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Author Topic: Young girls wanting vaginal surgical intervention  (Read 5265 times)


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Young girls wanting vaginal surgical intervention
« on: July 03, 2017, 01:24:49 PM »

 :'( - as young as 4 years old ........ un-happy with the shape/size etc. - what's to do! I didn't know anything about mine until my teens  >:(


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Re: Young girls wanting vaginal surgical intervention
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2017, 01:29:30 PM »

Girls as young as nine are seeking surgery on their genitals because they are distressed by its appearance, the Victoria Derbyshire Show has been told.  Dr Naomi Crouch, a leading adolescent gynaecologist, said she was concerned GPs were referring rising numbers of young girls who wanted an operation.

Labiaplasty, as the surgery is known, involves the lips of the vagina being shortened or reshaped.

The NHS says it should not be carried out on girls before they turn 18.

In 2015-16, more than 200 girls under 18 had labiaplasty on the NHS.   More than 150 of the girls were under 15.  [so where were the NHS in all this  :beat: - no should mean no!]

Some experts fear that pornography and images viewed through social media are leading young girls to have unrealistic perceptions of how their genitals should look.

'Very upsetting'
Dr Crouch, who chairs the British Society for Paediatric and Adolescent Gynaecology, said in her work for the NHS she was yet to see a girl who needed the operation.

"Girls will sometimes come out with comments like, 'I just hate it, I just want it removed,' and for a girl to feel that way about any part of her body - especially a part that's intimate - is very upsetting."

...... and where are the parents/GPs in this?  Send the girls away, tell the parents to let them play rather than spending hours on the inter-net  :bang: a real issue here is why don't the parents limit computer time and know what their children are watching?

I am happy to show girls mine in all it's glory ! 


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Re: Young girls wanting vaginal surgical intervention
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2017, 01:48:24 PM »

Please don't CLKD  ;D

I simply don't understand. For very young girls where are they able to make a comparison. Pornography or what and then that begs the question why are the parents not aware of what the child is looking at on the Internet.
I know it was easier when my two were young but we had very strict security on all computers in the house. Not quite as easy in the age of the smart phone.

I still couldn't tell you what is "Normal " ......,in fact what is normal. Everything on our bodies is different from someone else' two the same.
I really hope that this is an exaggeration by the press.

I think it is a very sad reflection on the world that we live in today.

Mrs Brown


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Re: Young girls wanting vaginal surgical intervention
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2017, 02:45:45 PM »

It's from an interview by a Consultant in Adolescent Medicine (have to check on that). Here we are: Dr Naomi Crouch, a leading adolescent gynaecologist

My vagina is the prettiest you will ever see  ;D.  Why are girls so young, looking at theirs, I rarely do and certainly not until I was married  :-\.   Where are the parents my Mum would have never considered taking me to see a GP for 'that'  :bang:


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Re: Young girls wanting vaginal surgical intervention
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2017, 03:02:30 PM »

I can remember investigating myself in the bathroom after seeing my father naked after his bath and wondering what on earth it was and why he had one and I didn't.  I wasn't very old.  I was also made aware of myself very early on, about 3 years old, after being beaten to within an inch of my life after I was caught taking my pants off in the street with another child.  the beating automatically told me there was something wrong and naughty about genitalia  :(


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Re: Young girls wanting vaginal surgical intervention
« Reply #5 on: July 03, 2017, 05:07:28 PM »

I have known about this for awhile re my own vagina saga , it's obviously dreadful VERY very occasionally some girls labias are so big they rub on underpants etc and chaff.

Also what these older girls don't realise the the 4 year olds are obviously to young to realise , is that the inner laboa are like a pair of curtains to keep out bugs , when they get to menopause they are potentially in for a worse time re VA , and the vagina tightening surgically can cause big problems when menopause arrives.

Girls are 16% more depressed than ever , the internet will be to blame , also some of these pop stars really are not good role models.


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Re: Young girls wanting vaginal surgical intervention
« Reply #6 on: July 03, 2017, 06:56:48 PM »

But who or what is putting this idea into the heads of children who are not fully developed.

