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Author Topic: Overwhelmed with fear.  (Read 17307 times)


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Re: Overwhelmed with fear.
« Reply #15 on: August 06, 2017, 08:46:37 AM »

Same here, sorry you feel like it.  I get the reflux so think I've got stomach cancer. Glands up think it's throat cancer.  I can't seem to relax anymore other than when I'm out the house.  Piles the same as well.  So many of us seem to be like it on here.  I've tried the NHS lets talk but it made me worse.


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Re: Overwhelmed with fear.
« Reply #16 on: August 06, 2017, 08:55:03 AM »

The health anxiety is just the worst thing ever 😪 Mine is heart related, my heartrate is always fast but I get episodes where it gets really fast and I panic convinced I'm going to have a heart attack. I've had tests and although it's fast docs are not worried, lately if I have a drink(alcohol) it get extremely fast especially if I eat at the same time. It's really getting me down, I don't drink that much but even a couple and it starts. I feel I'm ruining the occasional nights out with hubby. He tried to reassure me but the faster it gets the more anxious I get, viscous circle


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Re: Overwhelmed with fear.
« Reply #17 on: August 06, 2017, 10:47:19 AM »

I have posted here before but under the name Rebelyell - my computer crashed and I couldn't get back on under old name as I couldn't even access my email account! - and most posts were around the issue of healthy anxiety or anxiety in general.

I totally feel your pain.  Since I had my first panic attack three years ago I have suffered to varying degrees.  The panic attacks have largely stopped but I go from one health 'scare' to another.  My rational brain is able to compartmentalise or de-catastrophise but when my HA brain kicks in I am a shivering, paranoid, anxious wreck.  I have had major episodes about: bowels/ovarian cancer/losing teeth/stoke/skin cancer/heart attack/low blood pressure and now it is my tongue as I have a strange white bit on the underside, not on the surface but it is as if  I have something white under the surface.   I know that if I was somebody 'normal' inside my head I would be shocked, horrified and probably call for the men in white coats.  I would also tell me to buck my ideas up and enjoy life, as each 'episode' takes away precious days/weeks.

Things that make it flare up are - tiredness, too much alcohol [I can't handle more than half a shandy now], stress, physical issues or symptoms.  I then obsess about one particular issue, resort to googling, panic even more, catastrophise, stop eating, etc.   The major thing for me is if I am not out and about I tend to have time to get obsessive - I work from home a lot which gives me time to brood and then it spirals out of control.

Things that help - exercise & yoga, eating healthily [although try not to add this to your list of obsessions, I have to a degree, which isn't helpful when you're away and can't stick to routines!], not GOOGLING, walking, being with people.  Being busy.

Every time I am over one issue I think 'That's it - I'm cured!'.  But then another health issue raises its head and WHAM, I'm back at square one.  I've tried citalopram but hated the dead feeling and found the side effects just added to my health anxiety.  I'm on oestrogen only HRT [I've had a hysterectomy] and that seems to help.   I've tied CBT and hypnotherapy and read loads of books on the subject.  Trouble is I'm looking for a quick fix or a cure and there isn't one, you just have to learn to cope with it.   

There is another thread on here about low self esteem and I think that plays a large part in anxiety at this time of life.  My husband has no issues but had a very loving mother.  Mine was/is not at all loving and I was made to feel a real black sheep when I was younger. 

Anyway - I have no answers, only enormous sympathy for fellow sufferers.   This forum is a godsend if only because I would never, ever have the nerve to admit to 'real' people the stuff I admit to on here, and it helps to write it down.   When I read it back I sound like a total nutter, and that helps!


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Re: Overwhelmed with fear.
« Reply #18 on: August 06, 2017, 11:14:09 AM »

Thank you again everyone. I am not going to let this ruin my life. I've decided to get a health check, then, I can think, there is nothing wrong with me- get on with it. Hope this will help.


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Re: Overwhelmed with fear.
« Reply #19 on: August 06, 2017, 11:19:48 AM »

I hope it will help, but before you do, think about what might happen.   I always assume that when I get the all clear from a health issue I will be better.  I often am for a while.  Until the next symptom hits and then the cycle starts over again.   Because I haven't dealt with the root cause.  Also, some health checks can bring up stuff that isn't an issue, or that you wouldn't worry about if you didn't know - I got told I had low pressure a couple of months ago and worried myself silly, only for another doctor to say, no, it's low but normal!   That made me feel better for a while, until the next symptom I found....

I know that I have to conquer the anxiety itself, not the symptoms.  But it's not easy!


