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Author Topic: Am I taking too much Progesterone?  (Read 4282 times)


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Am I taking too much Progesterone?
« on: June 20, 2017, 03:02:50 PM »

Hello Ladies,

It's been a while since I posted on this forum and I wanted to share my latest experience.

I have been experiencing the 'dark side' symptoms of peri-menopause for 3 years (still am) and found some really useful information from some of you when I initially joined.  Due to the crippling anxiety, insomnia, heart palps, and general wanting to 'end it all' feelings I had no choice but to ask my GP for some HRT.  I chose my own - Evorel 50 and Utrogestan 100mg (23 days per month) but after 2 months of taking this (& also listening to some very interesting comments about how I didn't need that much Progesterone which consequently made me lower my intake to 12 days per month), my BP went sky high and I felt no different so GP took me off and referred me to Nick Panay.

9 months later I finally got my appointment with Nick (2 weeks ago) - I have also not had a period for 7 months so I felt it was better timing for me to actually see a specialist.  He has prescribed me Sandrena estradiol gel daily, Ultrogestan 100mg (every night, vaginally) & Testim (testosterone) gel 5mg daily.  His opinion was that I had not taken the previous HRT for long enough or at a high enough dose.

I will have been on this exactly 2 weeks tomorrow and I am starting to feel really nauseous in the morning which is sometimes lasting quite far into the day.  I have read so many women's advice about not taking so much progesterone (I believe Prof Studd is an advocate of lower doses) but then I also read that Nick Panay is as highly respected so should know what he's talking about.

His reason for taking Ultrogestan everyday is to prevent me from any monthly bleeds again as I've had 7 months without. 

Has anyone else seen him and been given this type of prescription and how long does it take for these sickness feelings to settle?  Or don't they?

Thank you for reading.
Jo x



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Re: Am I taking too much Progesterone?
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2017, 03:19:01 PM »

Sorry I can't help much but just to say it was always too much oestrogen that made me feel sick.
Also are you taking the Utrogestan orally or vaginally. If you try the vaginal route then you are bypassing your digestive system and that may well help.

As you probably already know it's the same pill just inserted rather than swallowed.

Someone who knows far more than me will be along soon to comment and help I'm sure.

Mrs Brown


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Re: Am I taking too much Progesterone?
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2017, 03:20:41 PM »

I had a long spell of morning sickness like nausea at some point in perimenopause before I even considered hrt so it may not be from the regimen you are taking. How is it working for your other symptoms?


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Re: Am I taking too much Progesterone?
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2017, 03:33:04 PM »

Hi Lizab & Mrs Brown,

Thanks for your responses. 

Lizab - no change in other symptoms, I've been told to wait between 3-6 months for the full benefits to kick in.  I'm only 2 weeks in so it's very early days and I don't expect to see much improvement on the other symptoms.  I'm actually medication for many of my symptoms as I couldn't face living anymore it was so bad.  Maybe it's just my body adjusting to hormones being absorbed into my system.

Mrs Brown - Yes I insert the pill internally not orally and also at night so as above maybe it's an adjustment process.

Thanks both for answering.


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Re: Am I taking too much Progesterone?
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2017, 07:56:26 PM »

I wonder if the every night Utrogestan is because of your blood pressure. I've been reading some studies and read that Utrogestan can lower blood pressure.  its a concern for me as mine runs in the low side of normal. I'm sorry I can't help with the sickness. The problem I'm having with it is terrible fluid retention. Good luck with it. I'm interested with how you get on with the testosterone


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Re: Am I taking too much Progesterone?
« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2017, 08:47:53 PM »

I would give it time. You waited a long time to see Nick Panay and he is a top man in meno so I personally do what he suggests.  ::)


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Re: Am I taking too much Progesterone?
« Reply #6 on: June 21, 2017, 09:14:30 AM »

Hi Katia & Dazned,

Thanks for your replies.  That's really interesting about progesterone and blood pressure.  Mine has been sky high for 3 years despite being on meds, it would be great if the Utrogestan could help with this.  I guess the sickness I'll just have to hope will settle over time.  NP did say that unless I want to start having periods again, then I should take it every day.  I'm not quite sure what to expect from the testosterone but as far as I can work out, a good gynae will always add it to the regime.  I just pray it works this time as I don't think I can carry on with the symptoms I've had up until now.

I will give it time and do what he suggests.  You're right Dazned - he is one of the top men in meno so I need to put my trust in him - GP's thus far have not helped except to just keep adding more drugs to my cocktail to try and curb the 6am anxiety wake up experience, which in turn drives my BP higher and higher.  It's been a scary journey so far and it's a relief to know that it's not just me, so many unfortunate ladies suffer so badly with this time of life - it's just cruel.  Like we don't have enough to deal with in life already!

Jo x


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Re: Am I taking too much Progesterone?
« Reply #7 on: June 21, 2017, 10:23:03 AM »

Its the Utrogestan making you nauseous I sometimes wake up gagging at night, and I use it from the bottom up so swallowing it must make one even more queasy, is there any reason why you dont want to use it cyclically as in say 12 days per mth and get a bleed rather? I would hate to have to use it daily.


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Re: Am I taking too much Progesterone?
« Reply #8 on: June 21, 2017, 10:48:48 AM »

Hi Cassie,

I don't take it orally, just vaginally at night time.  I guess as I've just seen Nick Panay and this is what he's suggested, I feel I should stick with it for a while to see what happens.  I haven't had a bleed for nearly 8 months so don't really want to confuse my body by starting having periods again.  Thank you for confirming that the nausea is caused by the Utrogestan - if it gets really bad I'll call the clinic.

Jo x


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Re: Am I taking too much Progesterone?
« Reply #9 on: June 22, 2017, 09:23:32 PM »

Jobeckett, I'd also read that low progesterone can cause anxiety, so maybe the Utrogestan will help with this.  I felt really nauseous on it the first week. I started to take it earlier so that I had about 12-14 hours before I had to get up,so that I slept off most of the effects of it. I then got bad fluid retention from it, it's been 3 weeks and doesn't seem as bad now. 


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Re: Am I taking too much Progesterone?
« Reply #10 on: June 23, 2017, 11:23:17 AM »

Thanks Katia - that's interesting re: anxiety - I hope the Utrogestan does help with it.  I haven't felt quite as nauseous the past couple of mornings so maybe it's settling down.  I'm watching out for the fluid retention - I drink tons of water but don't seem to pass as much as usual and sometimes find it quite hard to empty my bladder.  I'm really glad yours has settled  :) x


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Re: Am I taking too much Progesterone?
« Reply #11 on: June 23, 2017, 01:07:56 PM »

joebeckett, the fluid may be coming from the gel I'm using and not the utrogestan.  I really wish I knew which one it was as it seems to be my main symptom and bags under the eyes are no fun  ::)