If there is a physical problem then it would probably the child's mother that would spot it.

Apart from that ......oh I really don't understand.

It's like comparing noses....each one is different.

Mrs Brown


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Re: Young girls wanting vaginal surgical intervention
« Reply #7 on: July 03, 2017, 08:40:48 PM »

Mum's should be playing more with their children, not spending so much time on their gadgets  :bang: .......... bath time, running round naked boys and girls together ......... of course, it's the Surgeons to blame for going ahead!


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Re: Young girls wanting vaginal surgical intervention
« Reply #8 on: July 03, 2017, 10:06:17 PM »

Beggars belief really.

ancient runner

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Re: Young girls wanting vaginal surgical intervention
« Reply #9 on: July 04, 2017, 09:02:05 AM »

I don't think it's down to mothers playing or not with their 12 and 13 year olds.
It's more that we have a culture where it is increasingly the done thing to play to women's fears around imperfection (and sell things like labiaplasty in the process) and this is talked about openly on social media. And, girls will talk about things they've seen and heard that way even if it's at several removes. Removing pubic hair used to be unusual - it's pretty mainstream now as far as I can see in younger women. Sadly you can't insulate your children from everything. You can talk to them about this kind of thing and how it plays on fears, and they may listen, or may be more influenced by their peers. And it may be that some of the girls doing this have mothers with their own hang-ups about their labia, which is why they're getting parental consent to do this.
As someone with VA, I am horrified that younger women are completely in ignorance of what may lie ahead for their genitals, and are making decisions about surgery which may have horrendous and completely unforeseen (to them) consequences ten or twenty years later. I would like to know if the surgeons offering these services are aware of menopausal changes which may occur and if patients are warned as part of the pre-op consent procedure.


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Re: Young girls wanting vaginal surgical intervention
« Reply #10 on: July 04, 2017, 11:07:39 AM »

This situation should stop at the parents and if not, at the GP doorway.  Counselling with lots of photos should be available, at the age of 4+ I had no idea about 'down there' - even when I had periods it was out of sight out of mind most of the month, I was too busy getting on with stuff.  Also I wasn't built correctly enough to use tampons so didn't have to be that involved down there.  Also, because we didn't talk about sexual issues (1950s/60s) vaginas weren't considered as a topic for discussion.  We were too shy and were taught to respect ourselves ....... even now I wouldn't talk about mine with friends  :o it's mine, private!  Unless the topic was put to me.

Parents don't play with their kids as mine did when I was growing up.  We didn't have TV, everything was family centric: reading, listening to radio, playing card games, Ludo, Happy Families - we weren't allowed to play in our rooms so everything was in view of the parents.  None of my peer group played in their rooms, for starters is it was far too cold upstairs  ::).  So the less parents are involved with their children, it stands to reason that they won't be as aware as to what is being discussed, watched, listened to.  It's time parents took back control!

How do we get over this media-led desire to be 'normal'  :-\



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Re: Young girls wanting vaginal surgical intervention
« Reply #11 on: July 04, 2017, 06:23:07 PM »

I can't believe it's done on the NHS unless there is a good medical reason (and I find it quite upsetting having read BJ's post about her poor neighbour). NHS priorities seem to be questionable to say the least  :( >:(


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Re: Young girls wanting vaginal surgical intervention
« Reply #13 on: July 04, 2017, 09:16:07 PM »

Thanks for the link. Interesting that a man is trying to defend the normalisation of the surgery for cosmetic reasons  >:(  Especially as this really does seem to be something which only worries women as I doubt most men would notice. We just seem to be getting more and more obsessed with looks / appearance  :(


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Re: Young girls wanting vaginal surgical intervention
« Reply #14 on: July 04, 2017, 10:05:44 PM »

The NHS says it should not be carried out on girls before they turn 18.
In 2015-16, more than 200 girls under 18 had labiaplasty on the NHS. More than 150 of the girls were under 15.

What would be a 'good medical reason'  :-\ and would there be enough girls with problems for it to become main-stream News?  Girls should be out playing, not looking at images on screens ........
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