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Author Topic: I want off this train  (Read 6515 times)


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Re: I want off this train
« Reply #15 on: June 28, 2017, 07:54:52 PM »

You are not giving in at all. You are accepting the feelings. They haven't harmed you have they.....
They come along and you say.....yes I know how this feels but really I'm fine.....and let them flow away. The more you focus then the worse you feel.

I have done this for a long while now. In fact when I feel really bad I think....well come and do your worse because I'm just fine really.
Whatever you have to tell yourself to get by.

I just know fighting things makes them far far worse as you are tense before you even start.

It's just a different way of thinking about things.

Mrs Brown


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Re: I want off this train
« Reply #16 on: June 28, 2017, 11:22:37 PM »

Thank you girls - I read my prescription today and it said I can go up to 3 sachets per day of the sandrena gel -   each one is 500 mcg - or mane that's 50 mcg :o   don't know anything about doses but i definitely  feel a lot stronger. I've still tingling sensation but it's weirdly in both legs now front and back. Having said that yesterday was terrifying and I'm guessing there's a lot of stress hormones floating around.

Yes sparkle ME just complicates everything- :-\

Mrs B I tried the heap but I needed a horse tranquilizer it was so bad. But I guess now that I recognise it and if I get a clear MRI then hopefully I can start to process it in a better way. Problem I have with that wish is that for 3 years I have had one thing after another - and each time a test was the only thing to reassure me all was well. Now I did have breast cysts (quite large) and they discovered a hernia - so there was always some reason but I still almost worried myself silly. This time the anxiety is worse than I have ever known. I do need to tackle it.
I joined an anxiety site today.  Not intending to join the forum on it -  but the literature looks good. I'll share link if I feel it may help others xx
Hubby is right you are really all angels xx

I mentioned in an earlier post about an acquaintance who was my age and had deteriorating mental health - convinced she was slowly dying and that no one believed her. She took her own life very violently and my heart aches for her pain now that I am in the throws of a mental health struggle. I can't begin to imagine what she was living with. 

Goodnight girls xx


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Re: I want off this train
« Reply #17 on: June 29, 2017, 11:15:11 AM »

Hi, Daisy! Have you seen my post about magnesium today? xxxxx


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Re: I want off this train
« Reply #18 on: June 29, 2017, 01:43:11 PM »

Just a quickie as on way out- I get all the symptoms you've described and have done all the worrying you are now doing- after years of them coming and going, I've put them down to my ongoing health anxiety and migraines. By all means get the MRI to settle this, but acknowledge that your mind will land on something else to fret over- you/we/I have honed our natural skills to always be on the lookout for danger and you do need to tackle that via some therapy/medication as well.
Can I also just say, if it does turn out to be something, you will cope- I was diagnosed with cancer last year and no long term, life threatening or shortening illness is easy to handle, but you do find ways of getting through it and living a life- perhaps you need to think through this with a therapist and see what it is you really are scared of- it's often not the thing you think it is.
Wishing you well xx


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Re: I want off this train
« Reply #19 on: June 29, 2017, 02:26:19 PM »

MBrown, the Claire Weeke's books (particularly her first) have helped me tremendously over the years.  I'm so glad you mentioned them.  :)


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Re: I want off this train
« Reply #20 on: June 29, 2017, 10:44:46 PM »

No tempest I'll look at it now x
Thank you kindly coldethyl - it reassures me to know I'm not going mad. I knoeni need  to tackle the anxiety. Started today by contacting someone recommended highly by girls on this site  :)


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Re: I want off this train
« Reply #21 on: June 30, 2017, 06:30:45 AM »

Hope you feel better soon, as others have said, it will all naturally calm down eventually if you don't find exactly what you need right now.

It's good you keep trying new things though as I've tried hundreds of things over the years and only a couple have truly hit the spot for me.


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Re: I want off this train
« Reply #22 on: June 30, 2017, 12:34:15 PM »

Hope today is going ok Daisy. Hormonal anxiety is horrible and creates health anxiety and then it just goes around in one horrible vicious circle! The worst bit I've found with all this is every twinge is a major illness but wonder if that's a sign of getting older and being more concerned about our health....see that vicious circle again.