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Re: Overwhelmed with fear.
« Reply #20 on: August 06, 2017, 11:33:54 AM »

Hi Annierus3


I am wondering where you are in menopause ie cycle length, whether they are getting longer, shorter, irregular etc? - and also how old you are? I agree it's a good idea to go to the doc and get a general health check but if you are over 45 and your periods are going wonky as well as the feeling hot then it is most likely to be the beginnings of peri-menopause. The weight gain could be due to metabolic slow-down which happens at this stage in life ( meaning you have to eat less and exercise more just to maintain the same weight), or could be due to under-active thyroid which also seems to go awry in some women at this stage too - so do mention this when you go to the doc as well.

The good news is you don't have to stay "grumpy" and "frumpy" - there is a lot you can do and especially once you've taken the step of going to the doctor. Diet, exercise, alcohol, stress, fresh air, smoking - all areas that might need attention.... Don't let the doc fob you off with anti-depressants for your anxiety - but you sound like you have a great attitude - but in terms of "get on with it" - if the symptoms are debilitating ( re night sweats etc) then you don't need to suffer and maybe in the future you might want to consider HRT, also depending how old you are too - possibly sooner rather than later?

Hurdity x


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Re: Overwhelmed with fear.
« Reply #21 on: August 06, 2017, 12:38:23 PM »

Thank you for this. I have also just sent an email to a physiotherapist. So many issues raising their heads here for me. I think the health check will be a practical thing I can do, but you are right all of you, the root cause is my mind. It's time to spend some time repairing me I think. X


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Re: Overwhelmed with fear.
« Reply #22 on: August 06, 2017, 02:01:04 PM »

Oh jessieblue,
I have been exactly where you are. I had so much anxiety around my health after peri kicked in causing me to lose so much weight. I was at A&E often with chest pains, had endoscopies, ct scan , x rays, you name it. All the while I was convinced i was dying or at least changed forever.
HRT helped although it took me ages to take it, Citalopram for the anxiety, diazepam for emergencies. Also a good therapist with an understanding of womens health was a life saver. I don't know which area you are in but if you're in the North East i can recommend someone.
None it changed overnight and i needed to accept help where i could just to get by.
Be kind to yourself. Medication isn't necessarily a bad thing, you can always come back off something if it doesn't suit you.
Big hugs JG xx



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Re: Overwhelmed with fear.
« Reply #23 on: August 06, 2017, 02:28:47 PM »

Hello jessieblue,

I'm sorry to see you are feeling so totally rotten.  Do you have a good relationship generally with your GP?  Is your GP male or female?  If the former, ask if you can see a female doctor, but sound out the receptionist regarding any other GP's attitudes towards all that the menopause plonks on us.  Would it help if you wrote out a list before you next see the GP of how things are for you?  I did that for my last appointment and it really helped me to get in everything I needed to explain.  I've been lucky with my GPs for the past 30+ years, all female and for the most part I was listened to.

 :bighug: :hug: these re just for you.


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Re: Overwhelmed with fear.
« Reply #24 on: August 06, 2017, 08:40:16 PM »


YOU ARE NOT ALONE WITH THIS. My health anxiety stared as a bother but I now see co-incided with all the hormone stuff going on. I have ruined holidays for the last four years with worrying constantly that I have everything under the sun; from breast cancer and gall stones to dementia and liver disease. Google is a TERRIBLE thing.  I had bad guts (burping like a drain...see other threads...the more I worried the worse I got. The omneprazole actually made it worse for me. Things like bread/wine/pastry/friedn stuff would have be doubled up on the floor bringing up these awful burps. I went to the docs loads of times. Then I would have 6 weeks with none, then maybe 8 weeks. Looking at the calendar they were all stress / hormone related. I have had countless scans and blood tests . They are worth doing because most things are very simple like low iron and can be easily fixed.  But DO find a GP who have can have a good cry with. Don't be scared to take some medication and it will improve. XXXXX


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Re: Overwhelmed with fear.
« Reply #25 on: August 07, 2017, 09:30:56 AM »

Thank you so much for all these replies!!  I am so sorry you guys are also going through the same things, it is torturous and although I am pleased I am not the only person to have experiences this, I am gutted that anyone else should have to live like this as well.  Health anxiety sucks and like you say, one problem gets resolved to literally be faced with another the next day.  For instance, I am now obsessing about my backside.  I have had piles and fissures over the years related to a prolapse and constipation and now it seems to be related to my anxiety!!  That is, if I worry and stress about my bum it gets worse!!! How can that be.  I get a little bleeding when I go sometimes which totally freaks me out every time.  I get so sure I have cancer.......I have been googling private colorectal surgeon to go and get checked thoroughly just this morning!  I have seen doctor 5 times recently and they just say piles or fissure or both.  No one has referred me or even done a proper exam.  They just look and go oh yes its piles....... I feel I must get cancer ruled out because thats what all the adverts say isnt it?? this is how my life problem causing immense stress, get it checked, another one appears.  Where does it end??  Should we just ignore the health problems?  Or keep going and getting all the tests done?  I really dont know.  I get gut problems all the time, nausea reflux burping gas bloating.  Its miserable.  My GP isnt all that great tbh and there is no lady doctor at the surgery.  I have seen a private woman gp who was very nice but still no mention of HRT so I am now exploring a meno clinic to get blood tests and maybe tailored HRT.  Its not easy to find without paying a fortune and I have spent a small fortune on my health recently.  So sorry you ladies are feeling this way too.  I wish I could offer more help and reassurance but Im here if anyone needs a rant! xx


