking the next step
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2017, 11:38:40 AM »

I expect all you have gone through to get to this point has made it all seem a bigger deal.  ;D

I found that I felt a bit  :o for the first day or two, got worried about it but by the end of the week I wondered what the fuss was about  ;)  One pump should be a low dose anyway.  Hopefully, you won't notice a thing and will gradually feel better over the next three months  8)

(For what its worth, I had one Sertraline once and never again!  :-X   ;))


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Re: Taking the next step
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2017, 12:14:37 PM »

Thank you Hurdity and dahliagirl.

I think you are right about the fact that it has seemed like a long time coming and now that its here it really does seem like a bit deal. It is reassuring to know that this type of HRT has lower risks due to not having the progesterone and to know that its quite normal to feel nervous about taking that first dose!

Oh to feel better, now that is something to get excited about, or to even feel excited, not a feeling that has been in my repertoire of emotions of late  ;D
Ok so hopefully tonight will be the first dose. Is that the best time of day to take use the gel?


P.S Sertraline does take a bit of getting used to at the start!
« Last Edit: July 20, 2017, 12:16:41 PM by Tracey »


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Re: Taking the next step
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2017, 12:53:42 PM »

Great news that you are more settled re anxiety. Why not try using the one pump it should really help with the flushes . Give it a couple of weeks it is quite a low dose,you can always stop it if you feel that it's not for you. Likewise if you feel ok on it but that it isn't helping the flushes you can increase to two pumps see if that helps.  ;)


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Re: Taking the next step
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2017, 01:22:22 PM »

It sounds like you have staying power so you should be ok  ;D  By the 3 month review you should know where you stand.  It is worth keeping a short diary of symptoms, so that you can look back at what happens (I find that if I feel good when the Dr asks, then I forget the previous 2 weeks - and also I am too polite and say 'very well thank you' all the time)

I take mine in the evening.  There will be an initial rise in blood levels as it is taken in, then a gradual reduction until time for the next one.  I am never sure if it is better to take it so that you are asleep for the rise, or the end of the fall........  It is probably best to choose a time of day when you can take it at pretty much the same time each day.  I think that once you have taken it for a while, the time of day will be less crucial.



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Re: Taking the next step
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2017, 02:18:11 PM »

So pleased that you found confidence from suggestions made in your initial thread to have a good discussion with your GP.  As suggested, try 1 pump for a week and see - don't sit waiting for reactions though  ;) ...... although sometimes I wake to see whether I've been asleep/not  ;D.

Let us know how you get on.  Some ladies do require HRT along with anti-depressant or anti-anxiety medication, it is the Trial and Error that can be so tiring.  You may find that once you have evened out you can drop the ADs .........



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Re: Taking the next step
« Reply #7 on: July 26, 2017, 11:36:56 AM »

Oh dear ladies I am on a complete downer today!! :'( :'( :'( I've just sat in the loo at work and cried my eyes out, so reaching out for some of your wisdom. I started the Oestrogel Friday – one pump on my arms which I put on in the mornings.

Felt so up last week after getting the prescription although it took a few days for me to get going on it. Once I took the plunge I found myself waiting for something to happen and quite excited about things changing for the better (quickly). My ongoing aches and pains hadn't been too bad the last few weeks but since yesterday I have felt just rubbish.

My neck started to get really stiff on Sunday and since then my aches have come back with a vengeance. My hips have started to hurt again especially when sleeping, it does ease somewhat once I get up and moving, my shoulder and elbow are also very stiff and sore. I just ache!!!!

Am I expecting too much too soon? It's only been 5 days since starting the gel. I thought things would only continue to get better.




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Re: Taking the next step
« Reply #8 on: July 26, 2017, 12:02:12 PM »

 :hug:  Don't cry Tracey, it will soon pass. Just take a step back & try not to expect too much, too soon, from the Oestrogel (it's not fairy dust)  ;):hug:

As Hurdity said earlier "stay with it and I am sure you will benefit long term," & she's usually right.

Hope you feel better soon, we are with you holding your hand.

Cazi x


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Re: Taking the next step
« Reply #9 on: July 26, 2017, 12:15:49 PM »

Tracey- I am assuming you are still in work but hopefully feeling a little better. I came to HRT kicking and screaming. Never took any hormones in my life - mostly organic products in my home and make up bag :)  eventually had no choice but to try as I'd exhausted everything else. First experience was compounded bio identicals from USA - too costly and concerns about regulation etc drove me off them. This year I've had coil fitted and started sandrena ( estrogel) - I only noticed marked improvement once I doubled my daily dose. I'm converted well and truly!  Maybe you could contact GP and ask for quick review as you are feeling so low?? My practice allows GP to call back if you've already been seen and have a fairly quick query?  Try not to lose heart - it's a bit of trial and error at the beginnning  x keep in touch x :bighug: do something nice for yourself this evening  ;)


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Re: Taking the next step
« Reply #10 on: July 26, 2017, 12:28:12 PM »

Glad i'm not the only one, got my hrt gel today Divigel 1mg sachets. I too have been staring at box debating will I won't I start and I just keep putting it off. I think I'm just scared of side effects, when I tried estradot patches in the past my anxiety went through the roof and as for my  mood swings, well lets just say hubby was happy when I stopped taking it.i have HA so when I read leaflet and that hrt can cause blood clots and heart problems I started to panic. Maybe I'll start tonight or in the morning when I've calmed down a bit


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Re: Taking the next step
« Reply #11 on: July 26, 2017, 12:43:53 PM »

The support from this forum is truly comforting. Thanks for your kindness Cazikins - if only fairy dust was real! I am defiantly going to stick with it. I think because its been such a battle to get to this point I was expecting a miracle to happen over night, my low mood is almost defiantly my own fault for expecting that to happen.

Yes DaisyB, I am still at work, hiding behind my computer screen. I should get a little sign to put up that says 'HAVING A BAD DAY' but then my colleagues have been going through my menopause with me for the past 2 years so they know now to either speak to me or not  ;D - they bring me cake often! Yes my GP is pretty good at telephone call backs, ill try and give it a bit more time and if things don't settle I will give her a call. I'm feeling a little better, just by talking to you guys  :thankyou:

Tracey x


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Re: Taking the next step
« Reply #12 on: July 26, 2017, 01:01:41 PM »

Hi Yammy1

My anxiety is being treated with sertraline and wasn't caused by HRT, but is defiantly associated with my menopause. Anxiety and hot flushes were my first symptoms, coming and going until a major breakdown earlier this year. Try not to panic too much, my GP was very reassuring with regards to the Gel, she said it has much less risks than the combined HRT and to be honest,  I really need a break from how things have been and want to enjoy life again. Others on the forum have really been supportive and helped me get going after being really scared.

Let me know how you get on, be good to compare how its going.

Tracey x


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Re: Taking the next step
« Reply #13 on: July 26, 2017, 04:27:27 PM »

Thanks Tracey, I'm being a little baby, I took half a Xanax earlier so feeling a bit calmer, I am definitely going to give gel a try just not sure weather I'll start tonight or In The morning. Maybe the morning would be better as things always seem worse at night.


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Re: Taking the next step
« Reply #14 on: July 26, 2017, 05:04:24 PM »

That's how I think yammy1 - more people around. My brain wanders off to all kinds of not quite normal places at night  ::) You are not being a baby at all, it's big things in our lives and it's not easy! Took a long time to finally take this route but it's worth a try.  Do what ever is best for you, don't put too much pressure on you're self

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