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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: HRT side effects  (Read 3756 times)


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HRT side effects
« on: July 13, 2017, 10:19:57 PM »

good evening ladies. I'm very new to all this and still finding my way around. I'm Steph and I'm 30 years old. Twelve weeks ago I was prescribed HRT (Estradiol gel) after two and a half years of menopause symptoms (hot flushes, night sweats, insomnia, anxiety, vaginal dryness to the point of tearing, erratic emotions, acne, sore breasts and no period) and moving from GP to GP to establish the cause. After a routine depo injection appointment with a fantastic nurse and questions I had not previously been asked, it was established that I should start a course of HRT. The first eight weeks were amazing, my acne disappeared, my emotions stabilised, my hot flushes eased and my night sweats stopped. I was getting uninterrupted sleep for the first time in years. Now however, twelve weeks on and although the hot flushes have gone and the night sweats are few and far between I have all of a sudden gained more acne than previously, headaches every evening and tremendous weight gain but just to my tummy area. Is this something else any others have experienced? Iv been exercising like a crazy lady and cut all rubbish from my diet and still piling the weight on. Iv got a holiday coming up soon and this combined with the horrendous acne mess on my face is starting to really get me down and not looking forward to going bare faced in a bikini. Xxx


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Re: HRT side effects
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2017, 10:26:16 PM »

 :welcomemm:  Maybe your hormones are active enough to over-ride some of the HRT?

As for the 'weight' have you gained or altered shape?  About 2 years ago my apron dropped  :( and in the last few months my belly is bigger by the end of the day  >:( >:( but I haven't gained  ::).  As oestrogen levels drop off so muscles may become lax = aches and pains plus sagging .......

Also the body may become dry: nostrils, deep in the ears, eyes, skin, vagina - do read our atrophy threads as there is separate HRT applied locally which will ease symptoms.



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Re: HRT side effects
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2017, 08:46:23 AM »

Thank you for your reply! When Iv gained weight in the past it normally goes straight to my face, arms, legs. But this is all tummy. No where else. Iv weighed in each week at the same time of day (training 5 days a week and very healthy diet) and I'm gaining a pound a week (and body fat has increased by 4%)  I'm usually flat stomached but now it's like rolls! I understand it's a sacrifice I might have to make to stop being the sweaty emotional mess I was before but if there are tips from people then I'd be over the moon!  ;D The acne doesn't help, I just feel a bit of a mess at the moment! Xx


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Re: HRT side effects
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2017, 12:34:45 PM »

Hello and welcome. Have you typed your age in correctly as 30?
If so, a very early menopause- was this the result of a hysterectomy?
Tell us a bit more about yourself if you can so we are able to help you better.

Re weight gain, unfortunately as a result of menopause, the distribution of fat changes and we tend to gain weight around our middle. We are less efficient at burning fat and our metabolism changes- basically you have to eat less and exercise more to maintain the status quo and even then, it's not always enough to move the belly fat. You seem pretty healthy so it's all the usual stuff about good food and exercise.
Your acne seems to be as a result of the HRT- give it around 12 weeks to see if it improves. Maybe you'd get on better with a patch or tablet. It's all trial and error I'm afraid which is scant comfort to you right now. If you're off on holiday somewhere warm, maybe the sun will help clear it up.
Forget the tiny bikini- maybe a nice new swimming costume or shorts and bikini top would help you feel better? And a nice sarong or cover up. Don't let your self consciousness spoil your longed for holiday. Just go and try and enjoy.
Easier said than done I know, but a certain degree of self loathing seems to go with the territory until you begin to accept things with some tweaks along the way.

Welcome and keep posting.

M x :welcomemm: :welcomemm:


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Re: HRT side effects
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2017, 12:44:10 PM »

Mine is now rolls ......... by evening I look 7 months! 

When I went to Biarittz 35 years ago  :o there were nudes of all shapes and sizes.  Who are you likely to meet that you know  ;) but it is about feeling comfy in one's skin so Michelemabelle's suggestions are useful.


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Re: HRT side effects
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2017, 01:51:36 PM »

Thank you ladies. Yes I'm 30 years old. 31 in October. Iv had issues with hormones since I was 18. Contraceptive pills gave me all sorts of issues including a blood clot in my lung and severe migraines. Iv known forever that I didn't want children so when I found the depo provera injection I was over the moon that something worked and didn't try to kill me! However 12 months into having this my GP told me I could no longer have it due to the additional risk of osteoporosis. I got a second, third and fourth opinion and they all said the same thing. So I opted to be referred for sterilisation. I knew this wouldn't be a quick referral due to my age and lack of offspring but pursued it nonetheless. I finally found a gp that was happy to refer as long as I agreed to do egg harvesting. An insurance for my future. I went to a private clinic where I underwent 7 months of preparation, hormone administration (I'm brilliant at injections now!) and regular scans. This all went to plan up until my final scan. 3 days before the procedure they discovered that despite being ready only two days before I no longer had an eggs of follicles. They had completely suppressed. They abandoned the treatment and was left at that. I went back on the depo a few weeks after that (at a sexual health clinic as they agreed to allow me to have it for two more years) and since then Iv had no periods (not even spotting) regular painful vagina tears, hot flushes, night sweats, erratic emotions, sore breasts, insomnia and every other side effect going. I spoke with 4 different GPS each dismissing premature menopause. (One tried to prescribe me anti depressants...confused!) 12 weeks ago I went to have my depo with a nurse (amazing moira!) and she asked me questions I hadn't been asked previously and within 12 hours I had a prescription for HRT. All my menopausal symptoms disappeared within 10-12 days. Skin cleared, night sweats stopped, hot flushes disappeared etc etc. It's only now at 12-13 weeks that I'm having the alternative side effects and my skin is worse than before. I had my last depo last week. Could it be the double dose of eostrogen? The weight and acne bothers me the most (maybe I'm vain!) but I'm so uncomfortable and nothing fits. Feel miserable xx


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Re: HRT side effects
« Reply #6 on: July 15, 2017, 07:37:02 PM »

Hi stephnicoledavis
Sorry to hear of all your hormonal problems, can I check with you, your injection with the nurse is Depo Provera? If that's correct, then you're not getting a double dose of estrogen, as the Depo contains medroxyprogesterone.