I had a bad patch last year, body out of whack due to an op and horrible things started happening after I finished doing the physical healing. So panicked of course and in the end went to a naturopath who thought something was missing in the gaba chain which was leading to feeling anxious. So was on a bunch of supplements which I'm sure helped. I had some adrenal tests but they were fine so in the end (and after having read on here about some symptoms meaning hormones out of balance) I told myself that everytime I had the jitters etc and other weird stuff it was just my hormones which helped take back some control and eventually I got over it, thankfully.

Patience's explanation of adrenals taking over from ovaries makes sense. It must be a massive change for the body to cope with and thank goodness we have sites like this and the knowledge on it to help us all through this.

You're going through a lot at the moment but I found just getting my fears (even the silly ones) off my chest really helped and get everything in perspective. Otherwise I was just bottling everything up inside and making it all worse. So keep chatting here!

Take care...



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Re: I want off this train
« Reply #23 on: June 30, 2017, 12:50:43 PM »

Wombat, I'm a HUGE believer in supporting adrenal health. Hopefully one day, the 'experts' will realise that this is a big part of menopause (after all, they are taking over hormone function from declining or absent ovaries in the case of surgical menopause) and why women today seem to be suffering more due to our modern, stressful lifestyles.

HRT can help, but it will still 'fall short' in times of illness or increased stress as it'a a fix dose way of replacing declining hormones and you would need to adjust the dose constantly to get a 'perfect fit' to replace what our wonderfully complex endocrine systems did before menopause.

A better way would be to support the adrenals so that they are better able to cope with any shortfalls - by limiting stress, supplementing the adrenals, addressing any other mental health issues and generally just being kind to yourself. xxxxx



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Re: I want off this train
« Reply #24 on: June 30, 2017, 01:24:37 PM »

Tempest could not agree more! ;D  HRT is like putting in just one piece of a much larger puzzle.  It misses the 'big' (or should we say, 'bigger') picture.  I've ready many times that HRT is of little good if the adrenals are burned out and we are not paying attention to protecting them and nourishing the health of these glands.  It's one of the main reasons I am a very reluctant HRT user and will be weaning off soon.   Excellent post.

I hope everyone finds the best way for them and finds whatever peace (in their body) they can achieve.  Honestly, it's day to day and that's all you can do!  hugs to all!


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Re: I want off this train
« Reply #25 on: June 30, 2017, 06:15:31 PM »

Girls thank you - feeling much better - Adrenals ... well I had an initial convo with Claire ( thanks to edelweiss) and that's what we discussed. My adrenals were already in trouble as I'd had ME and IBS for over 10 years. So kind of makes sense that when they need to take over and are not in good shape there could be issues. That's what I'm going to be concentrating on girls I've next fee months - will keep posting xx


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Re: I want off this train
« Reply #26 on: June 30, 2017, 08:33:10 PM »

Can I ask what she suggested that you could do to help.

Mrs Brown


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Re: I want off this train
« Reply #27 on: June 30, 2017, 11:27:34 PM »

Totally agree Tempest after what I learnt from my naturopath last year! I've always been a bit stressed out (usually by people!) but now I do find after last year it affects me more and quicker, so I do have to watch it. Unfortunately it's pretty unavoidable (unless I win the lotto!) and I'm a natural born worrier which doesn't help. I'm trying to believe in the universe and mindfulness etc but it's pretty hard sometimes!

The naturopath gave me some supplements for adrenal support and they certainly helped. Just such a shame it's a very expensive exercise over here in Oz :( as I'd go more.

I can recommend Indian gingseng or Ashwagandha supplements which you can get at the health food shop. They usually come with a magnesium, b vits and a relaxing plant such as camomile. I picked that tip up from another forum and it certainly did seem to help until I decided to seek some pro help but I have some handy for when I get a bit low.

Meno arrives at the totally wrong time for ladies these days, sandwiched between kids, ageing parents, job worries etc. However, the more docs can understand how meno works then perhaps it will become a easier to support women. I'm totally amazed how something that has been around forever is so little understood by some medics!



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Re: I want off this train
« Reply #28 on: June 30, 2017, 11:32:32 PM »

MB - haven't had formal consultation yet - will keep you posted. My guess is that supplement wise I'll probably have it on my kitchen counter anyway  ;D
Looks like it's going to be a diet overhaul and supplements to work along side the HRT xx
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