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Author Topic: Lumpiness  (Read 2638 times)


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« on: July 06, 2017, 08:59:15 AM »


It seems to be one thing after another at the moment.  Anxiety also seems to just get worse.  I was never like this in my twenties I just seemed to live and enjoy myself, is anyone else like this.  Maybe we didn't have google then just the local library.  I went in February regarding a small lump in breast.  I suffer with lumpiness and cysts and since 2009 have been three times for checks.  The lady dr in February said it was definately my structure and not worry, at the same time I had a terrible ill fitting bra and awful pain, burning, stabbing and itchiness inside but it seemed to go once I got a new bra fitted.  I think the bra was pushing them together too much.  Anyhow,  when I wash my feet in the shower and bust was unsupported it hurt in the last week so I went today to see gp.  The lady wasn't there so had a male who to be fare was good.  He said the left one is lumpy but the right one more lumpy and he said it is like a elongated line of lumpiness as well.  No pain and sometimes in different positions I can't find the lump.  So he said he would refer me so I'm pleased it's getting checked but still worried.  Not to the point of total worry but just wish these things would stop cropping up.  I just feel like I want no extra stress to cope with, sorry rant over,  ;)


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Re: Lumpiness
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2017, 02:47:18 PM »

Referral can ease the mind enormously.  Also, get your breasts measured correctly!  85% of ladies are wearing the wrong sized bra, usually one that is too small !  :o although I had two different companies give me measurements that were different  ::)


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Re: Lumpiness
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2017, 03:14:11 PM »

 :Thank you both of you, I hope the thread helps someone else with the same thing.  You're right CLKD I haven't really worried since February, I trusted the lady GPS opinion and just checked it once a month on the first day of the month.   The pain made me keep checking it last week and so can't carry on like that so GP said it needs checking so you're right I feel better.  I aren't checking it again now, I've had enough plus it might be making it sore doing it for all I know.  Sparkle is right it's like things are coming at once.  I had my daughter at 27 and remember not going to drs for 12 years after apart from smear tests I can't believe it now.  I hate boobs they don't go with my body size they are too big and hate them so much that I think maybe the bra I had to hide them crushed them a bit, I always wear baggy tops as well, the one I got fitted god it makes me so huge, lifts and separates cringe. I think it's a childhood hang up I have and never got over so it doesn't help being examined  :-\   But I know it's daft.


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Re: Lumpiness
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2017, 07:26:47 AM »

Just to update,  just to help anyone who puts anything in the search bar really. My lump or three lumps that the consultant found, as I could feel one was thankfully tissue that has hardened they are very fibrocystic always have been but seem to be very ropy feeling in one.  I'm glad it's over had mammogram and ultrasound and could see the lumpiness of white like hills but unlike when I've had cysts it wasn't black on the screen, everyone is so nice there.  I asked the consultant about using local oestrogen as I looked the other day down there as I have lichen sclerosus and the minora is just melting away so I was so frightenend so I'm going later to the GUM clinic at 1.15 to see who said she thought I had L S last November or is it atrophy.  I've read so many reports etc all conflicting that oestrogen does get absorbed and affect breasts and then some say it doesn't.  I asked why in the leaflet does it go on about side effects of the breast and uterine lining but she said it's because it is HRT after all,  I just don't know to put it down there, I worry about spotting or anything then a new can of worms opens up :-\ but I don't want the atrophy getting even worse then regretting not using it in a few years to come.  The dermovate turned all very white tissue back to pink after two months thought it was doing ok then it seems to be disappearing like the edges of gone?    Really hate getting old.


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Re: Lumpiness
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2017, 07:49:39 AM »

I have had x3 breast lumps over the years, one biopsied.
I have very very lumpy breast tissue too. Wearing the correct size bra helps with tenderness too.
Woodlands xx


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Re: Lumpiness
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2017, 07:57:41 AM »

The problem is the dermovate being a potent steroid will atrophy the skin further , I no of ladies who have had oestrogen positive BC and still use local oestrogen and some even very low HRT re quality of life.

There is always The Mona Lisa Touch to research.

Live for today and try not to worry about tomorrow.


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Re: Lumpiness
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2017, 08:22:40 AM »

Use what eases symptoms.  My VA was like razor blades up there  :o and I really couldn't have lived with those feelings, so treatment is essential.  After all, that bus might be along long B4 my breast disease is triggered  ::)

Thanks for the update!  Do you feel reassured?


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Re: Lumpiness
« Reply #7 on: July 20, 2017, 08:33:50 AM »

Thanks everyone.  I do feel reassured CLKD, the consultant was shocked that I'd found it February but I trusted my gp and left it at that but the recurring pain a couple of weeks ago it was the male gp who said to have it checked, I think she meant from a worrying point of view.  It amazes me how ignorant I am about atrophy and what can happen, I never knew if Mam suffered as she found discussions like it embarrassing.  X


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Re: Lumpiness
« Reply #8 on: July 20, 2017, 08:50:30 AM »

The ignorance disappears once we gain knowledge ;-). 


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Re: Lumpiness
« Reply #9 on: July 21, 2017, 07:36:04 AM »

I totally relate to your situation and feelings Guinea girl!  My anxiety is off the scale at the moment and I seem to have one health problem or scare followed by another.  Im so pleased your lumps are all ok.  Must be such a relief.  I also saw breast consultant last month for mammogram after experiencing breast pain and being worried.  Its so stressful.  I also have VA and all kinds of other symptoms too.  Like you I just wonder why I cannot just live my life like other people seem to so.  Its a really hard time of life and I hope that it passes at some time in the future. Wishing you peace in the future.


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Re: Lumpiness
« Reply #10 on: July 21, 2017, 09:29:35 AM »

Thank you Jessieblue, it means a lot.  How I wish I had a real life friend to chat to about this.  I'm sorry you feel like you do you honestly are identical to how I feel.  One thing after another and what's annoying is the reaction by my gp asking me all the time if I have anxiety like it's in my head when there are physical things the matter.  I ignored him when he had examined my breasts asking about anxiety, or I would if lost it then and there.  The pain is horrible in the breasts so I hope you are ok.  Thing is with all this you can't tell anyone especially trouble down there, but I think the damage mentally getting our heads around things are changing as we age is hard, some people find it easier but we are all different the way we cope with things and some have more things in their life to cope with than others as our bodies change. Xx