Do you know what HRT you've been prescribed? Others on here have lots of knowledge if you can provide a bit more info.

Have you tried Freederm gel for your skin, or alternatively ask your doc to try Isotrex gel? I used to suffer badly with my skin and had Retin-A before I had my kids, had a few spot free years then a bit of a reoccurrence last year, with painful lumps on my chin. I got Isotrex via an online GP, by sending in selfies of my skin (embarrassing). I felt it was a safe service as it was through Lloyds pharmacy not somewhere foreign and dodgy. It cost £25 for the consultation plus the cost of the gel which I collected in store the next day. To me it was easier than trying to get in with my GP and being embarrassed talking about it or being fobbed off. My skin was upsetting me enough without having to try and persuade my GP that it was bad enough to treat. The gel, well It did help and settle it down again. Obviously there are lots of other treatments to try, sometimes antibiotics are more effective. Ask your doc.

As for the bikini/ swimsuit issue, I understand it's hard to feel confident when your body is doing strange things, but there aren't many of us who are completely unselfconscious and others will probably be worrying more what they look like than what you look like- just hold your head up high, buy swimwear that you love, be it for the style, colour, pattern or price, and a Sunhat, big shades and a fab bright lipstick, and enjoy the break. Take care, R x


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Re: HRT side effects
« Reply #7 on: July 16, 2017, 05:03:30 AM »

Ohhh yes it's depo provera and I'm on estradiol/estragel. I do one application everyday alternating where I apply it and have my depo every 12 weeks. On Friday afternoon I was taken into hospital after having chest pains, they were concerned it might have been a blood clot in my lung (it wasn't thankfully!) but when explaining everything to the doctor he seemed really confused by my history and current meds, however didn't suggest anything different. I'm not sure if I should be on both or not? I'm booked back in with the nurse who originally put me on the HRT in a week or two so think I need to ask some questions.

Thank you so much for everyone's replies. I'm finding this really helpful. Iv had such bad luck with GPs over the years. Always feel a bit dismissed! Xx


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Re: HRT side effects
« Reply #8 on: July 16, 2017, 05:41:17 AM »

Did they test your prolactin levels? I had those exact symptoms at 26 and I had a prolactinoma.


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Re: HRT side effects
« Reply #9 on: July 16, 2017, 07:15:57 PM »

Did they test your prolactin levels? I had those exact symptoms at 26 and I had a prolactinoma.

I'm not sure what Iv been tested for to be honest. They've always been so vague. I feel quite lost now as don't know what to ask for or where to go from here. Is it just me that finds GPS quite unhelpful?

This would make total sense after reading up on symptoms. X


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Re: HRT side effects
« Reply #10 on: July 16, 2017, 07:33:40 PM »

Hi shortie.

I'm so afraid to try any other kind of contraception. Iv had so many issues over the years. I cannot risk pregnancy and not knowing what my fertility situation is I don't know if it's safe to come off it or not. I feel really silly not knowing what exactly is going on. I had no issues with the depo whatsoever prior to my IVF treatment. It's only been since I started it again POST IVF. X


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Re: HRT side effects
« Reply #11 on: July 16, 2017, 09:17:28 PM »

The reason I asked about prolactin is because it mimics all the menopause symptoms as it causes the ovaries to shut down. However once treatment starts, your fertility is restored and many women's prolactinomas shrink completely. I had one for 15 years. I had my son whilst on treatment. I was diagnosed at 26. My main symptom was hot flashes that were debilitating!


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Re: HRT side effects
« Reply #12 on: July 17, 2017, 09:48:44 AM »

i was given 100 mg Uterogestan two years ago to curb the insomnia. i had too much estrogen, so the gynae didn't give me estrogen. After 2 weeks on Uterogeston, i started to weep non stop without any reason. it caused a lot of depression. I went back to the doctor and she said it could be a side effect. after a month i stopped it.
Now the gynae has given me Estreva or estrodiol gel and 200 mg of Famenita or Progestogen again for sleep issues. I am too scared to use them because of previous experience. Is the Progestogen dose too high? She told me to take it first vaginally but changed her mind and said to take it orally. I am too sensitive to hormones. But i desperately want to sleep again.
I am 53 and haven't had a period for almost 4 months. Can anyone advice me on this? Is there a way to tweak the progesterone dosage? I am waiting also for the mammo to make sure before i want to take HRT.


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Re: HRT side effects
« Reply #13 on: July 17, 2017, 11:01:51 AM »

Hi Sn00py


I suggest you start a new thread in the new members area because this thread is about stephnicoledavis's situation and might get missed - it can get difficult to have two advisory conversations going at once as they leapfrog over each other and it's a bit confusing!

I know members will be along then to welcome you and answer your questions! :)

Hurdity x


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Re: HRT side effects
« Reply #14 on: July 17, 2017, 03:04:08 PM »

stephnicoledavis, bless you and welcome to the forum.  You are the same age as my daughter who is going through her own reproductive issues (not menopause related but needing a lot of support).

I sincerely hope you get the help you need but the wealth of knowledge and support on this forum is second to none.  I would not be where I am today without the advice and support here.

I wish you well but am unable to advise from my own experiences.