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Author Topic: Tibolone failure... back to patches  (Read 1957 times)


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Tibolone failure... back to patches
« on: July 12, 2017, 04:28:10 PM »

After only 10 days of being on Tibolone, I am sad to say that I had to give it up.

I think I must be very sensitive to all kinds of medication and hormones.  I was so tired on Tibolone and even though initially, I noticed my muscle tone, hair and skin were all improved (as soon as a few days in), this changed to neck ache, breast swelling and extreme tiredness.   Although, even though i was exhausted on it, I was getting things done, so there was some motivation.  I went 'cold turkey' for about 4 days and felt great, but yesterday I started to crash, my face looked awful.... black rings around eyes, dry skin.  Worse of all, my hair went back to falling out and feeling very fine again. 

I stuck a 25mcg Estradot back on my bum this morning.  What a shame... I feel I'm never going to be able to crack this hormone thing. 


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Re: Tibolone failure... back to patches
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2017, 04:33:08 PM »

At least you tried it although the first month or so can make you feel as you describe. This feeling does eventually begin to lift for many women until, by the third month, you are getting the full benefit. I appreciate that it is difficult to get through the initial few weeks though especially if you have to work and cope with other things.

I haven't followed all of your thread but 25 Estradot seems very low - that dosage did nothing for me I'm afraid and I finally settled on 50 which worked well.

Taz x


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Re: Tibolone failure... back to patches
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2017, 04:40:30 PM »

Hi Taz.   I'm very small.... 47kgs... and I've tried a larger dose of oestrogen but I get all the adverse side effects and huge bloating.  Been on it for 9 years or so.   

I feel disappointed by the Tib, but also that I didn't give it more of a go.   No, I'm lucky in that at present I don't have to work. 

I did reduce the pill by half and then a quarter.  I'm so lost with it all.    My doctor is useless and admits she hasn't a clue about menopause. 

I'm wondering whether it would be safe to mix a tiny bit of Tibolone, with the estradot. 

Feeling lost.   Help girls! 


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Re: Tibolone failure... back to patches
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2017, 04:41:24 PM »

It's always best to try the 3 months as we need to adjust to a new regime.  If your symptoms are so bad you can't fair enough


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Re: Tibolone failure... back to patches
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2017, 05:52:59 PM »

Hello Pollyanna.

I'm sorry to learn that Tibolone hasn't been the magic bullet for you.

I have been using Tibolone for almost five months now and  I'm still struggling.  I am 60 and post meno so that may be the reason but every day I wonder if it's worth continuing or trying something new.  My main issues are anxiety surges, internal shaking, palpitations and flushing but I have also noticed disturbed sleep and tender breasts. Motivation isn't great and irritability often pays a visit as well. Despite all this I feel better than I did at the beginning of this meno journey which makes me realise how awful things were before.

I completely understand your frustration with it all as do most MM ladies I'm sure. 

I'm sorry that I don't have any words of wisdom for you but I wish you well and hopefully you'll feel better soon.

Take care.



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Re: Tibolone failure... back to patches
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2017, 06:14:51 PM »

Oh, blimey Kathleen, anxiety?   After all that time of taking it, too? 

I really don't know whether to give it a longer go, or stick back on the oestrogen.   Interesting that you say you got anxiety with Tib, as I was getting that with oestrogen only.   I really did begin to think it was because I was oestrogen dominant. 

Oh and the hair loss was awful too.  My lovely hair was falling out every day.   

Thank you for your words... v kind.  x