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Author Topic: Ovarian cysts scan??  (Read 4347 times)


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Ovarian cysts scan??
« on: July 05, 2017, 06:24:19 PM »

Hello I have posted before about severe bloating for almost 3 weeks with stomach pain back ache slight nausea and weeing every half an hour literally..well after pushing the doctor I have eventually got the doctor to refer me for a scan as I have read it could be ovarian cysts ...I was found to have two cysts but that was February 2011 and as they were under the worrying size can't remember what size exactly there was no follow up or mention of one. But now with going through peri and having this bloating I want to check the problem isn't these cysts or new ones that have got question is, the hospital rang me to say the gp had requested a pelvic scan but then a few days later a stomach scan...the latter one cancelled out the first I asked her why would that be but she didn't know...I've left it until tomorrow to ring her back as at the moment I have a pelvic scan in 2 weeks and th week after a stomach question is has anyone had a scan to check for cysts or fibroids and if so which scan did they have...( I've looked online and they say the stomach scan is mainly to check liver spleen aorta and distension of the tummy which I have but to check for cysts it says you need the pelvic one ( this isn't the internal one either) ....thanks


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Re: Ovarian cysts scan??
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2017, 06:40:30 PM »

Mine was called an abdominal scan on the referral form, and a pelvic ultrasound on the hospital report. It checked size off uterus,ovaries, emdometrium, bladder and kidneys. So I'd say the pelvis one is more important.


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Re: Ovarian cysts scan??
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2017, 06:50:41 PM »

Thanks for that...well I guess I'll stick with the first one the pelvic one and hope that picks up on any cysts or causes of this bloating and stupid weeing all the time . Our hospital called the other one an abdominal scan though and was separate to a mad is that..surely I've only go one body how hard is it to move the wand thing from my pelvis to higher up my tummy!!!!


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Re: Ovarian cysts scan??
« Reply #3 on: July 05, 2017, 07:06:02 PM »

That's confusing. Mine was for abdominal pain so I actually expected a stomach scan until the letter came in.  :-\


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Re: Ovarian cysts scan??
« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2017, 08:32:43 PM »

It's a minefield.....guess I'll have to hope they scan the right area in the end   :)


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Re: Ovarian cysts scan??
« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2017, 10:27:01 PM » suggested nothing but first time I saw her last week I asked for a scan to check the cysts they found years ago then when my sister in law whose a nurse saw me at weekend and I told her my health issues and she saw the suze of my stomach bloat she insisted I ring doctor and ask for a more urgent scan than the 8 weeks doctor had eliminate ovsrian cancer ( thyroid cancer breasts and ovarian is in my family)..hence the two scans it seems first one for pelvic was when I mentioned cysts second scan was when I mentioned OC but why abdominal one for that? She might be checking aortic aneurysm I guess as my dad had major op fir one a few years back..I'd ring my doctors but I'll get nowhere I've only got these scans with suggesting and pushing she put it down to stress indigestion and my age!!! Unreal!! I'm not saying it's something awful like cancer but you'd think with having every one of the symptoms that's the first alarm bells a gp would think..obviously not


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Re: Ovarian cysts scan??
« Reply #6 on: July 05, 2017, 11:07:19 PM »

Are both scans ultrasound? I had an ultrasound scan initially for pelvic issues which picked up the ovarian cyst - this also involved the radiologist checking my abdominal region to cover liver etc - I then had a follow up ct scan of pelvis and thoracic region which was basically everything from neck to groin and this is what I get routinely now. I think if OC an issue they want to look at whole abdominal region and lungs as sadly by time you report symptoms, spread is always a possibility - fluid in abdominal area is a symptom and it may be why you are now to have both scans to pick up anything untoward elsewhere .


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Re: Ovarian cysts scan??
« Reply #7 on: July 06, 2017, 02:26:30 PM »

Yes I'm booked in for both scans the pelvic for the cysts and abdominal for the rest..or doesn't always pick up problems that clearly so they said they'd also do internal scan..that's how they found my cysts last time. My main problem is my overactive bladder I need to wee every hour at the most bit these last 3 weeks since the bloating started I can only last half an hour if that so it'll be virtually impossible to drink 1 and a half lotres of water tomorrow and retain it..I've rang that department to tell them that so they said do your best. So 20 minutes before scan time I'm going to drink and drink and hope they don't run too late..joys of being a woman eh!!


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Re: Ovarian cysts scan??
« Reply #8 on: July 06, 2017, 02:46:31 PM »

I drank a litre or so, had a practice run the day before and thought a litre and a half was impossible. It was fine and they got what they needed. Good luck.


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Re: Ovarian cysts scan??
« Reply #9 on: July 06, 2017, 06:11:52 PM »

Thanks very much...I'll let you all know..  :)


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Re: Ovarian cysts scan??
« Reply #10 on: July 07, 2017, 10:32:57 AM »

Hi we'll I got a cancellation appt and went for pelvic scan this morning I asked if she found anything and she said she shouldn't say anything but she'd found a irregular shaped collapsed cyst on my right ovary that had collapsed in on itself and leaked fluid ...she said she'd write to my gp and suggest rescan in 6 weeks. So I'm glad they found the source of my pain and bloating but I would have thought if it had burst surely my weeing every 30 minutes would have gone as the cyst has collapsed?? I asked if she could tell if I had anything ominous and she said cancer isn't shown on an ultrasound..luckily I'm not a worrier I'm past that stage now with my health being so rubbish but has anyone had this burst cyst and still had all the same symptoms not go away thanks


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Re: Ovarian cysts scan??
« Reply #11 on: July 07, 2017, 03:14:20 PM »

Hi there..she didn't say anything about the fluid and my gp doesn't see me he will wait til next scan in 6 weeks ...typical..and didn't say suze or how long I'd had it..not much info at all..and yes still very  bloated stomach pain and can't stop weeing..


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Re: Ovarian cysts scan??
« Reply #12 on: July 07, 2017, 04:34:37 PM »

They are waiting 6 weeks on purpose to see if the cyst has disappeared in 6 weeks time but it doesn't help my pain and discomfort til the 6 weeks comes round..oh well guess it's the waiting game