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Re: Overwhelmed with fear.
« Reply #26 on: August 07, 2017, 09:57:47 AM »

Oh dear - you could be me ranting!!I agree that it is one thing after another and no amount of reassurance helps as you just switch to the next thing [I know because I do it - I am currently convinced that 'all will be well' after my dentist appointment on Thursday, and I might get a couple of weeks/months of respite, but it'll come back unless I solve the underlying mental issue].  For some reason, this helped me - I found it when googling health anxiety to try and find a support group.  I have no idea why it helps, but the OCD bit did resonate with me as I tend to double/triple check locks/alarms, etc and lately find I can't leave the house without an umbrella...

Health anxiety is an anxiety condition that is often housed within the Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) spectrum of disorders. Those affected by health anxiety have an obsessional preoccupation with the idea that they are currently (or will be) experiencing a physical illness. The most common health anxieties tend to centre on conditions such as cancer, HIV, AIDs, etc. However, the person experiencing health anxiety may fixate on any type of illness. This condition is known as health anxiety, illness phobia/illness anxiety or hypochondriasis. Those who are affected by health anxiety/illness phobia are convinced that harmless physical symptoms are indicators of serious disease or severe medical conditions. For example, if a person experiencing health anxiety feels their chest is getting tight, they may believe that they are having a heart attack. Those with health anxiety frequently misinterpret physical symptoms of anxiety as a sign of an impending physical health problem. 
DIY self diagnosis
If you can answer YES to most of the questions it is likely that you are affected by health anxiety.
During the last 6 months:
Have you experienced a preoccupation with having a serious illness due to bodily symptoms that has been ongoing for at least six months?
Have you felt distressed due to this preoccupation?
Have you found that this preoccupation impacts negatively on all areas of life including, family life, social life and work?
Have you felt that you have needed to carry out constant self-examination and self-diagnosis?
Have you experienced disbelief over a diagnosis from a doctor or felt that you are unconvinced by your doctor's reassurances that you are fine?
Do you constantly need reassurance from doctors, family and friends that you are fine, even if you don't really believe what you are being told?



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Re: Overwhelmed with fear.
« Reply #27 on: August 07, 2017, 10:18:42 AM »

Rebel2 I answered yes to all the questions, although I seem to fixate on my heart, no matter how many tests I get or how many doctors tell me I'm fine I'm reassured fir a while and the anxiety creeps back


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Re: Overwhelmed with fear.
« Reply #28 on: August 07, 2017, 10:57:21 AM »

I also answered YES to all questions and I felt the need to underline the YES too! Lol.  I know I have health anxiety and yet I still cannot believe the next symptom isnt life threatening!  Just this morning I have a right sided chest pain intermitantly.  Like an indigestion pain....after eating some toast.  It probably is indigestion but I am thinking liver cancer or pancreatic cancer..... I feel nauseous too now and have acid.  Its hard not to go rushing off into that panic state.  I am trying.......but its hard.  How do you overcome this?  And most importantly how can we know if something is real or not real when so much publicity is on getting the most insignificant issues checked out in case of cancers?  I hear these things in my mind.....if you have had a cough for 3 weeks.....if you have bleeding from the back passage.....etc etc.  Its pushed down our throats to worry about things and yet when we do we are told we shouldnt.  Confusing huh?


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Re: Overwhelmed with fear.
« Reply #29 on: August 07, 2017, 11:33:48 AM »

I agree.  I have worked myself up into a complete frenzy about this white bit on my tongue - I tried to test myself by not going to have it checked, just waiting for my check-up at dentist instead.   But am now worried that he will tell me to go to the doctors, who will then send me to consultant, etc, etc.  How will I cope??   I guess I will - it makes me ashamed that others have bad news and get through it and I can't even deal with the thought of bad news...

I think you should try to apply the 4/2 rule.  Put all your worries away until 4pm every day, then get them out and give them an airing for five minutes.   If they are still there after two weeks, visit the doctor.  If not, you know it was anxiety.    I have tried this, and it does work to a certain extent.  You also have to absolutely stop googling [and also, probably, stop coming on here so regularly - limit it to once a day] and also stop asking others for reassurance [it only helps momentarily - the gremlins come back]. 

Good luck - I know exactly what you're going through.  And you will look back on your current posts and think 'what was all that about?'.  I look back and don't recognise myself!
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